I Can Report Everything

Chapter 133: Can this report success?

Just like the previous report of the invasion of monsters such as spiral turtles, Xu Yan first reported that they were "illegally spawning" on earth. → +? 八 →.? 八 读 ?? 书,. ↓ .o≥

For this reason, Xu Yan felt that it should be extremely sufficient.

However, the system gave him a heavy blow.

[Report failed! The right to reproduce in biological reproduction is an inherent right that is not restricted by any geographical or cultural race. Please check with the host before making a report ...]

"System, what does this mean? That is to say, no matter what kind of creatures come to our earth to give birth to children or something, is it reasonable and legal?"

If you think about it, Xu Yan can understand the reason.

After all, the same is true on Earth, and most countries recognize babies born on their own soil as national borrowing.

The right to reproduce is the most basic right of every living thing.

Xu Yan used this as a point for reporting and attacking, so it is no wonder that the system was rejected.

"Okay! Come again ..."

There is not much time, and Xu Yan does not talk nonsense, and continues to report.

"I report! Two spinning turtles leave their young children alone underwater, left unattended, and are seriously misconducted. They don't deserve to be turtle parents ..."


[Report failed! This is how the spinner race multiplies. After the turtle nest has given birth, the adult spinner will move the turtle nest to a safe and secret place, and use the tortoise shells that have fallen off over the years to arrange the "Happou-no-tortoise shell array" Can fully protect the turtle eggs from the interference of foreign enemies. Ask the host to check before making a report. 】

The report failed again.

However, it was not nothing, Xu Yan learned a lot of information from the system's feedback.

Including, the formation that just moved and trapped itself is really arranged by an adult spinner.

The name of the formation method is called [Bafang 遁 without tortoise shell array]. As soon as you hear the name, you know that it is arranged according to the tortoise shell. + ∧ 八 + ∧ 八 + ∧ 读 + ∧ 书 ,. ※. → o

"It's also unsuccessful to report? Then ... come again ..."

Xu Yan looked at the time, and oxygen was enough for half an hour.

Time is running out!

Success must be reported as soon as possible ...

"I'm reporting! [Happa-no-tori tortoise shell array] arranged by the tortoise accidentally injured me and trapped me here."

[Report failed! It is the host who wants to break into the formation. The formation is only for self-defense, and the things that the host needs to protect have obvious hostility. Therefore, [Bafang 遁 No Tortoise Armor] is not accidentally injured. Ask the host to check before making a report. 】

Failed again.

Don't think that reporting is an easy task, you can get it done easily.

However, the most fearless person like Xu Yan is failure.

Fail, try again!

What are you afraid of until you succeed?

"I report it! The tortoises are laid out [Bafangquan without tortoise shell formation], and a lot of tortoise shells are wasted ..."

[Report failed! For the tortoise, tortoise shells are waste recycling ...]

"I report it! They lay too few eggs, only four. Shouldn't they lay a dozen or more in a nest? Rotary tortoises haven't fulfilled their responsibility to reproduce the race."

[Report failed! This is the normal value for the birth of spiral turtles ...]

"I report ..."

[Report failed! 】


Xu Yan feels that if this continues, the system can answer the question.

There have been seven or eight reports, all of which have failed.

Xu Yan, however, changed a lot of angles, but it seemed to give him an impeccable frustration.

"No way! Dog system, I'm going to report ... This method of turning the turtle to look at home is really perfect, too impeccable."

It ’s really weak. Xu Yan has a look. There are only 20 minutes of oxygen consumption left. Does he have to hang through the rebirth and die beside the turtle egg?


Just then, the system prompts that the report was successful.

[Congratulations to the host! Report successful! Get 5000 points of positive energy and get subsequent options. 】

"What? The report was successful?"

"What did I just report?"

"Can this report a success?"

"Happiness is coming too fast. Reporting so many angles has failed. It is so perfect to report this formation, is this all right?"


Xu Yandu was crying so quickly. After hearing the prompt of successful report, he immediately went to check the subsequent options.

Now that time is tight, he doesn't want to waste a minute or a second.

[Option 1]: [Bafang Xunwu tortoise shell array] of the Tortoise family has a strong defense ability after the layout is completed.

Being able to enter or not to go out, even if the adult rotary tortoise accidentally returned to the turtle nest by itself, it would not be able to come out again. You can only wait for the turtle eggs to hatch, and the formation can be automatically cancelled.

Therefore, this characteristic has caused many adult rotary tortoises to be trapped in the formation.

No humane design is like this, and there is no reason to continue. The host can consume 30,000 positive energy and exchange it for [primary space nuclear energy bursting bomb] to bomb it.

Extra reward is 10,000 points of positive energy, props: [primary space map]


[Option 2]: With such a flawed matrix method, the number of adult rotary tortoises that cause death every year in the all-plane universe reaches tens of thousands.

The host can choose to consume 35,000 points of positive energy and exchange it for a [Advanced Matrix Methodology Deduction Map] to perform a reasonable deduction to help the Turtle Turtles improve the matrix method.

An additional bonus of 40,000 positive energy.

[Option three]: For this anti-human design matrix, the host can consume 30,000 positive energy and exchange it for [Elementary Matrix Method Introduction] to learn, and then rely on their own ingenuity to help the Turtle Turtles to perfect the matrix method.

Note: Learning may not be successful.

Bonus positive energy 40000 points, props: [fixed array]

[Option 4]: In order to avoid a large number of adult rotary tortoises each year, due to the unfortunate death of the matrix method, the host can consume 30,000 positive energy and exchange it for a [high-level delisting symbol] to completely change the [Bafang 遁 no tortoise shell array] 】 Removed from the formation, there is no such formation in the world.

An additional bonus of 10,000 positive energy.

[Option 5]: In order to perfect the formation, the host can consume 50000 points of positive energy to exchange a [cross-border communication symbol], and will randomly communicate with a formation master. The host can ask him how to improve the formation.

Note: The other party may not be willing to communicate and teach with you.

An additional bonus of 40,000 positive energy.


In one breath, the system gave five options.

And ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ each option proposes a way to solve the current dilemma.

Originally, after all, it was a happy life.


When Xu Yan looked at his attributes, he had less than 25,000 positive energies, and suddenly he was not happy.

This time, Xu Yan estimated that she was really in trouble.

Otherwise, the solution given by the system will not start at 30,000!

Xu Yan only has 24687 positive energies. The minimum positive energies required by any one option are not enough ...

He thought he had more than 20,000 positive energies, which was a lot, but in the end ... it was not enough.


[Third more! Maybe it was too late last night, I just wrote about falling asleep. I overestimate ourselves! There is no way to write anymore, I hurried to bed, more tomorrow tomorrow! ] 11