I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v8 Chapter 37: core battle

Remember [New] for a second,! The burly and tall body reaches five meters, and in the center of the head the size of several human heads is a pair of huge eyes flashing with a cold and cold light.

This is really an "old friend" of Su Chen.

The Cyclops, who should have died on the red planet of the Tandan Experimental Field, has appeared here again, but its condition seems to have changed to a certain extent. More than half of its tall body is filled with heavy metal structures. , like a remodeler in the empire who replaced the body structure with a large number of machines.

It stood in the shadow of the planet's forest, and seemed to have been waiting for a long time. It was not until now that Su Chen and others entered the planet that it took the initiative to show its figure. Before that, whether the Federation or the drop-shaped spaceship, the detection device Neither discovered it in advance.

At this moment, the grass and trees around it all collapsed under the impact of its just eruption, and it seems that there is only one person.

The drop-shaped spaceship was docked in mid-air, and Bai Feng also rose from the spaceship, but he did not come out to fight. With Bai Feng as the center, his dark energy perception spread endlessly, controlling the planet and controlling the galaxy. And his dark energy perception and consciousness are directly connected to the water drop-shaped spaceship and this crystal cluster. Under Bai Feng's dark energy perception, although this crystal cluster is still only in the water drop-shaped spaceship, this whole At this moment, the planet and the entire star system have already fallen into its information coverage. The core convergence point of the Tandan people hidden in the depths of the planet and the galaxy is instantly stripped naked and fully exposed here. in front of the cluster.

Tandan people also played a trick that the more dangerous the safer, they set the planet in an inconspicuous and ordinary place in the starry sky, and there are not too many advanced and great facilities here, in fact, this is the whole Tandan. The core of the human experiment field, although the surface of this planet looks no different from an ordinary terrestrial planet, but in fact, it has done an excellent position, and its interior is a complete precision structure.

Even, this planet itself is not a real planet, it is a central device made by the Tandan people and placed here, the final convergence point.

Under the dual effect of technology and dark energy, the last core of the Tandan people is also completely exposed in front of this crystal cluster.

And Bai Feng became its springboard. As part of the supercomputer, it became the springboard for this crystal cluster to invade and compete for control of the Tandan Experimental Field.

A silent battle in the electronic world broke out first.

In the field, the moment the game of this crystal cluster began, the surface of the calm planet began to change, the green-covered earth cracked open, and huge cannons covered the surface of the planet, which was located on the surface of the planet. automatic defense system.

This is the core of the Tandan Experimental Field, a planet-scale laboratory and computer. Therefore, the planet itself does not have any strong defense force. It is designed for experiments. The defense weapons are only By the way, it did not incorporate the top technology of the Tandan people. Under normal circumstances, it should be escorted by the Tandan fleet as the final defense force of the experimental field.

Its own firepower and weapons, although it seems that the entire planet is covered with black holes, is exaggerated so far, but they are all conventional beam energy weapons with low energy consumption.

At this moment, in the starry sky, the light of the transition flashed, and the three oval warships of the Tandan people were long overdue-they were not really a step behind, the Tandan people had already mastered the federal fleet inside the experimental site. How could the actions be late, they just chose the timing to appear.

There was no way to hide them any longer, and they had to appear.

The federal fleet in space immediately became vigilant.

In addition to the three Tandan oval spaceships, there are also a large number of broken transport ships. Those spaceships do not use much advanced technology, just like the hand-pulled tricycles still used by people in the era of the Federation Star Civilization. The human spaceship flew out, but accelerated step by step, passing the three slowly advancing Tandan oval warships, and approaching the Federal Fleet at high speed.

There are a total of twelve broken spaceships, which are full of human weapons made by the Tandan people.

The weakest also have the third surname, and the strongest even has the seventh caste. They are all similar to what the Federal Fleet encountered in the Dyson Sphere before. They are human weapons created by the Tandan people.

They are the vanguard.

At this moment, although Bai Feng's dark energy perception and power spanned the star system, he was unable to take action against the Tandan people and this spaceship, because he had a more important task - he needed to fully cooperate with this crystal cluster and Tandan. Danren compete for the core of the experimental field.

The computing power required by this crystal cluster is extremely huge. If Bai Feng wants to keep up with it and cooperate with it, he needs to fully restrain his consciousness and gather all his strength.

In this battle, the most important thing is undoubtedly the competition for the Tandan people's experimental field. There is a huge amount of data and a complete system. Once the Tandan people feel that they will fall out of control or even get out of control, it is likely to destroy the entire system in an instant. The system and all the data, when the time comes, they will be empty, not only will they get nothing, but Su Chen, who is counting on this experimental field to save lives, will also be finished.

Therefore, in space, it is the Federation fleet that will confront the Tandans head-on.

At the forefront of the Federation Fleet, Saixi was slowly flying over the battlefield. Behind him, the saviors of the Federation jumped out of the fleet, or took aircraft, or flesh and blood in the starry sky, and also swept the battlefield on the battlefield. He also slowly rose to face his opponent.

Meanwhile, the planet's surface.

Su Chen is still facing off against the Cyclops.

The real battlefield lies in him~lightnovelpub.net~ lies in the federal fleet and the Tandan warships, but it is not entirely in them. The core competition is still the confrontation between the crystal cluster and the Tandan people, and the ten companies and the Tandan people. Tandan confrontation.

The struggle between life and life ends with life and death, while the confrontation between civilization and civilization, group and group is often for higher survival interests.

"You don't look surprised." The Cyclops didn't seem anxious either. It looked up at Su Chen in the sky and said, "I'm not surprised that I can still appear in front of you alive."

It's still the same old-fashioned human accent.

Dark flew out of the spaceship and landed on Su Chen's shoulder.

Faced with the Cyclops' question, Su Chen just chuckled and said, "No, I'm really surprised that you didn't die, but think about it - on that planet, I don't seem to have confirmed your death. , it's just that I think I killed you.

"And since you are in the Tandan people's experimental field, it's nothing to be picked up by the Tandan people.

"What am I surprised about?"

