I Can Report Everything

Chapter 152: Each has his own will

Xu Yan seriously checked the preparation materials for the martial arts college entrance examination. Now that he has the identity of a warrior, he can log in to the professional warrior forum to view it.

The vitality accounts for 60%. The percentage system is as many points as the vitality, with 100 points of vitality as the full score.

This item belongs to hard power. There are no points for speculation as long as the vitality scores.

And, because the highest score is 100 points of vitality, even when you take the martial arts college entrance examination, you are already a third-class warrior, and it will not be cheaper than a first-class warrior.

On the contrary, the second-ranked and third-ranked warriors who participated in the martial arts college entrance examination would have a harder time trying to get high marks.

Because the proportion is 10% of the response sensory ability and actual combat ability, usually based on the candidate's current martial arts grade, the opponent is tested.

Simply put, if you are a first-class warrior, your opponent is a first-class warrior, but if you are a third-class warrior, your opponent will naturally rise to become a third-class warrior.

In this way, candidates who are able to make breakthroughs faster and achieve the second and third grade before the college entrance examination are more disadvantaged.

They are eager to make breakthroughs in their cultivation, and they are almost not as good as their opponents who have been practicing for many years.

And the crisis judgment consciousness, which accounts for 20%, is more complicated and changeable.

One year, I even played a trick, and created a real explosion at the test site to test each candidate's awareness of crisis and crisis.

It is said that candidates were really killed that year.

However, this is not a special case. There is an annual casualty rate in crisis judgment.


"I don't have to worry about vitality, it is definitely full marks. As for the next few items, it depends on the specific opponents and test questions. However, with the strength and strength I have now, I don't have to worry too much ..."

After he knew something, Xu Yan put the question of college entrance examination aside.

He took a look at his bank card balance, and it only had a poor 4 million. Today, [Linbo Weibu] sold two sets in the morning, and then it didn't open for the whole day.

In the evening, when Xu Yan was planning to continue practicing [The Idea of ​​Immortal Reincarnation Yinyang View], he received a call from Huang Wenbin and asked him to hurry over.

After Xu Yan and her parents greeted, they immediately took a taxi.

In Huang Wenbin's laboratory, Xu Yan saw that the remaining three students in class 7 had all completed "evolution", and their vitality had exceeded 100 points, and they had become a martial artist.

"The success rate is 100%! Binzi, you [evolution formula] is very good! But how do they feel weird looking at your eyes ..."

As soon as he came in, Xu Yan had already seen that things seemed awful.

It stands to reason that Huang Wenbin personally carried out this experiment for himself, not only rescued them from the tragedy of being annihilated by the monsters, but also made them warriors. They should be respected and grateful.

However, Xu Yan did not see these from the faces of several of them, especially the two boys, Zhong Wangcai and Ye Shanwen. Looking at Huang Wenbin's eyes, they seemed to have deep hatred.

Hearing Xu Yan asking this, Huang Wenbin shook his head and said a little embarrassingly: "Brother Yan, I originally did this. One was to get more experimental data to apply for patents. The other was to turn them into warriors. To enable them to work for us ... "

Even if these five people were on the scene, Huang Wenbin made no secret of his purpose.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Ye Shanwen immediately retorted: "Huang Wenbin, you and us are completely a transaction. We take the risk of the experiment and exchange it for some money ... you want to control us like this, let Are we working for you? Think beautiful! "

"Yes. Huang Wenbin, we are now all martial arts warriors. Do you know how much it would cost a year to hire a martial arts warrior? At least one million or more ..."

Zhong Wangcai echoed aggressively.

However, the girl next to He Min argued with shame in her heart: "Zhong Wangcai and Ye Shanwen, don't forget both of you. If it weren't for Huang Wenbin who came to us for this experiment, we would have been a monster one week ago. During the beast invasion, all the other students in the class were killed by the monsters ... "

"Yeah! In this respect, Huang Wenbin saved our lives in disguise." Another girl Wang Ying said.

"Oh! Is it life-saving? It's the same as saying that we have to report ourselves, but it's not a coincidence. We shouldn't kill ourselves ..."

Ye Shanwen didn't take it for granted. "We are all martial arts now, and we have great future. Even if we don't go to college, we can now find a good job in government departments and completely change the situation of our family.

Are you willing to give up your life for Huang Wenbin because of this forced life-saving grace? "

Huang Mingfeng, who was originally on the side, wanted to say two more words, but after hearing Ye Shanwen's words, he was restless, with a tangled expression on his face.

"But we also became warriors because of Huang Wenbin's experiments!"

He Min did not care, and continued.

Ye Shanwen gave her a white look and shook his head and said, "How else would you say that you are a silly girl? The experiment was an equivalent exchange between us and Huang Wenbin, and we signed the contract. Therefore, we really did not owe anyone ... "

"Okay! Well said."

The others didn't speak again, but Xu Yan interrupted Ye Shanwen's words with applause. "You are right, in fact, you and Binzi are an equivalent exchange, and you don't owe him anything."

"Brother Yan, who are you from?"

Hearing this, Huang Wenbin was a little speechless. He originally called for Xu Yan to come to the rescue, but did not expect Xu Yan to speak for Ye Shanwen instead.

However, Xu Yan, who had been in business for so many years before his rebirth, had a very rich understanding of human interests and ethics.

Moreover, every word and sentence that Ye Shanwen just said is really not a big problem.

The two parties signed the contract and negotiated the conditions. It was an equivalent exchange agreed upon by each other.

And the so-called life-saving grace ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ doesn't it look like a coincidence without the knowledge that Huang Wenbin is a rebirth?


The Chinese nation is a human being. In many cases, it is not a right or wrong that is completely black and white. It makes sense and makes no sense.

More often, we are more concerned about a person's genius, and a person's understanding.

Whether it was a coincidence or not, under the result of the facts, Huang Wenbin "save" five of them and escaped their lives.

Even if you are unwilling to "betray yourselves", you can't refuse with such "arrogant" and "little man's will" ...


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