I Can Report Everything

Chapter 48: A martial art genius that is rare in 1 y

I was shocked!

I have to, Oh, the old man Chu was really surprised by Xu Yan.

Only three or four days from last Friday to today, Xu Yan even started martial arts.

This speed!

Let Chu old man can not help but swear.

However, if you think about it, the old man Chu has denied this possibility.

Because, as far as he knows, he is able to enlighten himself, without exception, all are martial arts geniuses with excellent talent since childhood.

This kind of person's understanding of martial arts is totally a natural instinct.

They started martial arts very early, usually when they were seven or eight years old, they could start it by themselves.

Anyone like Xu Yan is seventeen or eighteen years old. If you have this posture, now it is at least a second-class martial artist.

I said again, the old man Chu carefully recalled.

小 The boy spent three years working hard in the gym and looked at him boringly for three years. If he could show even a little talent, he would have accepted him as an apprentice.

I still have to wait until today?

说 "Say, your boy, is there someone who is knotting? Who will help you martial arts?"

"Might? Your kid betrayed his own flesh and found a martial arts family?"

"Hehe! This year, when I'm redundant ... also a good choice."

Uh ...

After a series of ridicules, the old man Chu was ridiculous, or if Xu Yan had a good psychological quality, he would be mad at him.

"Hey! Hey old man, you ca n’t miss me a little better? Besides, what do I look like ... look like the little white face with soft rice? Why do you say that?"

Xu Xu Yan was also depressed.

歹 I am very respectful of this "Zhenguo Sword", but who ever wanted to ruin the old man is not respected.

As soon as I came in, I inserted a nostril without saying that I didn't believe it was my own martial arts.

It's all forgotten!

Your face is sure to make me look superfluous, really special.

"Isn't it? I heard the old man today, your kid is also coquettish! What [I am a begonia flower, I kill flowers after blooming] can write such a bag."

The old man looked at Xu Yan with a look of contempt, "Don't you, you have been the son-in-law of Xia's house? Shouldn't you! Xia Zhennan's kid, his eyesight is high! Your condition ... he is not rare. "

"Chu old man, can you stop making gossip? How are you, once a cabinet veteran, why are you trying to insinuate the rumors of a group of high school students now?"

Having said that, Xu Yan suddenly hesitated for a moment, as if remembering something, and quickly asked, "Wait! What Xia family you just said? Xia Zhennan? It seems to be our deputy governor in Chongyang? He ... he is Xia Caiwei Who is it? "

"咦? Boy, don't you know? Xia Caiwei is the daughter of Xia Zhennan, or the only daughter. If you can really get involved in the third generation of the Xia family in Beijing, it is definitely a smoke on your ancestor's grave."

Seeing Xu Yan's look of astonishment, the old man Chu also touched his head in confusion, "I really don't know? It seems that it is not the martial arts Xia Zhennan opened for you. Then you lose ... just find a garbage If the warrior ’s family goes into trouble, you might as well call me a father, and if you are a son, you can find someone to give you a martial art. "

"I 呸! Who wants to be your son, your bad old man is unruly and wants to take advantage of me all day long. I stress again that I am really a martial art myself and no one helps me."

After a pause, Xu Yan added, "If you want to say something, that is what you reminded me to let me sense the turbinate between the two nostrils, and then try to control it so that the two nostrils can breathe at the same time. Out of breath ... "

"This is what I said, but ... First, you can't do it so quickly. Second, even if you can barely control the turbinate and let the two nostrils breathe at the same time, it is difficult to reach martial arts and gather Martial arts. "

At this moment, the old man Chu was really curious.

It turned out that last Friday, he randomly dialed those words of Xu Yan, and did not expect that Xu Yan could really rely on this birth of martial arts.

Under normal circumstances, Xu Yan must at least concentrate on feeling the turbinates between the nostrils for more than two months before he can initially control it.

This control is controlled by subjective consciousness and then controlled.

Is not the same as martial arts, the birth of martial arts.

The real martial arts consciousness is that the subjective consciousness devours a part of the subconscious and completely occupies the part controlled by this subconscious.

For example, it is like a stronghold in a war.

You run away the person in this stronghold, but temporarily control the stronghold, when everyone comes back, your control is lost again.

The birth of martial arts is to completely destroy the enemy of this base, and permanently occupy and control this base.

Then, using this stronghold as the center, I continued to expand my territory.

Uh ...

The old man Chu Chu dialed Xu Yan's words last Friday, and also wanted Xu Yan to go to college in the future, and even after graduating from work, when he had some savings to practice martial arts, he took less detours.

But, who ever thought that Xu Yan could rely on the words of this area for a few days, and he really opened his martial arts. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com


Does this kid say that he is really a legendary martial artist?

In the past three years, has it really happened that I have lost my eyes?

I can't help it.

The old man Chu Chu looked at Xu Yan repeatedly up and down with a special "ambiguous" look, as if he wanted to see through Xu Yan thoroughly.

"Okay! Old man Chu, don't look at it again. Now I have martial arts ... and I also have martial arts. Can you accept apprentices? If you can't, just give me a martial art method.

The old man saw some scalp numbness, and Xu Yan quickly interrupted his gaze, shouting pretendingly.

"Your boy! Really, there is no breath left by other warriors. That's right! It's your martial arts."

It turned out that just now the old man Chu was constantly scanning Xu Yan's body with strong mental strength.

If it is the martial arts helped by other martial arts, the breath left in Xu Yan's body will not dissipate so quickly.

After such certification, the old man Chu can be sure that the boy Xu Yan is really a martial art genius rare in a century!

This is a martial art that is opened on its own. It must be the cultivation of martial arts, and it has a strong innate understanding.

Because of this martial understanding, they can often perceive and communicate the subconscious in the body, and then assimilate them with a magical power.

This assimilation is very gentle and natural. It is not like ordinary martial arts. It requires a strong warrior to suppress the subconscious, and then let the subjective consciousness devour it.

的 If such a genius is discovered by those martial arts sects, it will definitely be cultivated as a master's seed.

Uh ...
