I Can Report Everything

Chapter 38: Why don't you care and not be shocked at

"Xu Yan's composition of" Dream of Dreams, But of Dreams "is really good. Teacher Zhong, I plan to print it out in batches and send it to my classmates to learn."

"Mr. Zhuang, I also have this idea. You print 70 more copies, and I will take a few more to show them to my sons and relatives' children."

"Comprehensive papers, a total of twenty test papers, how can Xu Yan do it so fast. Did you see it clearly just now? I feel that Xu Yan has already done this question before I have finished reading it."

"Yes! Teacher Qiu, there are some geniuses in the world who can read ten lines at a time and read and think very fast. Obviously, Xu Yan is such a genius ..."

"Well! However, behind every genius, sweat and hard work are also indispensable. Teachers, when you are in class these days, you can talk about the deeds of Xu Yan with your classmates.

He can jump from a grade of five hundred points and become the first place in the grade. Other students can learn from him and catch up! "

Director Huang Huang nodded with satisfaction, and spoke in an official voice.

With such a dark horse as Xu Yan, Chongyang No. 1 Middle School's college entrance examination results will definitely be better. This is all due to its own achievements!

About twenty minutes passed. In the Senior Three's office, the teachers' comments on Xu Yan just calmed down, and everyone began to prepare the materials for the class.

There was also a call from the printing room to tell Teacher Xu that he could get a new ranking bulletin board in the past.

Teacher Xu Xu got up with a smile and just walked to the door, but was stopped by another teacher, Zhang Wencai, who came in from the door.

"Mr. Xu! Ms. Xu ... I tell you, you must not find out that there is a classmate in your class ... very good. Maybe you have always treated him as an ordinary student! You think Don't want to know who it is? "

Zhang Wencai, with a proud look, seemed to come to Xu Zhiwen to show off and be rewarded.

The subtext in that sentence is not to say that you, Xu Zhiwen, have blinded the dog's eyes. There is a student in your class who is particularly embarrassed that you haven't found it. I found it for you. Hurry and ask me ... Ask me , I will tell you compassionately.

Yes, this teacher Zhang Wencai was the supervisor of Xu Yan language that day.

I was in the examination room at that time, Zhang Wencai saw how Xu Yan's Dang Erlang was still sleeping while taking the exam, how did he feel discomfort.

However, I saw Xu Yan answering in the last half hour, and even each question was answered perfectly. The composition of "Meng Fei Meng, Die Fei Die" in the composition directly saw Zhang Wencai shooting the scene on the spot. Called absolutely.

Suddenly, Zhang Wencai disgusted and looked down on Xu Yan before, and instantly transformed into a kind of love and worship for talented students.

Later, after leaving the examination room, Zhang Wencai found out the grade rankings of the mock exams in senior three.

I looked back from the front and found more than five hundred people before I saw Xu Yan's name.

I was so embarrassed that Zhang Wencai even felt like picking up treasure.

I also owe that he is not the class teacher this year. Otherwise, we must find a way to get Xu Yan to transfer to his class.

The slang language can be tested so well, and looking at the calmness and calmness, it must be a good seed hiding its strength!

Xu Zhiwen, the head teacher of class two, never forced to notice a talented student like Xu Yan.

It is even possible that only the teachers in the school discovered Xu Yan first.

I wonder ...

Today is Monday and it is time to announce the results.

Zhang Wencai called a proudly came to the senior high school teacher's office, and pulled Xu Zhiwen, who had to hurriedly go out, and said it intentionally aloud, also to attract the attention of other teachers.

"Oh? Teacher Zhang, let me know first. I have something to do."

Teacher Xu Xu didn't seem to care, and continued to walk outside.

"Wait a minute! What can there be, Mr. Xu, more important than having a top student in your class who has a good grade? Don't you want to know who it is? You must have been ignored by it before."

Zhang Wencai is a bit weak, why is Xu Zhiwen not interested, not curious?

There are other teachers in the classroom, and they didn't show much concern?

