I Can Report Everything

Chapter 76: Has history changed?

No one is a fool, this is not ancient China, where it is so easy to fool others for you in just a few words!

Although Huang Wenbin is a rebirth, he also has a little preconceived consciousness.

He originally meant that the evolution product of Ninety percent success rate [Nirvana], even if he was thrown on the black market, he could sell it at a high price.

Now I give them money to help them experiment. What is the reason for not agreeing to such a beautiful thing?

However, he overlooked that these people did not know what the medicine was, and it did not work. There were great doubts about the effects and words Huang Wenbin said.

This is equivalent to saying, if someone tells you that jumping from this cliff will not die, and you will get the inheritance of peerless magic, then ask you whether to jump?

Now five of Huang Mingfeng are not sure about the authenticity of what Huang Wenbin said, and of course they will not agree at will.

As a rebirth, Huang Wenbin still has insufficient consideration in many aspects.

"I can give you 10,000 yuan now, so you will never doubt my strength?"

Immediately, Huang Wenbin took 50,000 yuan from the bag and put it directly on the table.

But none of the five of Huang Mingfeng reached out to get the money. Although they were very moved, they all knew that the money was not for nothing.

"What can I say, can you believe it? The drug I researched can really help people become warriors. And, I dare say ... as long as you promise today, you will be fortunate to be me in the next life ... You guys. "

Huang Wenbin is a bit helpless. If it is five years later, I am afraid a bunch of people are seeking to be their own experimental subjects.

What's more, these five people would definitely not survive this week without their own intervention.

I myself are saving their lives!

He can't be right, he can't say these words clearly.

"Unless you first prove that your medicine is effective, turn yourself into a warrior first."

Ye Shanwen cautiously put forward a very constructive suggestion, and several other students nodded in approval.

At this moment, Huang Wenbin was completely irrelevant.

In his opinion, this is the simplest question!

I gave them money, helped them to become warriors, and even saved their lives. Such a good thing ... everyone has to wait for it!

But now, Huang Wenbin is really okay.

It turned out that poor students were not as easy to handle as he imagined.

At this time, Xu Yan walked directly into the box, put a stone carving, lifted it suddenly with one hand, and lifted it up.

"This stone sculpture has a hundred pounds in it, and now my vitality has exceeded fifty."

Xu Yan knew that the skill of this negotiation was to produce evidence sufficient to convince the other party.

The more straightforward, the rougher, and the more rude and unreasonable, the easier it is.

而且 "And, this is only a few days of effect. You know, only a week ago, my vitality was only over thirty."

Xu Xuyan said lightly that although he did not actually take Huang Wenbin's reagents, this did not prevent him from persuading these people with his own strength.

This is called ... a good-faith lie.

真 "Really ... really? Then I did it!"

Huang Mingfeng, who was nicknamed Huang Bold, revealed a desire for power in his eyes.

Who among the three boys here, don't want to be warriors?

With Huang Mingfeng taking the lead, the other two boys immediately nodded and agreed.

The two remaining girls are hesitant, after all, this is not a trivial matter.

Huang Wenbin also made it clear that since it is an experiment, there is a risk of video, although the success rate of this experiment is as high as 90%.

Seeing the other two girls hesitating, Xu Yan continued without hesitation: "Your grades are not good. Even if you have passed the liberal arts university, it is just an ordinary undergraduate, and you will come to work in the future ... no accident, At most, it is self-sufficient. If you want to live so lifelessly, let your descendants, like you, suffer from poverty from an early age ... "

Before saying this, the other two girls had surrendered with both hands and agreed to join the experiment.

"Yan, you still have a way!"

I breathed a sigh of relief, and Huang Wenbin immediately took out the [Experimental Volunteer Contract] and [Confidentiality Contract] printed in advance from the bag and gave it to five people to sign.

These procedures must be done.

Otherwise, even if Huang Wenbin applied for a patent, he will be sued to the court because the experimental documents are incomplete and the experimental process is not standardized and legal.

Soon ...

The twenty-five people signed the documents, and Huang Wenbin ordered them to take sick leave the next morning and come to the place he designated.

As for why it was the day after tomorrow, Xu Yan glanced at Huang Wenbin, and Huang Wenbin had a helpless expression, which means he couldn't say it!

Uh ...

After the twenty-five people signed the contract, they left the box, but Xu Yan and Huang Wenbin began to discuss some later issues.

In order to avoid that someone outside may hear it unintentionally, they did not speak loudly, and turned on the television in the box to display the city's afternoon news.

"Brother Yan, I'm lucky to have you today. Otherwise, I really can't convince them completely, just ..."

Huang Wenbin looked at Xu Yan with a little surprise, "But when did you start martial arts? Didn't you say ... there is no martial art at all in your world! It doesn't make sense that you came to our world ... instead, I was born again. Are you going to martial arts first? "

"The mountain people have their own tricks! However, my method is not suitable for you. Even if I tell you ... you might not dare to try."

Xu Yan smirked for a while. He would not tell Huang Wenbin that he had barely opened the martial arts after hanging for more than ten times, and there was also the old master Chu's introductory teaching.

"In addition, since you have developed this evolutionary reagent called [Nirvana], why don't you use it yourself? Could it be said that there are still many limitations in martial arts through this method?" Xu Yan asked again.

当然 "Of course! Although the evolutionists can gradually compete with the cultivationists, they have many inherent shortcomings ... I will never use this method to martial arts unless it is absolutely necessary."

Huang Wenbin did not hide it, and this is no longer limited, and it can be said to Xu Yan.

And just then ...

An emergency report is being broadcast on the news on TV ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This reporter's first-hand report from the scene, please call the attention of the citizens near Chongyang Tongyou Street ... the big explosion in Changzhou Textile Factory Many toxic fumes have been generated, please evacuate as soon as possible ... "

"According to the latest information learned by this reporter, there is a group of MLM groups called [Blue Sky Club], which conducts illegal experiments here based on the abandoned Changzhou factory. As a result, internal fighting has occurred, detonating the entire factory ... "

"This station will pay close attention to the follow-up developments. The Detective Bureau of this city sent a large number of detective teams at the first time. We also saw on the scene that some employees from Chongyang Jianfa Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. maintained the site spontaneously. Order ... "

下面 "Below, we interviewed Qiu Renyi, Chairman of Chongyang Jianfa, and Dong Qiu was a martial arts warrior. It is said that he took his staff to inspect the nearby construction site and found that there was an explosion here. He came here as soon as possible ..."

"Can Qiu Dong talk about the situation at that time? It is said that among the members of the Blue Sky Club, there are two or even third-class warriors ..."

Uh ...

When the news on TV just aired, Xu Yan and Huang Wenbin didn't care much.

However, when Qiu Renyi was on the camera, Huang Wenbin stood up suddenly, saying something inconceivable: "It's the news! I remember it ... but this explosion ... it should be noon tomorrow? Why would it be ahead of time A day? History ... has history changed? But ... I didn't do anything related to the incident? Why was it ahead of time ... "

Uh ...

[Third more! After writing three chapters, I made it in one breath, so I was a little late. There are two more changes in the evening, and two chapters will be written together. Weak for the recommendation ticket! 】