I Can Report Everything

Chapter 90: Break the waves! Break the waves! Waves!

Amount ... Slightly ...

Xu Xu Yan thinks about it too, just because of Chu's inferior character, it is estimated that those who offended when he was young ... enough for a whole high-speed train.

After knowing that he has lost his skill, those who want revenge will never be less.

No wonder ...

Xu Xuyan remembered what the upstairs anchor sister Su Menghan said, don't defeat the old man as a teacher, even if you worship, don't reveal your identity.

Otherwise, martial arts in the future will become extremely bumpy and dangerous.

Sure enough!

The apprentice of the old man Chu is really a dangerous title!

His old man should always take a pocket of nuclear bombs to defend himself. As his apprentice, he does not have one hundred and eighty lives, and it is estimated that he will not live to the end of the play.

"[Foundation] is very stable in nature, and nuclear fission will not occur under various factors such as gravity and explosion. However, if the spiritual force of a warrior is used to change the proton neutron structure, it can produce a controllable Nuclear fission ... "

The old man Chu, regardless of whether Xu Yan could understand or not, said very pretentiously, "This kind of nuclear fission is more stable and controllable than other nuclear explosion materials. You see, I just need to leave a trace The mental power is on that [micro nuclear bomb], and it can control it with a stable nuclear explosion energy output ... "

"However, the advantage of [Basic] is exactly its biggest disadvantage. Just such a walnut-sized one requires at least the master's level of mental power to be able to control ..."

With a sigh, the old man Chu continued, "The power is not small, but if you want to increase the power of nuclear explosions, you must increase the quality, which is even the powerful mental power of the Emperor Wu, and can not control much ... ... "

Hearing this, Xu Yan also said with a little thought: "Therefore, in the power of nuclear explosion per unit mass, the nuclear fission made by [basic] elements should be ten times or even dozens of times other nuclear bombs ... but , But ca n’t make bigger reactors and bombs like other nuclear bombs ... right? ”

"Yeah! Because it is necessary to cover the surface of [foundation] with spiritual power, and then penetrate into it with a trace of spiritual power, changing the order of protons and neutrons. To do this alone is at least the seventh master ... ... "

The old man Chu Chu's face was full of regrets. If it was not [basic] nuclear fission technology could not be broken through late, he would not have been able to take such risks.

If you do n’t take risks, your current self, even if you have n’t reached the level of the Emperor Wu, is at least a master of Jiupin.

It's fooling!

The old man Chu Chu grabbed the three [basic] nuclear bombs from his pocket like a melon seed, and fiddled with different plates in his hand.

He really is in this life, success is [foundation], and failure is [foundation].

"Okay! Boy, you are slowly practicing breaking waves here! Breaking the waves ... breaking the waves ... breaking the waves ... In three stages, as long as you can ensure that your whole body is not wet, you can barely reach the level of breaking the waves. ... "

After pretending to be forced, the old man Chu yawned and went back to sleep.

Xu Yan left Xu Yan in Pinghu, holding a wooden sword in his hand, and constantly faced the oncoming waves.


Another huge wave came on his face.

Xu Xu holding a wooden sword, there was no resistance at all.

The whole body was wet by the giant wave in an instant, and it was soaked from top to bottom.

"Oh! I don't believe it ... again ..."


Xu Yan, just like starting water splitting, began to feel the process of exertion in the body.

However ...

After repeating for more than ten times, Xu Yan found that there was no effect at all.

No matter how he will change the way of exertion in the body, he can even reach a powerful blow of 15 vitality with a sword, but still can't stop the huge waves coming from his face.

Not to mention, like the old man Chu, under a sword, calm and calm.

Breaking the waves, as the name suggests, is to use swords to move the sword, disconnecting part of the waves, and let the waves avoid their positions.

Breaking the waves, just like the old man in Chu just now, directly broke through the entire rush of the waves, so that the water surface was completely calm.

多么 What a powerful sword is needed!

As for the waves, according to the old man's explanation, a sword waved, and the calm lake surface caused a huge wave in an instant.

The potential of these three sword moves has nothing to do with the level of cultivation, but a mastery of strength.

Able to chop water!

Power control reaches more than 5%.

Able to break the waves!

Power control can reach more than ten percent.

Can break the waves!

The power control is enough to break through to 40%.

Only when the waves are reached.

The control of puppet power can exceed 60%.

Don't look at this percentage as high as 60%, but know that this is the utilization and control of the entire force.

Normally, humans use energy very inefficiently, let alone play it out as a trick ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ where the loss and waste are at least 90%.

According to the old man of Chu, even if there are many masters, although the level of strength reaches the level of the master, the mental strength is also very strong.

However, the proportion of their control over power is actually not high. They spend too much time building their own power, but lack the process of grinding and controlling it.

的 Guru like an embroidered pillow like this, the old man Chu said that he could play ten easily.

This is not bragging. Xu Yan has found some secret warrior forums. I often see some old posts a few years ago a few years ago. They are discussing how much control the power of the "Dingguo Excalibur" has on power.

Uh ...

Alas, these are too far away for Xu Yan.

At present, he does not even have a martial arts player. The most important thing to deal with is the immediate martial arts college entrance examination.

In addition to the vitality, the martial arts reference also tests the school's sensory reaction ability, actual combat ability, and crisis judgment consciousness.

These are all Xu Yan's absolute weaknesses. He must work hard in a short period of time to make rapid progress.

Otherwise, even if the vitality can be quickly improved, it is difficult for him to get a comprehensive high score and enter the best martial arts university.


I do not know how many times the sword was drawn.

Xu Yan's hands were numb, and his body was repeatedly wet by the huge waves. The whole person stood by the lake. Compared with that huge huge waves, he looked so small.

"Come again! I won't believe it ..."

He is indeed the cruel Xu Yan. The waves were twice a minute. He did not miss any baptism and tempering of the waves. He stood by the lake and constantly drew swords to confront ...

Uh ...

[Second more]