This is not normal!

In weekdays, if anyone in the class has a perfect score for writing, or a dark horse with a score of thirty or forty, the teachers in the office will gather together to discuss for a long time, sum up the progress of these students, and promote it to the students in their class. .

But today, everyone seems to ... don't care at all?


越 The more you show that you do n’t pay attention to or care about ...

My Zhang Wencai will surprise you more and make you feel more shocked by your disregard.

At this moment, I will zoom in.

Master Zheng Zhiwen went away, Zhang Wencai's heart full of pretense could only look at the other teachers in the office.

I wonder ...

Zhang Wencai shouted loudly in the office: "I dare to say that this time in the senior high school mock exam, Chinese composition, there must be a classmate who can get full marks!"

Yes, Zhang Wencai dare to be so determined, he taught Chinese.

Xun Yan's "Dream is not a dream, butterfly is not a butterfly" is impeccable, sincere, rich in imagination, and full of dialectical thinking about the world and life.

If this is not a perfect score, Zhang Wen is definitely going to take the lead in class for Xu Yan and discuss the theory of the revised teacher.

However ...

After Zhang Wencai threw such a bomb, he thought he would cause a commotion among other teachers in the classroom.

Either they don't believe what they say, they refute and ridicule.

Either they would come forward with a curiosity and try to find out which class of students they were.

However ...

Quiet in the office.

Everyone looked up at Zhang Wencai, then shook his head, and then prepared his lesson plans.

I was ignored?

Zhang Wencai blushed.

How could this be?

怎么 How can they be indifferent?

This is a perfect score!

How many students do the last big question in a mathematics volume normally? How many students are stumped by a comprehensive subject? How many rare words appear in reading questions in a foreign language paper? Is n’t everyone talking very excited and excited? ?

How come I got here, and when I came to the language subject, I was so ignored?

文 Zhang Wencai's heart is so aggrieved!

Is Dong language so unpopular?

He took a deep breath and said again in a loud voice: "Not only is the composition a perfect score, I suspect that this classmate may also have achieved a perfect score in Chinese. Really ... I supervised the exam, and this classmate was a year before. Hundreds of them haven't been ... you ... are you curious? "

But, the teachers in the office, this time there is no plan to even look up at him, they all bow their heads to do their own business.

Teacher Zhang's inner drama is really many, but now it is really about to collapse.

What the **** is going on?

Are these colleagues who you are familiar with?

Why are you so calm one by one?

I deliberately said that I ignored him, did UU read www.uukanshu.com deliberately target itself?

I shouldn't!

He hasn't offended big guys recently either!

In this case, I will throw the heaviest bomb.

Zhang Wencai again said loudly: "This classmate may not only have a perfect score in writing, but also a perfect score in the Chinese test paper. Moreover, he made a complete Zhang language paper, which took less than half an hour in total, which I have seen with my own eyes. He was sleeping in a daze all the time, and he did it for the last half hour ... Such a talented student, you didn't see it ... "

Before the word "over" was finished, Mr. Liang, who was sitting fat in front of Zhang Wencai, drew his ears, and whispered, "Mr. Zhang, can you stop making noise?"

This time, Zhang Wencai even collapsed.

"What? I'm noisy?"

"I found a gifted student, so I told you, did you share and discuss together?"

怎么 "Why don't you care and be shocked at all?"

"This is a seedling with perfect marks in Chinese. The answering speed is very fast, which shows how agile you are. I bet you have never seen a student who can make papers so fast ..."

However, before Zhang Wencai's indignation was over, the fat teacher Liang gave him a list of the latest grades and said, "Tell you not to quarrel. See for yourself ... the ones you said are all outdated It's ... "

Uh ...

[Send two chapters together! There are two chapters in the evening ... Do you know the first source of motivation for the author's update? That's right! It's a recommendation ticket ... Do you know what the second source of motivation is? Correct! so smart! It's a reward! Look! Do you guys know how to give it soon? 】