I Can Report Everything

Chapter 85: Dog-like

I searched my memory, and Xu Yan found that from the time he went to primary school, the community had been rumored to be demolished soon.

However, in junior high school, the three surrounding communities have been demolished and developed into new communities one after another, and this community is still intact.

In this community, a lot of uncles and aunts missed the trend of buying houses in recent years because they were waiting for the demolition of the community.

The result ...

I didn't buy a new house. Several people in the family were still packed in such a small house.

Now house prices have risen again, and I no longer have the ability to buy a house.

I can say that this is a very common phenomenon.

Many residents of this community have been waiting for the demolition of this community, which has delayed a lot of life events.

we can even say……

Many people's hopes in this life are waiting for the demolition of the community house.

However ...

Every year there are rumors, but every year is waiting indefinitely.

If it can really promote the demolition of the community, it is indeed a meritorious thing, which can greatly improve the living conditions and status of the tens of thousands of residents in this community.

But ...

Xu Yan looked at these options. The heart of the system is really crazy!

The first option is the habitual "nuclear explosion."

Xu Xuyan found that in the eyes of the system, it seems that no problem can be solved by a nuclear bomb.

If there is one ... that's two.

Option two is very exciting! Redeem a real estate company with a market value of 10 billion to demolish this district by yourself. If there is enough positive energy, Xu Yan feels that he can try it. After success, it will reward two million positive energy!

I spend 1 million positive energy, own a real estate company, and can reward 2 million positive energy. Where can I find such a good thing?


Xu Yan's positive energy now has not even a million fractions. This tempting option can only be given up.

Option three, persuading a real estate company to demolish, Xu Yan wants to persuade! But he didn't know any senior managers of real estate companies at all. This option ... was also very difficult.

Option four, Xu Yan can do it now, consume a thousand points of positive energy, use [report token] to collect criminal evidence, benefit the country and the people, and punish the criminals, at the same time ... can get a bunch of positive energy ... ...

Although the reward of option four is the least compared to the previous options.

However, Xu Yan seems to have no other choice but to choose option four.

However ...

许 When Xu Yan finished washing, lay on the bed, and was ready to choose the fourth option, the phone jingled and received a text message.

恩 "Well? Why did Qiu Zhifa text me?"

Xu Xuyan glanced gently at the sender, and immediately responded.

"Slum! This is a text message from Qiu Zhifa's mobile phone. Doesn't it mean that ... it was from rhubarb?"

对 "Yes, yes! It must be rhubarb, **** it! Is this dog really going to become refined? Do people who have just been a day send text messages?"

Sit up from the bed instantly, Xu Yan opened a text message sent by rhubarb.

"Master, I ... I ate ... I ate a lot of delicious food. I want ... whatever I want to eat ... Good! Thank you ... Thank you ... I ... I have important things to do with You said……"

The text of the text message is intermittent. It seems that Rhubarb is typed by voice.

After all, typing with your finger on the phone is a delicate task.

Rhubarb used to be a dog and would not use human fingers at all.

That is, after eating all day today, Rhubarb barely learned to control his fingers flexibly by grasping various meals with his hands.

I still have conscience. After eating and drinking enough, I want to quickly send a letter to Xu Yan using my mobile phone.

"This dog is really fine."

Xu Yan immediately clicked on the video call and interviewed with Huang directly.

The video request rang for almost a minute before Rhubarb reluctantly connected.

For him, although it is all memories in his head, the level of physical coordination is not enough.

"Master! Barbara Barbara ..."

一 As soon as the video call was connected, seeing Xu Yan on the screen, Rhubarb even made a loud noise.

"Slum! Rhubarb, have you really become the youngest of the Qiu family?"

Xu Xuyan saw Qiu Zhifa's luxurious bedroom from the video, and even a practice room connected to the bedroom.

的 The gym of this school that can be used with Xu Yan is not a grade. There are various special training tools for training various parts of the body.

For example, there is a press for hardening the bones of the legs. A warrior can stretch one leg into it, and the pressure inside will increase five times ten times ...

的 Tools like this can speed up the progress of hardening human bones through various changes in pressure and strength, which can be said to be "cheats" for rich people to practice martial arts.

"Master! Master! I really like being a man! Can I be a few more days ... Today I ate all day and vomited twenty or thirty times ... It was really great! I ate a lot ... "

"Your meals, UU Reading Www.uukanshu.com is really delicious. That is, I still want to eat shit, I feel like I haven't eaten **** for a long time. But when I want to **** to eat ... Stopped abominably ... "

Uh ...

Because Xu Yan has explained to him that he can do whatever he wants in Qiu's house, but he should pay attention to speaking, not to reveal his identity.

Therefore, when Rhubarb was at Qiu's house, he just kept eating and didn't talk much.

Qiu Renyi is not at home, and other subordinates dare not care about him. They all obey his instructions and give whatever they want.

When Rhubarb wanted to **** like a dog, he was stopped by several babysitters and servants.

This makes Da Huangxin feel aggrieved.

Because Rhubarb thinks that the **** pulled out after eating so many delicious dishes will be the most delicious **** in the world.

I heard this, Xu Yan really couldn't laugh or cry!

It seems that dogs ca n’t change the phrase eating shit, which is really a famous saying!

Even if rhubarb becomes a person, he still can't forget the deliciousness of shit.

"Yes! Master, you have to be careful. The old man seems to be called to investigate you, and there are a few messy things last night ..."

"But you do n’t have to worry too much about the host. Those lunatics got money before the operation yesterday, and left Chongyang as soon as they failed."

"The old man seems to be injured. Today, a fat man came back and stayed in a healing room in the basement."

"In the afternoon, I pretended to be a person as Qiu Zhifa in my memory. Now they all think I'm ill ..."

Uh ...

[Second more]