I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 362: Swallowed corpse

The successive deaths caused the entire Zhu Beast Department to fall into a panic.

Zhu Xuanqiu did not act rashly, because even he did not kill three demigods plus the strength of three hundred warriors.

In other words, the opponent's power is likely to be higher than him.

But they couldn't beat their entire tribe, so they carried out a separate cannibalization method.

Zhu Xuanqiu was waiting for news at this time. He just checked the number of soul fire extinguished, and the three hundred soldiers were not all dead at all.

Although it has reached an impressive 282 people.

At the very least, 18 people survived.

Half an hour later, someone who was particularly embarrassed finally ran over and saw his own town. This rather young warrior finally couldn't help but knelt to the ground, crying with a complete breakdown of his mind and said: "Devil. He. It's just a devil, a killer, he never knows tiredness, or pain, that swords can't hurt, and axes and spears can't be damaged. Why are there such monsters in this world!"

Jiang Du had no expression on his face, and his crazy killing behavior like a killing machine completely crushed and frightened such a young soldier.

The clansmen surrounding the warrior saw the warrior collapse at this time, and their hearts were also shaken.

Zhu Xuanqiu walked over in strides, and his face became more gloomy when he heard the soldiers' words.

"What the **** happened, why did your entire army be wiped out?" Zhu Xuanqiu asked loudly.

"He is the devil, he is really the devil, none of us are his opponents, he kills people like livestock, it's terrible..."

The young soldier seemed to have not heard Zhu Xuanqiu's words, and continued to say madly.

Zhu Xuanqiu's face was furious, and he grabbed the young soldier's neck, pinched it from the ground, and stared at him.

This one looked at each other, making Zhu Xuanqiu feel his heart pounding.

Because in the eyes of this soldier, he saw endless panic, it seemed that he really saw a scene of great horror and great destruction.

"You are a warrior. You must have a tough mind, an unyielding physique, strong strength, and a tenacious will."

"You must always remember that you are a fighter!"

Zhu Xuanqiu made a huge roar.

The sound resounded in the young soldier's mind like an evening drum.

The young soldier was stunned for a moment. The panic and chaotic eyes seemed to see the moonlight from a dark cloud, and gradually became clear.

Then came the pain. He closed his eyes in extreme pain, and his tears kept falling.

"My lord, we are three hundred, and the whole army is wiped out!" the young soldier said.

"I know that your entire army is annihilated. What happened and how many people were there on the other side?" Zhu Xuanqiu let go of the soldier, and asked in a gentle voice.

"One, from the beginning to the end, there is only one person. His power is like endless. The three commanders are the fastest, chasing after the devil. When we arrive, all three leaders have died. Then three hundred of us besieged and killed him, but he kept killing people, and kept killing people. Our attacks fell on him, and there was no harm at all. His whole body was full of infinite evil spirits. It's as red as blood, and it's terrifying."

The soldier said in pain, thinking of the scenes that happened before, he still felt extremely terrible.

"A person?"

Zhu Xuanqiu was stunned.

He couldn't believe his ears.

"That young man from beginning to end?" He asked again, and even began to wonder if the soldier was lying to himself.

"Really, he is really alone." The soldier said hurriedly.

Zhu Xuanqiu's heart sank.

If there are dozens of people on the other side, he is not very afraid, but there is only one person on the other side, and it is obviously so difficult for him to even take his own arrow.

how come……

At this time, the second man almost resembled the young warrior and ran back crawling around, also kneeling on the ground and crying.

The people in the tribe didn't even know what these people had gone through, which would make the mentally determined warrior break down and cry.

But what the second soldier said was basically exactly the same as the first one said.

Only then was Zhu Xuanqiu sure, it was true, there was really only the young man in that deserted land!

"Everyone is on alert, next time, I will kill myself!"

In order to stabilize people's hearts, Zhu Xuanqiu let out a loud roar.

The opponent is probably a strong man with similar strength to him, anyway, it can't be a god-level power, because a god-level powerhouse can just run straight without caring how many people their tribe has.

As long as he is not a god-level powerhouse, Zhu Xuanqiu still has sufficient self-confidence, and what he waits for next is that the man from the damned deserted land comes again.

The people in the tribe were panic, but more resented, the dwarf resenting this damned deserted land was so powerful.

They still have strong confidence in the leader.

On the other side, Jiang Du's expression was a little strange.

He walked to a corpse. This was the corpse of a soldier. Jiang Du stretched out his palm and touched it lightly.

The corpse that seemed to be fresh at first, with Jiang Du's touch, it collapsed and turned into powder.

Only a pile of clothes and weapons remained.

The bones, flesh and blood of this corpse were all swallowed clean by unknown creatures.

"It seems, it's a little scary..." Jiang Du touched the back of his head and muttered.

What kind of monster was this? Seeing that there was no gap between him, he ate the body.

Fortunately, there were still trophies, and Jiang Du unceremoniously began to clean the battlefield.

Although the corpse was eaten, this just solved the steps of Jiang Duchuang's bones and ashes, making it easier.

It took a full half an hour before Jiang Du finished cleaning up the battlefield. Jiang Du obtained nine things that could be stored, and estimated based on the gray gold on the weapon, it was about 400 kilograms, especially Zhuxiong’s. That big axe, just a big axe weighs hundreds of kilograms.

So Jiang Du did not say anything, so he obtained nearly 500 kilograms of gray gold, which is 50 million free coins, which is more than 300 million Chinese dollars.

There are some other things in the storage ring, some spiritual things, and Jiang Du can feel the huge energy contained in them.

So it shouldn't be a big problem to say that I earn 400 million.

That's it, 400 million?

Jiang Du felt like a joke. If he kept doing this and collected a few tons of gray gold, would he return to the earth and mess up the market?

Although all the corpses were eaten by unknown creatures, Jiang Du still didn't care. He had the ability to eat the entire tomb of Yuan by the unknown creature. Jiang Du estimated that he could wake up with a smile in his dreams.

On the other side, the base area is located.

Qin Ran was the first to come back. Her voice said in a cold voice: "The west is an ocean. There is nothing to discover. The ocean should not be developed, or no one dares to enter. There is no ship on it. I can feel the ocean. There are terrible things, so I did not continue to explore, but there is no way for sure."

"There is even an ocean, isn't this really Yuanjie?" Ye Fei said tangledly.

"I don't know!" Qin Ran said lightly.

She then looked around and asked strangely: "Jiang Du hasn't come back yet?"

"No, I seem to have vaguely felt the energy fluctuations, it may be the movement of the battle, but Jiang Du did not pass through the mark of sentimentality, there should not be much danger." Ning Xue said softly.

Qin Ran nodded.

At this time, Luo Tu also came over.

"I found it. I found the traces of the Yuan people. In the south, there is a city that should be 400 kilometers away. The name of the city is Shouhuncheng. Because I was afraid of being discovered, I didn't enter it, just separated Take a long look." Luo Tu said.

"Shouhuncheng? What a strange name." Qi Yuanyuan whispered.

"Since there is a city, it means that there is civilization here. When Jiang Du comes back, we can discuss it and see if it can be mixed into the city." Duan Qingtian said in a deep voice.

"Yes, but Jiang Du hasn't come back yet? It's unscientific!" Luo Tu is a little puzzled that Jiang Du hasn't come back now. It's been four or five hours, should the investigation be over?

"I'll go and see what the situation is!" Qin Ran said calmly.

She silently aroused the mark of nostalgia in her heart.