I Can Report Everything

Chapter 155: Acupuncture and Hypnosis

what! Ye ... Ye Shanwen was hung ... "

"Oh my God! Hurry ... save people?"

"What to save! I'm out of breath."


Xu Yan led the crowd into the room. The two girls were so pale that they were scared. The two boys were also stretched their faces, and they were afraid to speak.

However, Huang Wenbin seemed to be accustomed to the dead, without fear, but with a little surprise on his face.

Xu Yan stepped forward and unhooked the hanging rope, which was a prop that could be used repeatedly, and then Ye Shanwen's body was put down. Began to search his pockets, as well as some traces of turning inside the house.

Nothing was found on Ye Shanwen's body, but under his pillow, Xu Yan found several laboratory data and formula maps.

"This is my evolution formula. Although it is a simplified version, there are no specific trims and parameters, but once it is leaked, others can start to reverse the parameters according to this experiment ..."

After grabbing these pieces of paper, Huang Wenbin was also afraid for a while, and he himself could not figure out when and how Ye Shanwen obtained these key data.

"No wonder Ye Shanwen has been instigating us to leave with him. It turned out that he had been plotting wrongdoing for a long time. He might even want us to leave and treat him as an experiment ..."

He Min was afraid after a while, and said babblefully.

"However, if this is the case, Ye Shanwen has returned to his home safely. Why is he unable to open it and hang himself?"

Wang Ying was on the side, analyzing with fear and confusion.

"Also, use the same twine that Xu Yan gave him, don't you say ..."

Huang Mingfeng thought about it terribly, and everyone looked at Xu Yan in unison.

This time, they fully understood, Xu Yan's intention to send this gift, and the words that Xu Yan said.

What "use well", it turned out to be like this!

What "send him away" is the way to go!

It's big summer now!

But several of them had a chilling feeling, as if falling into an ice cave.

"You two, put the body in a bag, and then bring it to the car."

Leaving a word, Xu Yan took Huang Wenbin out and returned to the pickup truck.

"Bottom! Yan brother, this trick, I know, what is it called ... kill ... kill the chicken tamarin monkey? Right? It turns out that you deliberately let Ye Shanwen go, this is the intention! But, I do n’t understand, you are using Any way to let him hang himself? "

"Just as much as you say. What method do you use, can hypnotism work?"

Back in the car, Xu Yan's gaze was staring inside the small cottage.

"Really hypnosis? Yan brother, if you can hypnotize, you will make a lot of money. You know, hypnosis and acupuncture are two very powerful skills ..."

Huang Wenbin looked at Xu Yan with both eyes, and said, "Otherwise, you can help me hypnotize, let me enter deep sleep, and strengthen my martial arts and mental strength."

"Well? Binzi, what do you mean? Hypnosis can enhance martial arts and mental power?"

Xu Yan was very surprised. He just said so casually, and it seemed that something had come out of Huang Wenbin's suit.

Hypnosis and acupuncture, in the old man's notes, Xu Yan also seems to have seen sporadic records.

However, this does not seem to be the area that the old man Chu is good at or interested in. Xu Yan just knows that these two skills can help the human body cultivate martial arts.

However, Xu Yan is totally unknown as to how to assist and what effect it will have.

"Brother Yan, you all know hypnosis, can you still know the role of hypnosis?"

Huang Wenbin was a bit strange, but he said it straightforwardly, "Hypnotists help the martial arts in the human body to devour the subconscious in the body by hypnotizing the human body, so that they can better control themselves and increase their mental strength."

"It's just that the number of hypnotists is too small. And most hypnotists can only hypnotize martial arts to be shorter than their own martial arts, and pay the corresponding price, so ... even the ordinary martial arts family It is also difficult to support a hypnotist. "

"It turns out that hypnosis is like that, then ... what about the acupuncture you just said?"

Xu Yan thoughtfully asked about acupuncture.

"Acupuncture is even more powerful. Hypnosis helps martial arts to control more subconscious minds, but acupuncture can help us greatly increase the strength of qi and blood, and enhance combat effectiveness ..."

The two glanced at each other, and the four in the house had not moved yet. Huang Wenbin continued to talk bluntly, "Brother Yan, you should also know. We practice martial arts, bones are the support of strength, and muscle blood is really specific. Where the power of the show ... "

"However, the muscle qi and blood strength that we can really control and exert is only between 20 and 30 percent.

A more scientific explanation is that the electrical signals from the brain will decay all the way, and when they reach the corresponding muscle site, they will not be able to activate all muscle cells and tissues and go all out ... "

"If you use martial arts, it is because the veins in the body are not smooth, which leads to stagnation of qi and blood, so it is impossible to fully exert the power of qi and blood."

"The powerful role of an acupuncturist is to use various methods of acupuncture to clear the complicated tendons in the body as much as possible. And the points where the needles pierce are the acupoints spreading in these key positions ..."

"As far as I know, some powerful acupuncturists can even rely on a set of" Jiu Ming Hui Soul Needles "to re-activate the potential of a badly-armed warrior. More than twice ... "


"Is the acupuncturist so powerful? Then ... how are people like this kind of acupuncture?"

Xu Yan was once again amazed. He didn't expect that the "Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion" shouted by many people in their own world for anti-counterfeiting would have such a lofty and important role in this martial arts world.

"Less! Being a hypnotist generally requires a mentally gifted warrior. After a period of professional training, you can become a hypnotist. However, it is difficult to become a dozen acupuncturists. Times. "

"Not to mention, it is simply a method of applying needles, which is a top secret in each house. It is not even available in martial arts stores. There is no corresponding acupuncture map and acupuncture method. Even genius warriors cannot enter. ... "


After Huang Wenbin's "science popularization" such a pass ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Xu Yan probably has a specific understanding of acupuncture and hypnosis.

At this time, there was movement in the bungalow. After a period of quarreling and compromise, the four seemed to overcome the fear in their hearts, put Ye Shanwen's body into a sack, and then quickly moved toward the pickup. The car came over.

"Brother Yan, they really dealt with the corpse together. But this corpse ... what are you going to do? If it is found, it will be very troublesome to trace it to us." Huang Wenbin asked.

"What are you afraid of? You won't be able to find it in a short time, let's talk about it. In official records, Ye Shanwen and the five of them were already dead and killed by Tortoise." Xu Yan said lightly.


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