I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v8 Chapter 38: Who said I can't use the power of the 9t

Remember [New] for a second,! As the dark flew out, the warhorse neighed, and the ghost knight also jumped into the battlefield, followed by extreme mutants, three silhouettes, three directions of the separated sky, faintly forming a double-teamed force against the Cyclops on the ground. .

Two fourth castes, one sixth caste, and one dark.

Lin Mo looked at Su Chen, and seeing that Su Chen didn't intend to take action, he also kept silent.

On the ground, the Cyclops laughed hahaha: "Yes, it is true, you really missed a trick, the eighth caste closest to God, do you think it is so easy to kill? You can flesh and blood. Regenerate, catalyze life, in the same way, I can too, of course, I met the noble."

"Tandan people...?" Su Chen said, "Do you still want my power? I can give it to you, do you know why I came today?"

"Of course I know." The Cyclops said, "I read your information here at the Tandan people - the information of the ninth domain, and the Tandan people guessed why you came and asked for the position of the Dyson ball. What are you doing here?"

Su Chen said: "Since this is the case, I will not beat around the bush. You help me deal with the Tandan people and those who block them. I will unload the power of the ninth domain and give it to you with both hands - we don't have to fight here. .

"Of course, if you don't want the power of the ninth domain anymore, when I didn't say it."

The Cyclops said: "Of course, why don't I? But why do I need to get it from you? You don't even understand its power, and you almost died because of it. What good will I help you? I help Tandan people. It's no different from helping you. The Tandan people have promised me that if I win you today, the achievements of the Shilian people are theirs, the power of your ninth domain, and mine.

"Also, the Tandans will help me absorb it steadily, master it, and dominate it.

"I have dedicated my civilization to the great master.

"The original life is still human.

"This team, I know how to stand."

The Cyclops raised his head high, showing a mad grin.

Accompanied by its laughter, the starry sky has changed and the federal fleet has to confront the human thugs sent by the Tandan people. In the starry sky, the light flickers, and the transition channels are opened, and a hammer-shaped spaceship. Jumping out, it was the fleet of Cyclops' civilization.

Their technology is not powerful. Although the fleet looks huge and the hammerhead spaceships look terrifying, their technology is not even as good as that of the Federation. However, the spaceships are full of Cyclops-like clansmen. They are more than five meters tall, their muscles are knotted, and their one eye is covered with scarlet bloodshots. Each individual is surging with dark energy, and they are packed with spaceships in rows, holding various weapons in their hands. Let out a loud roar.

In the battle of high temperature and heat waves, their voices cannot be heard by their opponents, but their madness is reflected through the changes on the battlefield - a hammerhead spaceship, jumping out, rushing out. Arrayed at the forefront, without hesitation, rammed into the federal fleet.

They didn't want the fleet to collide with the fleet at all, but wanted to "land on the beach" directly!

The Cyclops comes from a relatively primitive and savage race with a high talent for dark energy.

In this battle, the three isolated spaceships of the Tandan people were not the main force, and the human puppets they created were not the main force, but the Cyclops.

On the ground, the moment the Cyclops' hammerhead spaceship fleet appeared, Su Chen started.

The Cyclops had already talked about the original life, and Su Chen knew that there was no way to talk about it any more.

As the Cyclops himself said, the Tandan people have the original life, and if Su Chen removes the power of the ninth domain, then their comparability with the original life and the Tandan will drop to zero. In this case, no matter what conditions are offered, the other party cannot be shaken.

Under absolute interests, the choice will be absolutely single.

Therefore, before the other party's voice fell, Su Chen immediately shot.

His body disappeared in mid-air, and in the next moment, he appeared behind the Cyclops, his dark energy sensed violently, and he violently washed up and rose in the position close to Chi Chi, and he instantly pulled out the long sword from his waist, Immediately, a ray of light erupted from the long sword, slashing between the necks of the Cyclops.

At the same time, Joanna and Lin Mo, who were located on the left and right sides of Su Chenyi, also acted very tacitly. At the moment when Su Chen shot, they shot from two directions and attacked in three directions. .


Su Chen's sword was easily caught in the palm of his hand.

The Cyclops shot after the shot but succeeded first, grabbing the long sword in Su Chen's hand with one hand, and the light that swept above the sword edge was easily quenched like a passive fire, and then it lifted up. The foot, a heavy foot, stepped directly on Su Chen's chest, kicked Su Chen out, and punched Lin Mo into the ground with a backhand.

The ground cracked and collapsed.

Then, it stretched out the other hand towards Joanna who was charging with the sword, opened the void, pressed down with the backhand, and then suddenly exerted force.

In the space, Joanna seemed to be hit by an invisible giant hand, and when she rushed forward, she turned over as an empty man, and was directly pressed into the ground. The dark perception of the Cyclops immediately rushed to her, and the powerful force was like a heavy hammer. Pressing down, the powerful power of the eighth caste at the demigod level, even if it is limited by Bai Feng's unconscious dark energy control field, has an absolute, crushing level of suppressing power over the fourth caste.

The fourth surname and the eighth caste~lightnovelpub.net~ The number is only four different, and the difference in the realm is not just such a simple four realm.

The dark energy was directly pressed into the ground, and her dark energy gushed out crazily, but it couldn't work at all and was smothered in pieces. She could only watch her body being pressed down, and the powerful force made her The body completely turned into a ghost state, and in the ghost state, her body cracked like a porcelain crack, and the edge even began to form a lake.

Her dark energy will be the first to be defeated, followed by her condensed state.

The Cyclops wanted to strangle her first.


At this moment, a voice came from the ruins on the other side, Su Chen strode out and snapped his fingers towards the Cyclops: "I really no longer hold the top power of the starry sky, but whoever said I can't use it The power of the ninth domain?"

This sound, a snap of his fingers, made the Cyclops' face change wildly, and the memory of the crazy and terrifying battle on the red planet came to his mind.

