I Can Report Everything

Chapter 115: Big gains after the war

In the constant blows and full blows, Xu Yan also almost supported by willpower.

If it weren't for the dodge ability of Lingbo Microstep, each time it would have allowed Xu Yanxian to escape the key, Xu Yan was probably already dead a hundred times under the head of the spinning turtle.

Finally, after hearing the sound of the successful killing of the system, Xu Yan's whole tendon was completely relaxed.

He was lying on the ground faintly, and even if he had a system of positive energy to continuously replenish his vitality, Xu Yan really had reached a limit.

"This boy really did it with willpower. With the just-breaking Wuxi Xiu Xiu, a combat power of about 200, killed a dying Wupin Demon Spinning Turtle?"

After seeing the whole process, Governor Ye couldn't help but sighed.

He has seen a lot of geniuses, and he has seen many martial artists with great perseverance.

However, a real indomitable like Xu Yan can break through the limits of the body repeatedly with one breath. This is really incredible!


What is the most important thing for modern warrior cultivation?

The so-called conception and the struggle for control of the body are essentially the cultivation of a bold and powerful heart and conviction.

Practicing martial arts is the path of cultivation. A path that is not bright and cannot see the end, naturally requires an extremely strong and firm heart.

"However, he only has one product right now, and he hasn't felt the real difficulty of practicing martial arts. Hope it! He can keep his heart ..."

The governor Ye fell, walked to Xu Yan who was tired and paralyzed, and said with a smile, "What's your name? Now you are qualified. In front of me, solemnly introduce yourself."

As soon as this word came out, everyone present was enviously looking at Xu Yan.

This is the appreciation of Master Qipin!

But not everyone is qualified to introduce himself in front of Governor Ye, which is tantamount to being recognized by a great master in disguise.

"Chongyang No. 1 Middle School, Senior 3 student, Xu Yan."

Xu Yan smiled indifferently, thanking him: "Thank you Governor Ye for giving the student this opportunity to personally revenge the dead classmates."

"It's your own ability, your vitality is overdrawn. Go to rest now!"

After Governor Ye said this, he thought that Xu Yan should go down for a rest this time!

However, Xu Yan, who was paralyzed on the ground, slammed up, and holding the big stick again, rushed to Pinghu again.

"How ... and ... this ... this is definitely a lunatic!"

Seeing Xu Yan kill the past again, Governor Ye was completely speechless.

Similarly, the classmates of Chongyang No. 1 Middle School were completely stunned.

How strong is Xu Yan!

Is his vitality really endless?

At this moment, they really understood the meaning of the phrase "stubborn vitality".

However, in fact Xu Yan didn't want this, but who would let those shrimp soldiers and crabs run out!

For him, all are positive energy that can be used to enhance strength.

Even if Xu Yan is tired again, he still chooses to consume positive energy, quickly restore vitality, and then continue to fight with monsters.

With the constant slaughter, Xu Yan's moves and the skill of his strength are also constantly improving.

At the beginning, it takes ten sticks to kill a monster.

Later, the key parts of red shrimp and red crab were found. On average, Xu Yan could kill a monster with about five sticks.

One ...

Two ...


Five ...


Ten ...




When the tide in Pinghu receded and all the shrimp soldiers and crabs retreated, Xu Yan even killed more than 20 monsters.

In addition, nearly ten people who had been killed before, Xu Yan alone, killed 33 monsters of the first and second grades.

This is not even the fifth-grade spinning turtle. If Xu Yan did not make up the knife, at least ten more can be killed.

"Huh! Is it finally over?"

The big stick in his hand has been changed seven or eight times. Xu Yan is holding it and looking at Pinghu in the setting sun, there is an indescribable pride.

Today ... he was cool.

Really realized and applied the power of the warrior, and harvested a large amount of positive energy and a large number of demon cores.

However, what made Xu Yan somewhat uncomfortable was that the system did not count the credit for killing the five-pin monster Beast Turtle to his own head.

The reward for killing a five-pin spinner alone is 100,000 positive energy, but Xu Yan only makes up the knife, so the system only rewards him with 10,000 positive energy.

In other words, the system recognizes only one-tenth of Xu Yan's credit.

However, Rao is so. Xu Yan now has as much positive energy as 15352.

Name: Xu Yan.

Vitality: 45/120

Mental power: 99 Hz.

Positive energy: 15352.

Fighting power: 193 points, 8% of burst limit

Bone quenching: 100% of upper limb bone (11), 100% of lower limb bone (1),

Title: [Dayi destroys relatives]

Looking at his attributes again, Xu Yan was surprised to find that his combat effectiveness and explosive limit had also been improved a lot.

Previously, it was 180 points of combat effectiveness and 7% burst limit. After Xu Yan's desperate fight, it rose to 193 points and 8%.

In other words, although Xu Yan now only has 120 points of vitality, the fighting power that can be burst out can break through two hundred.

It is equivalent to the combat ability of an ordinary second-class warrior who has just been promoted. In addition, he has a footwork such as Lingbo microstep, and the average second-class warrior cannot be his opponent at all.

"The harvest of this war is really very rich! In addition to the harvest of positive energy, there are also these priceless and demon cores, and the government's killing rewards are at least 500,000 to 500,000 ..."

After touching the pockets, all the demon nucleus was demon nucleus, Xu Yan can be said to be really full.

At this time, other warriors also came up from Pinghu one after another. The warriors of the Detective Bureau began to count the killings of all the people, and counted the rewards.

"Monkey King, who won this time with the Grim Queen?"

Fan Rongcheng asked the two martial arts soldiers curiously.

Xie Shengcan said faintly: "This time, Chen Wenli won. I killed seven ones and three two. She killed the same number of monsters as I did, but killed one more monster. So yes She won ... "

"Well! You two are indeed a metamorphosis in our No. 1 Middle School. It took only a long time to kill more than ten monsters, and there are two of them ..."

Fan Jianhui couldn't help sighing, "You look at us and three people teamed up, and they killed a total of ten monsters, which is incomparable to you."

"In about three hours, more than ten monsters were killed, Monkey King ... If you go back to Rongcheng with your record, you can show off to those guys in the Shijia class."

Li Kai also said in amazement.

However, Xie Shengcan waved his hands, looked in the direction of Xu Yan ahead, and said, "I don't know, that guy ... how many killed ..."

"Xu Yan of Chongyang No. 1 Middle School? It's also a pervert. But he just broke through and ran to fill the spinner in the middle. It is estimated that he can't kill a few ..."

Fan Jianhui recalled it carefully, and calculated, "At the beginning, I saw that he killed three. I didn't notice it later. It is estimated that there are at most seven or eight ..."

"Yeah! Monkey King ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ That Xu Yan broke through to the first product. How can I compare with you, I think, five of them are out of the sky. Let's go ... It seems that the Detective Bureau over there has calculated the battle success. Look, the two of you are estimated to be in the top three ... After all, the officials and masters and the warriors and warriors are not able to work ... "

Because they were fighting deadly just now, it was impossible to stare at Xu Yan at all, so I only knew that Xu Yan did kill a lot of monsters, and how many were unknown.

But it can never be too much. After all, Xu Yan's realm is to be there, it is just a breakthrough, and no matter how great, it is impossible to thank Xie Shengcan and they will kill more!

But now that the Investigation Bureau has completed its military merits, it will be announced in public by Governor Ye.

Fan Jianhui and others were very excited, because this time, none of the martial arts students in the special training class of Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School was injured, and they all gained quite a lot.

In their opinion, Xie Shengcan and Chen Wenli must have been the first two on the battle list for a while.


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