I Can See Health

v1 Chapter 63: Patient mission

  Chapter 63 Patient Mission

   "Are you using a random skill book (yellow)?"


   tasted the sweetness of the skill book, Lu Chen opened the skill book without hesitation.

   "Congratulations, getting the basics of cardiac anatomy (Part 1)!"

  Lu Chen's face was overjoyed, this is great!

   is heart anatomy knowledge!

  Anatomical knowledge is the basis of all pathopathophysiology.

  A good physician must be familiar with the anatomy and physiology of various organs.

   "Lu Chen, why are you grinning when you brush your teeth?"

   Wang Zihao asked strangely.

   As soon as he got out of bed, he saw Lu Chen with a toothbrush in his mouth, smirking in the mirror.

   "Ah, no, nothing."

  Lu Chen regained his senses, put away the happy look on his face, and began to brush his teeth.

   Wang Zihao pouted, and also started to wash, ignoring Lu Chen.


  Lu Chen is happy, but he is about to go to work now. He has no books on cardiac anatomy for the time being, so he cannot play the role of this skill book.

   I can only wait until I get off work, and then look for books related to cardiac anatomy, and use the super comprehension ability brought by the skill books to learn.


Today is the weekend.

  Except for the doctor on duty, all other doctors are off.

   However, the eight districts in my heart are not quiet today.

  Because at ten in the morning, there was a missionary meeting.

   This mission was hosted by Li Yao and assisted by Lu Chen.

   60 patients in the entire ward, those with mild illness and those who are stable, are all concentrated in the classrooms in the eight districts of the heart.

   Of course, those who are unwilling to listen should be eliminated.

   "Lu Chen, please do a good job screening. For patients who are not in a stable condition, let them rest in the ward and send out the propaganda booklet."


   In addition to proofreading the diagnosis on the medical records, Lu Chen's method of screening patients is very simple, looking at the health value on their heads.

   For patients with HP greater than 60, Lu Chen will let them go.

   For those whose HP is less than 60, Lu Chen will let them all go back to the ward!

   There were 34 patients in total.

   Looking at the patients under the stage, Lu Chen calculated in his heart that if he could earn all the gratitude points, it would be more than 30 points!

   He had accumulated more than three months of thanks for those ten points before!

   If you make more than 30 points at once, it can be said to be rich overnight!


   The keynote speaker of this mission is Li Yao, and the theme is coronary heart disease, heart failure patients' diet, and precautions in life.

  Lu Chen, as an assistant, helped maintain order, distributed brochures, and finally made a unilateral summary.

  Missionary begins!

  Li Yao stood on the podium, and there were old men and ladies in the audience, each holding a booklet issued by Lu Chen.

   "Mothers and aunts, the theme of this mission is dietary guidance. In the treatment of coronary heart disease, long-term use of drugs is very important, but dietary guidance is also very important!"

"Patients with coronary heart disease should control calories, maintain an ideal body weight, eat less sweets and pure sugar foods, and reduce daily cholesterol intake. The intake of cholesterol should not exceed 300 mg per day or less than 100 mg per kilocalorie. total calories."

   "What can I eat then?"

   Some uncles and aunts started shouting from the audience.

   Don't look at how old these uncles and aunts are.

  The older you are, the more you cherish life.

  The fear of death may make them get rid of many bad habits.

Li Yao smiled and continued: "You can eat some aquatic fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, eggs, dairy, soy products, etc., you must control the quality and quantity of fat intake, and use as little as possible. Animal offal, cuttlefish, pine eggs, fatty meat, animal fat, butter, cream, egg yolk, etc. are foods with high fat content.”

   "If you don't eat these, then we usually drink more porridge and rice, right?"

Li Yao shook her head and said, "No, you must control the intake of carbohydrates, because carbohydrates are the main source of the body's heat energy, and eating too much carbohydrates can be converted into sugar, affecting blood flow, so increase the intake of dietary fiber. For example, fresh vegetables and fruits can enhance blood flow, help blood lipid metabolism, reduce sodium intake, eat small and frequent meals, and quit smoking and drinking.”


The purpose of    mission is to make patients understand what to do, what not to do, and what to do for a long time!

   After Li Yao finished speaking, Lu Chen came to the stage and explained some minor issues to all the patients.

   The details are whether the food can be eaten, and the Chinese medicine can be drunk.

The    mission session lasted two hours.

   "Congratulations, +1 for the thank you from Luo Zhenglin!"

   "Congratulations, +1 for the thank you from Guo Hanzhong!"


   "Congratulations, +1 for receiving thanks from Ding Rong!"

   A total of 34 patients, Lu Chen received 20 points of gratitude.

   After all, this missionary meeting was taught by Li Yao, and earning 20 points of gratitude is already very good.

   In addition to the gratitude points he earned yesterday, Lu Chen now has a total of 26 gratitude points!

   However, there are very few opportunities for missionary groups like this. Lu Chen can't pull the patient to preach every day, and the patient will be annoying to him.

   But through patient education, Lu Chen also realized.

   Let the patient thank you, not necessarily to cure him, of course, if it can be cured, it is the best.

   If a platform of mutual trust is established through good communication between doctors and patients, similar to this propaganda model, some medical knowledge is popularized, and patients are made aware of various dietary taboos and drug taboos, and patients will also be very grateful to doctors.

   However, there are fewer and fewer doctors who are willing to spend their time in this kind of place.

  Because of the overall medical environment, doctors and patients seem to be on the opposite side. Except for the usual treatment, doctors seem to be somewhat resistant and further communicate with patients.


  The lecture is over.

Office of the Director.

  Lu Chen is assisting Li Yao to sort out the documents of this mission.

   "Lu Chen, how do you feel about this mission?" Li Yao smiled.

  Lu Chen pondered for a moment and replied, "In fact, most patients are willing to communicate with doctors, because there is information asymmetry between doctors and patients, and patients prefer to learn some common sense about diseases from doctors."

   "No matter how developed the information is, Baidu's online medical treatment is not very reliable."

   "Treatment is a process of face-to-face communication and communication. In many cases, if doctors and patients can calm down and sit down and talk together, many medical disputes may be reduced."

Li Yao nodded with a smile and said, "Lu Chen, it's great for you to have such an idea. No one of the other doctors in Keli is willing to do missionary meetings, thinking that this is neither a diagnosis nor a treatment. If the communication with the patient is not in place. , can't even get any good results."

   "Teacher, as long as you open this kind of patient mission in the future, I will definitely help." Lu Chen smiled.

   This kind of good thing must be fought for!

   "Okay." Li Yao nodded with satisfaction.

  She came from Lu Chen's body.

   seems to have seen a young and energetic, but not impetuous, which seems to be different from other young people.

   There are three more updates today, making up for yesterday's.



   (end of this chapter)