I Can Report Everything

Chapter 8: Rebirth cannot die well

I'm overwhelmed!

Xu Yan walked towards Chongyang No. 1 Middle School, while Xu Yan wondered expectation.

Since you can be born again, why not others?

This is the real world, not in the novel. Only myself is the protagonist.

Fortunately, another rebirth found this time is Huang Wenbin, a good friend of his own dead party in the two worlds.

I was friends and enemies, and I found out in time.

and many more!

Xu Yan thought of this, and he stunned again.

Are rebirths usually proceed with caution and avoid revealing their identity?

But why is Bin Zi acting so high-profile, even deciding and showing off the lottery in front of himself will definitely win?

This situation should not be a muffled fortune, to avoid attracting the attention of interested people!

Xi Binzi is so showy that he will die very quickly.

Do you want to remind him to keep a low profile!

Oh no!

好像 He seems to be ... intentionally exposing these to himself.

Why did he do this?

Suddenly, Xu Yan really connected all the clues in his mind.

Huang Wenbin applied for martial arts for himself and forced himself to find money to pay the registration fee.

Then the prophet had not determined that he could win the lottery he bought, and he said exactly how his father hid his private house money.

Encouraged myself to steal money to pay the registration fee, and even more excessively, even secretly gave away the love letter written by the world.

This completely forced Xu Yan to Liang Shan, making him think it would not work if he didn't apply for martial arts.

"Yan, you remember, you must steal your father's private house money tonight."

The words that Huang Wenbin repeatedly emphasized echoed in his mind, and Xu Yan finally understood completely.

Huang Wenbin took the risk to reveal the information that he might be a rebirth, just to remind himself ... Be sure to steal Dad's private house money!

Isn't that saying ...

In the original historical trajectory, if you don't steal your father's private house money, bad things can happen?

"Binzi, good intentions!"

I walked to the entrance of the school and Xu Yan breathed a long sigh of relief.

He and Huang Wenbin are indeed brothers of two lives.

When he got 100,000 yuan in cash rewards, he would think of paying 20,000 more to pay the registration fee for him.

He was born again, at the cost of revealing his identity, and reminded himself twice.

“Fortunately, although I did n’t steal my dad ’s money yesterday, I reported it to my mom. It ’s a departure from the historical trajectory of the original development. When the money came to my mom, my dad did n’t want to take the money What are you doing ... "

Xu took a deep breath and stepped into the school gate. Xu Yan's mind was a little messy at this time.

After all, not only was he reborn himself, but the same table was also the Rebirth Party. This setting is hard to see in the novel.

"Yes! What happens if I report to the system that Binzi is a Rebirth Party?"

Because Xu Yan knows the systematic reporting process, after the successful report, it will not have any impact on Huang Wenbin. Only when the follow-up options are made, will it have a specific impact.

Therefore, Xu Yan would rest assured to once again "justice the family".

Click the [Report] button.

【Host! Please report it. 】

"I report that Huang Wenbin is a Rebirth Party."

Looking at the classmates passing by in the school, Xu Yan was very "ingratitude" and reported Huang Wenbin in his head.

The result ...

[Reporting failed! The report object is a rebirth, which cannot constitute a reasonable report reason. Ask the host to seriously submit the report. 】

"It failed. The target of the report was clear, but it failed for the reason ..."

I pondered for a moment, and Xu Yan reorganized the language in her mind while going up the stairs.

那么 "So ... report it like this!"

Xu Yan felt that he probably grasped the urine function of the system [report] function.

"I report that Huang Wenbin is a Rebirth Party. He tried to disrupt the original timeline and development of things in this world."


Attempt to interfere with the timeline.

Xu Yan thinks that this crime ... is big enough!

Since Huang Wenbin has been reborn, of course, it is impossible to follow the original historical development trajectory.

Sure enough ...

[Congratulations to the host! Report successful! Get 1000 points of positive energy and get subsequent options. 】

1000 points of positive energy.

I got rich.

Xu Yan knows that if this report is successful, there must be a lot of positive energy.

However, he didn't expect that it could be as high as 1,000 points. It seems ... that the Rebirth Party disrupted the timeline is indeed a very serious crime!

Xu Yan at this time, can't wait for why Huang Wenbin didn't have a relationship with himself?

If he is his cousin or cousin or something, if he has a little blood relationship, the title of [Dayiyi] will be effective.

That's a 50% positive energy bonus!

Look at the subsequent options, uh ... is this a bit cruel?

选项 ​​[Option one, approach the rebirth Huang Wenbin, find an opportunity to let him die in an accident, and avoid the world timeline being greatly affected and changed. An additional 1000 points of positive energy will be rewarded, and the reward item will replace the dead doll. 】

选项 ​​[Option two, directly kill Huang Wenbin by violence, UU reading book www.uukanshu.com to prevent the world timeline from being greatly affected and changed. An additional 500 positive energy points are awarded for divine skill prophecy. 】

选项 ​​[Option three, use a hard object to beat Huang Wenbin's brain supplement, causing his amnesia or loss of self-care ability, to avoid greater impact and changes in the world timeline. Bonus 1500 points for positive energy. 】

选项 ​​[Option four, direct persuasion, let Huang Wenbin give up any behaviors and practices that can affect major changes in the world timeline. An additional bonus of 2,000 positive energy. 】

选项 ​​[Option 5] Directly disclose to the media and the public that Huang Wenbin is a rebirth. There will be strong institutions directly arresting Huang Wenbin for research and freedom of life restrictions. Bonus 400 points of positive energy. 】

[Option 6] Forcibly detain Huang Wenbin until his natural life ends. Bonus 900 points of positive energy. 】

Uh ...

Seeing these six options, Xu Yan really felt that the world was really unfriendly to the Rebirth Party!

In each option, there is a strong meaning that "the rebirth must not die."

举 Reporting the rebirth alone has gained up to 1,000 points of positive energy, not to mention the extra rewards of each of the subsequent options are scary.

Compared to this report, Xu Yan's previous two report rewards are simply weak!

Just one or two can be seen from the name of the reward item.

What a life-saving doll!

神 What god-level prophecy, **** level! Circle the points.

Not to mention, the extra rewards for each option are hundreds of thousands of extra bonus positive energies.

These rewards are really tempting!

Uh ...