I Can Report Everything

Chapter 55: Those who don't need money are the best

所以 "So, now, I want to practice great foreign skills, which is basically equivalent to extravagant hope?"

While eating dinner, Xu Yan looked at the external power directory of this Budo store and suddenly felt a strong sense of poverty covering his whole body.

Even the most **** foreign work requires hundreds of thousands of license fees.

Not to mention those heaven-level and earth-level exercises that are enough to make you look up.

According to the old man of Chu, many of the denominations and families of these heaven-level and earth-level exercises have been cultivated since they were young.

This Nima ... gap!

怎么 How can ordinary people compare with the geniuses of these families?

It ’s a long way off the starting line, okay?

"This idea is still awesome. If you can fully record the cultivation process and put it in the martial arts store, it should be at least rated as a top grade and sold at least one million ..."

The old man Chu said, and frowned again, "However, your figurative object ... is too abstract. Others are not very easy to learn. And, at your current level, you want to refine your observations ... almost Impossible. At least your mental strength must be above 1000 Hz ... "

"1000 Hz? Don't think about it for the time being."

Some words from the old man of Chu Chu dispelled Xu Yan's idea of ​​placing [invincible reincarnation yin and yang idea] in the warrior store for authorization.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to perform such a rudimentary exercise and simply authorize him to go out!

I was like the old man Chu said that people are selfish, at least they will do some hands and feet, make a cut version, or even put a pit version on it.

其实 "Actually ... boy, have you ever thought about it. In fact, each of you will have a kind of external skill."

Seeing Xu Yan's disappointment, the old man Chu intentionally sold Guanzi and said.

"Tiangwaigong? Each of us? Old man Chu, who do you mean?"

Xu Yan immediately became interested as soon as he heard Tiangong Gong.

"Of course it is ordinary people, or ... every student who has gone to school will use this heavenly method. This is the great aspiration of Pu Wu, who was the founding emperor!"

Speaking of this, the insignificant expression on the old man's face suddenly became solemn and solemn, as if remembering something.

"Kaiyuan Yuanhuang? Putu big wish? Old man Chu, what do you say! What kind of exercise is it? Is there such a powerful one?"

Xu Xu Yan was also in sight. The emperor was a peerless man who was rare in the martial arts world for thousands of years.

Two or three hundred years ago, China was under the rule of the feudal and foolish people of the Dajin Kingdom, and it was opened by the barbarians of foreign countries with ships and ships.

Since then, the Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous moment, and in the midst of wind and rain, it is possible to extinct the country at any time.

At this time, a martial art emperor emerged from the martial art sect.

With his own strength, he united the sectarian forces, killed the then Emperor Dai Jinwei Wuxuan De Yaoguang, destroyed the entire Jin Jin Eight Banners martial arts, and formed the Yuanmin Army to completely defeat the 13-country coalition forces that invaded China.

Since then, the Chinese nation has finally stood up again.

Emperor Yuan Yuan became the founding emperor of China, forming the cabinet of the veterans and setting up provincial ministry supervision.

At the same time, Yuan Huangguang made his way out, not only actively introducing new foreign science and technology, popularizing the law to popularize education, but also negotiating with the major martial art sects and families. He wanted to strengthen himself among the hundreds of millions of people in China.

However ...

It was because of this great policy that he felt benefited the country and the people, the Yuan emperor, the ancient Wu sect, and the family broke down completely.

There is almost no Zongmen and family, and they are willing to make the martial arts of their Zongmen public to the public, so that ordinary people can practice it casually.

Even if it was the first Kunlun sect in the world where the emperor himself was in, he also sent eight elders to Beijing, and ordered the emperor to abandon the idea of ​​"Pu Wu" with the command of Kunlun.

Even, the emperor was impeached by the 108 elders of the elder's cabinet. Under pressure, the emperor could only give up the idea of ​​integrating the world's martial arts methods to benefit the people.

1 In 1884, the Emperor Yuan resigned from the Emperor Huawu of China and concentrated on retreating to study a new martial art.

In 1901, the Emperor Yuan went out of the customs and served as the Minister of Education of Huaguo. With his own influence, he forcibly promoted a set of basic gymnastics called "Time is calling" in major schools and primary schools across the country.

192 In 1921, the tenth anniversary of the promotion of radio gymnastics, the average physical fitness of the national vitality broke from 5 points to 10 points.

Emperor Wu Wu officially resigned from all national posts, and since then no news of him has been made.

And this set of "time is calling" radio gymnastics, year after year in middle school and elementary school, has become a must for every Chinese people since childhood.

In 1949, the per capita vitality of the Chinese nation exceeded 15 points.

1 In 1955, global science and technology entered a blowout period. After hundreds of years of research on martial arts in China, overseas countries began to combine martial arts with science and technology to cultivate martial arts in a more scientific way.

The per capita vitality of the world has entered a stage of rapid development.

1 In 1960, Inter, the world's number one science and technology powerhouse, detonated the first nuclear detonation atomic bomb of mankind.

The world enters the era of nuclear weapons ...

The warrior hegemony of Yun Huaguo has been threatened, and the whole country has begun to accelerate the development of nuclear weapons ...

1 In 1966, China's first atomic bomb successfully detonated, becoming the only country in the world with atomic bomb deterrence.

十年 In the next ten years, various countries have carried out nuclear explosion tests.

He also began to study the relationship between the genome and the warrior, and privately conducted a large number of experiments on mutants and humans in violation of the International Human Genome Research Ethics Law.

In 1979, the number of warriors in the world exceeded one million, 500,000 in China, and 500,000 in overseas countries. The country felt the crisis.

年底 At the end of 1979, China introduced martial arts and began to build martial arts stores and pharmacies across the country. UU reading book www.uukanshu. com

此 Since then, ordinary people have learned from a real sense that there are warriors in this world.

The martial artists, from a privileged class hidden behind the scenes, gradually came to the stage.

In 1982, after three rounds of approval by the 80% seniors in the cabinet, the "Warrior Norms Law" was released.

The law determines the ranks of the warriors from the top down, and the social privileges and status such as tax exemption enjoyed by each rank.

At the same time, 108 full-time martial arts universities have been established throughout the country, and martial arts majors have been established in some ordinary universities.

Since then, China has officially entered the "rule of warriors" mode, opening the civilian chemical martial arts college entrance examination.

Uh ...

2010 2010, this year.

公布 The report on the vitality per capita of the Chinese nation just released last month shows that the per capita vitality of the Chinese nation reached 19 points, 13 points higher than the world average vitality, ranking first in the world.

Uh ...

About these, Xu Yan probably knew most of them when he checked the information these days.

However, he really hasn't seen the relationship between "radio gymnastics" and the founding emperor Wu Yuan from any information!

Broadcast gymnastics, was it created by the emperor?

Moreover, is it still the top external skill in the old man's mouth that is not weaker than the heavenly martial arts method?

Look down! This is a big secret!

It really is ...

越 The simpler and boring the exercises are, the more powerful the name is.

In the martial arts store, those hundreds of thousands and millions of people, whose name is domineering and invincible, seem to be the world's first external power, all of which are dregs.

It turned out that those who don't need money are the best!

Uh ...

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