I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v8 Chapter 36: unremarkable planet

Remember [New] for a second,! The main force of the Tandan people is far away at the end of the starry sky, and they are fighting with the original life. The troops they sent back to take over the Tandan experimental field are not much. Compared with this huge starry sky experimental field, it is even a drop in the bucket, but they manage this. The experimental field does not require too many manpower, especially now that most of the experiments have been suspended.

Therefore, they were naturally aware of the arrival of the Federal Fleet.

And the spaceship that appeared in front of the Federal Fleet was obviously a test by the Tandan people.

The federation has just retreated, and now they are slaughtering mighty, they dare not take care of it.

Because they don't know what Su Chen's situation is now and how powerful it is.

And this testing spaceship was tested by humans.

There are three fourth castes and a group of third caste peaks in this spaceship. They are riding in a tattered spaceship. They are dressed in neat and uniform white clothes, which can only cover the main parts of the body. Like a bunch of guinea pigs that were just caught out of the lab.

Moreover, all of them have dull eyes and murmuring in their mouths. They are a group of complete fools. They are made into pure biological weapons. When Tandan people directly input information into their brains, they will become complete killing weapons. .

They are there to deliver food.

If Su Chen shot at this moment and showed the same force as before, then the Tandan people might retreat without hesitation and surrender the entire Tandan people's experimental field; on the contrary, if Su Chen did not shoot, it might be Quite the opposite.

This spaceship can test out Su Chen's true state.

This is a conspiracy. The purpose of the Tandan people appeared with the appearance of this spaceship. It is clearly saying, if you are still so powerful, we will leave.

The crystal cluster standing in the center of the drop-shaped spaceship turned to look at Su Chen, and then turned to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng stood up, and at the next moment he left the drop-shaped spaceship and appeared in the starry sky.

Xiao Ping sent a message that they had also confirmed the identity of the human in the tattered spaceship.

Xiao Ping hoped that he would not know whether they could regain consciousness and return to a normal state, so he hoped that Bai Feng could temporarily leave them alive.

On this expedition, Xiao Ping was the commander-in-chief of the entire Federal Fleet. He went on the expedition with Su Chen and the Federal Fleet. This was Xiao Ping's own intention.

However, even when he got here, Xiao Ping was always thinking about the Federation. Although this spaceship was the unwanted bait sent by the Tandan people, the humans inside were real, and they had real Powerful combat power, the peak of the fourth caste and groups of third castes, placed in the chaotic star field, is also a powerful force.

Most importantly, they are human.

Xiao Ping naturally wanted to incorporate them to strengthen the power of the Federation.

As for Xiao Ping's question, Bai Feng did not answer. Although his combat power is comparable to that of Zhihu, compared with the third and fourth castes, there is already a huge gap. The fourth and third surnames had no ability to resist at all. A spaceship and the people in the spaceship were all under the control of Bai Feng, and they were sent to the flagship of the Federation, and Xiao Ping arranged for someone to deal with it.

Afterwards, Bai Feng also immediately returned to the drop-shaped spaceship.

The third jump in the Tandan Experimental Field starts randomly.

This time, the crystal cluster stretched out its arm and took the initiative to cross out the range of the starry sky.

The next moment, they appeared on the edge of a bizarre world.

A large, radiant accretion disk appeared before their eyes.

It was like a bright band of light, and in the center of the light was a group of pure dark ink dots that seemed to be incomparably huge, but also seemed to be incomparably small.

That's a black hole.

This time, they came to the edge of the black hole. This is another edge of the Tandanian experimental site. It is the edge of the experimental field in the opposite direction to the chaos star field, but there is no other junk star here, but a black hole.

There are no human decoys here, and no Tandan facilities, but the crystal cluster walked out of its star map and stood at the front of the drop-shaped spaceship staring at the black hole for a long time, and in the process, appeared around it. The changing, astronomical data came out, without saying a word for a long time.

"Is it here?"

"Come on, this is a high-level information gathering point." The crystal cluster turned around and walked towards the star map behind it again.

Lu Anbang stared at the black hole and said, "Advanced information gathering points—they use black holes to store information?"

This crystal cluster did not answer this question. It stood in front of the star map again, waving its arms, and another piece of stars dimmed, and the magnificent star map was becoming "small". A little bit of parsing.

The fourth leap, still not found, is a barren red planet.

Su Chen stood in the drop-shaped spaceship and looked into the distance. He saw crisscrossing ravines on the surface of the planet. For some reason, he felt a little familiar.

And the fifth jump...

"right here."

An ordinary planet appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The planet is very ordinary, slightly larger in size, a full circle larger than Galefa 26. The surface of the planet is full of vitality, with oceans, forests, animals and plants, but no intelligent creatures, and no shadow of Tandan people. , but when it came here, the crystal cluster swept away the surrounding star map, showing excitement: "It's well hidden, let me catch it! Su Chen, this is our destination!"

This planet looks unremarkable. Compared with the previous black hole, Dyson sphere, and Samsung system, this is the place where the Tandan people least want to control the core area of ​​​​the experimental field, but it happens to be here.

But the judgment of this crystal cluster cannot be doubted, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Su Chen believed its inference and immediately stood up.

The drop-shaped spaceship was the first to fall down, towards this planet of azure and green intertwined.

The Federation's fleet continued to dock on the high sky, scanning the planet, analyzing the surrounding environment, and being alert to the possible Tandan fleet.

The green earth blows.

There is no danger, no trace of man-made, there is life and beauty everywhere.

The drop-shaped spaceship was docked in mid-air, and Su Chen was the first to fly out of the spaceship.

Since the Tandan people have already tested it, Su Chen has no need to hide himself.

But before he flew out of the spaceship, he heard a long-lost voice.

"Hey Su Chen, long time no see."

On the ground, the dust wave exploded, and a burly figure appeared in Su Chen's field of vision.