I Can Report Everything

Chapter 106: Group 7 off

However, Qiu Zhifa couldn't think of it. One day, he would turn into a dog, completely severing his heroic dream of martial arts to save the earth.

He thought that in his life he would never be able to see the legendary monster in his father's mouth.

However, he couldn't believe it, no matter how he turned into a dog ... Can he even encounter monsters?

Is it just a touch?


The one in Shan Hai Jing?

What a real thing!

Standing on the edge of the lake, watching two giant spiral turtles at such a close distance, what kind of experience is this?

At first glance, Qiu Zhifa felt shocked and hard to believe.

At second glance, Qiu Zhifa felt ... it seemed a bit dangerous! Are you too close to them?

In the third glance, Qiu Zhifa's eyes seemed to have a confrontation with the two rotary tortoises. He was suddenly excited and had an awakening consciousness.

The two rotary tortoises didn't know if it was true or not. They noticed Qiu Zhifa's unscrupulous big yellow dog, and they made a roar, and rushed fiercely towards Qiu Zhifa.

It was also at this time that there were shouts of "Rhubarb Run" from the teaching building.

That was a classmate of the entire class, all concerned about him.

Hearing these familiar voices, such a voice of concern, Qiu Zhifa couldn't help but cry.

He wants to run!

However, the body suddenly became uncontrolled.

what's up?

My body ... why ... why do you want to feel shit?

Is it scared to incontinence again?

Qiu Zhifa felt that these movements were completely physical instincts. After hearing everyone shouting "Rhubarb Run", the body naturally reacted.

"I, I, I ... what am I going to do? Pull ... **** ... then?"

"No! No no no ... Why do I have the urge to eat? I can't control myself at all! Why is this so ..."

"Don't! I'm going to flee ... Don't eat **** ... The body is out of control, wow ... what disgusting ... tasteful ..."


In the third and second class classrooms, all the students were completely stunned.

Obviously behind him are the giant waves and two spiral tortoises. Why didn't the stupid dog of Rhubarb know how to escape?

Still at this time, where do you **** while eating?

Several female classmates in the class vomited disgustingly, the other students squinted and couldn't bear to watch.

"Shit! Is there even such an operation? You people ... would be bad for rhubarb ..."

Xu Yan witnessed all these processes beside her, and she really couldn't help crying or laughing.

This is what happened in the physical education class before, so that Rhubarb established a conditioned reflex. As long as someone shouts "Rhubard runs", it will instinctively pull and eat.

However, Xu Yan could not imagine that this conditioned reflex turned out to be so powerful.

Even if the soul in Rhubarb's body was replaced by Qiu Zhifa, it would still be executed without any errors.


Qiu Zhifa, who was crying without tears by the lake, chewed the self-produced "delicious" in his mouth, and wanted to run madly away.

However, it is too late.

The two spinning tortoises seemed to have gone mad and rushed to the shore, and the huge waves that rolled over instantly sent Qiu Zhi to devour.

In the waves sent ashore, there were red flames.

Do not!

This is not a flame, but hundreds of shrimps and crabs.

They are all one meter long, and the formation of troops usually rushes ashore crazy along the waves.

This time, all the students in the classroom were completely panicked.

"No! It seems that there is something wrong here in Pinghu ..."

Xia Caiwei came from a martial arts family, and his father was the deputy governor of Chongyang City. Naturally, he knew more and immediately said: "All students, evacuate immediately. This is too dangerous."

When Xia Caiwei first saw the appearance of the spinner, Xia Caiwei wanted to evacuate the students, but ...

She hesitated again, and thought that these two spiral turtles were intentionally raised here?

But now it seems that the situation is not good. The two rotary tortoises are obviously hostile to humans, not artificial captive monsters, so she hurriedly evacuated the classmates.

However, her voice had just fallen, and one of the spiral torches crawling ashore not far away ejected a powerful water column from her mouth.

The water column rushed directly to the third high school building, hitting the lower left corner instantly, causing the classrooms on the left side of the building to collapse.

"That position is ... Classes 7 and 14? The classrooms of both classes collapsed, especially Class 7 ... was hit by a water column front?"

Seeing this scene, Xu Yan was stunned, although he had probably guessed in his heart.

This is almost instantaneous!

From the jet of water to the jet of water to the collapse of the teaching building, it took a few seconds ... even if the students in the seventh class saw the water column, they had no time to escape.

All the students in class 7 were killed by a spit of water from Turtle.


It's terrible.

The hair on Xu Yan's body was all up. At this time ... he didn't care about what Huang Wenbin said before, it was safe to hide in the classroom and so on, and quickly followed the other students and ran downstairs.


"There are monsters ..."

"It's terrible! All seven classes are crushed to death ..."

"Run away! Help ..."


In the corridor, all the students in the class are fleeing wildly.

Everyone ran towards the playground and towards the school gate.

When we ran out of the third grade teaching building, everyone stood in the distance and saw the collapsed ruins of Classes 7 and 14.

Class 14 was okay. Many students escaped, but Class 7 was placed at the bottom and was bombarded by the water column. All the students in the classroom ... were spared.


Sudden disaster!

Let every student in the first school tremble.

Teachers who are still at school are frightened by the scene in front of them.

They hurriedly reported up and organized a safe place for students to evacuate.

"This ... this is the disaster that Huang Wenbin said?"

"Is it just the sudden situation of Chongyang No. 1 Middle School ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Or is it ... the world is facing the invasion of monsters?"

"Otherwise, why would a warrior enjoy such a high treatment in this world?"

"Isn't it true that the earth we live on is absolutely safe?"


At this moment, the shock to Xu Yan was really too big.

He thought that if he had a system, he could report all things to get positive energy, and then use the positive energy to continuously train the bones and veins, and gradually cultivate one by one, two products and three products to the nine product martial arts.

But now, this world ...

Does not seem to give myself too much wretched development time!


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