I Can Report Everything

Chapter 119: Lying down! I ... Where is my house?

With this applause, Xu Yan easily credited more than 3,000 positive energies.

Don't look at the thousands of students off the podium, but not everyone can generate positive energy feedback. Only a small number of people can feedback positive energy to Xu Yan through the system.

The effect of pretending to be forced by himself is indeed much better than that of Ye Governor.

Now Xu Yan's attribute table is as follows:

Name: Xu Yan.

Vitality: 67/120 [+]

Mental power: 99 Hz.

Positive energy: 19557.

Fighting power: 193 points, 8% of burst limit

Bone quenching: 100% of upper limb bone (11), 100% of lower limb bone (1),

Title: [Dayi destroys relatives]

Positive energy is approaching the 20,000 mark. If it was n’t for today ’s bone hardening and fighting that consumed too much positive energy, Xu Yan ’s positive energy would now be over 30,000.

One piece of bone was tempered according to a thousand points of positive energy. Now Xu Yan can harden another 19 bones in one breath if he wants.

But he did not do this, and he will not rashly use positive energy to harden his bones even in the short term.

Because ... it really hurts!

Forcibly hardening the bones, several pieces were performed at the same time quickly, that is, Xu Yan's strong willpower was tolerable, and I changed it for other people. I am afraid that when I reached Jin, I would have passed out.

In addition, Xu Yan also found that there are great hidden dangers in such hardened bones. It must take some time to adapt and digest the power brought by these hardened bones.

So in the short term, Xu Yan will definitely not rashly use positive energy to harden bones.


There is not much positive energy.

Xu Yan stepped out of office with a smile. The students of Chongyang No. 1 Middle School were all imposing. Many of the high school sophomores and young students all completely regarded Xu Yan as their life idol and mentor.

Because Xu Yan's speech just now is really good.

The previous dream, Wu Wuxia, was extreme narrowness and selfish stupidity.

In the latter dream, everyone is like a dragon, but he is positive, optimistic, and selfless.

With this remark, many middle school students' confused eyes were touched and they found hope for life.

Like a small boat sailing on the sea, there is no direction, but only to step into the abyss of despair in the midst of confusion.

But if there is a steamship pointing in the right direction, then the boat will not be lost, and it will not waste too much time in the exploration direction.

Work hard!

Not convinced!

Do not confess!

Fighting resolutely and bravely ...

Just like Xu Yan.

Why can't someone else do it?

The classmates were impassioned one by one, and soon emerged from the tragedy of the monster attack today.

"Fuck! Yan brother, if I didn't know that you were a rebirth ... I really would be fooled by your words."

Looking at the classmates around him, they seemed to have been brainwashed by Xu Yan, Huang Wenbin reluctantly vomited in his heart.

However, even the martial arts students in No. 1 Rongcheng School also deeply agreed with Xu Yan's remarks.

Including Monkey King Xie Shengcan, the ten martial art students were from ordinary families.

They don't believe in fate, and they never sit back and wait for their success. Since the beginning of martial arts, they have been fighting ...

Compete with classmates, fight desperately with monsters, and race against yourself ...

It is also their experience that they are more able to agree with every word Xu Yan said.

"Mr. Xu, well said. This remark is almost in our minds ... don't say anything else, just your brave performance today, as well as this remark. Fan Jianhui said to Chongyang Yi before taking it back. Zhonghe Chongyang, all words are demeaning and look down on ... I apologize to you. "

Fan Jianhui, don't look at his mouth talking very cheap, but also a loud man, immediately bowed in public to apologize to so many students of Chongyang No.1 Middle School.

And Monkey King Xie Shengcan also came over and admired Xu Yan sincerely: "Everyone is like a dragon! I ... I am fascinated by your dream."

"Everybody can say empty words, Xu Yan, right? The road to martial arts is still long! I hope that you can follow the path of the Grand Master, and at that time, you will be able to say this as frankly as today. words……"

Chen Wenli also stepped forward and expressed her kindness and appreciation to Xu Yan.

However, in her slightly cold words, she still revealed a trace of pessimism and mistrust of the whole world.

The other martial arts students in Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School also expressed their appreciation of Xu Yan's remarks.

After that, they left in the bus they were in.

Other officials and businessmen and warriors also successively left Chongyang No. 1 Middle School.

Xu Yan received the government's reward, because Governor Ye said that the reward for martial art students had doubled, so ... Xu Yan received up to 1.3 million in one breath.

Adding the money in his hands, Xu Yan can now spend up to 1.5 million yuan.

This does not include his spoils, valuable demon cores, and the monster corpses killed by himself. The warriors of the Detective Bureau will uniformly clean up and recover them, and then calculate the compensation to the killed warriors.

The night is deep.

Almost everyone in Chongyang No. 1 Middle School dispersed.

Xu Yan did not leave, but sat on the grass in front of the collapsed school building and looked at the ruins.

In his mind, it was in the evening when the families of the teachers and students who were killed cried and broke their hearts.

Turning your head again to look at the peaceful Pinghu Lake at this time, it is really hard to imagine that today there are so many terrible monsters pouring out of it.

The calm lake surface caused Xu Yan to provoke all kinds of speculations and ideas.

"In Pinghu, is there really a passage connecting the other world?"

"What is the world these monsters come from, why do they invade the earth ..."

"Qiu Zhifa, who has become a rhubarb, may have died tragically here, so that I can do it myself. But ... Is Pinghu really safe now?"

"Have there ever been such an outbreak in Pinghu? Why is it so sudden this time, and if you know Pinghu is so dangerous, why not arrange military guards ..."

"Wait! Warrior Guard? Shouldn't ... the old man Chu is responsible for guarding Pinghu?"

"Oh ... it's really possible ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ After all, even if it is abolished, the old man Chu is still a great national sword!"

"But where did the old man Chu go? How could he never show up from beginning to end with such a big thing?"

"Isn't this old guy too late to run away, being pressed into the question of the sports hall?"

Finally thought of the old man Chu, Xu Yan couldn't help but look in the direction of the sports hall.

At this moment, a helicopter flew in the distance, floating slowly over the ruins of the sports hall.

The old man from the helicopter came down from the helicopter with a swollen nose and a swollen face. He saw the ruins in front of him, and he froze, widened his eyes, and shouted unbelievably: "Look! I ... my house? The old man ... just go out It ’s only been a day since I was stunned. How come home is gone when I come back? ”


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