I Can See Health

v2 Chapter 594: The good boss of the construction site (

   Chapter 594 The Good Boss of the Construction Site (Chapter Two in One)

   bang bang bang... bang bang bang...

   There was a knock on the door, and the man took a breath, "Please come in!"

  A slender, black-haired female secretary in business attire walked in.

   She walked to the man's desk and handed over a document respectfully, "Mr. Wang, the author information of Daglijing's paper has been found."

   "Oh, put it on the table." Wang Lei smiled and stared at the female secretary in front of him.

  The female secretary lowered her head, raised her head slightly, and saw Wang Lei's eyes, her face was a little red, "Mr. Wang, if it's all right, I'll go out first."

  Wang Lei tapped the smooth desktop with his left index finger and picked up the document with his right hand, "Okay, you can go first, but I have something to do later."

   "Yes." The female secretary nodded and left the office with enchanting steps.

  Wang Lei looked at the back of the female secretary, reluctantly withdrew his gaze, and then focused his attention on the document in front of him.

"Li Yao, the corresponding author of the paper, is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Jinghua Medical University. He is currently a member of the Huaxia Society of Cardiovascular Medicine and chairman of the Jinghua Electrophysiology Society. He has published many high-scoring SCI papers, and was involved in plagiarism and plagiarism the year before... …”

   All the information of Li Yao is clearly displayed in this document.

  Wang Lei noticed a sentence in the document, "There are rumors within Jinghua Medical University that the national nature project on Dapagliflozin was run by Lu Chen, a student of Li Yao's tutor, who is also the first author of the paper."

"Lu Chen, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jinghua Medical University, Master of Cardiovascular Medicine, has published three high-scoring SCI papers (all about dapagliflozin's clinical research), the highest one is 11.98 points; Champion of Clinical Skills Competition, fifth place in Huaxia Wenxin Cup ECG Competition..."

   "Hey, this postgraduate student is not easy!" Wang Lei was slightly taken aback after reading Lu Chen's resume.

   This is the first time he has seen such a gorgeous resume!

   It is no exaggeration to say that these honors are comparable to many professors of cardiovascular medicine.

   "Interesting, really interesting!" Wang Lei touched his chin, immediately picked up the phone on the desk, and dialed.

  The phone was connected right away.

   Wang Lei said in a serious tone, "Lin Feng, help me contact the person in charge of Jinghua District, I want to meet with Professor Li Yao."

   "Received, Mr. Wang."

  The phone hangs up, Wang Lei looks at the document in his hand, and a bold idea pops up in his mind...


   The First Affiliated Hospital of Kyoto University.

   One area in the heart, the doctor's office.

  Lu Chen has recovered from his excitement after the paper was accepted.

   As for the experimental progress of the National Nature Project, he has done his best, and he can't grasp the next thing.

  Lu Chen is a person who doesn't really believe in God's reward.

  If you believe that God rewards hard work, once you have worked hard and achieved success, you are likely to look down on those who fail.

   If you try hard and still fail, you are likely to blame others and lament the injustice of heaven.

   Therefore, Lu Chen felt that most of the matters were beyond his ability to decide.

   He can only do everything with all his heart and that is enough.

   "Senior brother, thank you for this thesis." Junior sister Su Rui stood beside Lu Chen with a smile.

   This time, for Lu Chen's paper, Junior Sister Su Rui also did her best to get a fifth author.

   Don't look at the fifth author, this is a high-scoring SCI paper of 11.98.

   Being able to put on a name is not a small honor!

   "No thanks, you deserve it." Lu Chen smiled. Some time ago, Su Rui really helped him a lot.

   "Senior brother, are you free this weekend?" Su Rui looked at Lu Chen with a blushing face, "I want to treat you to a meal."

   Lu Chen's heart tightened, and he looked down at the petite Junior Sister Su Rui beside him.

   It's time to test the veteran cadres again!

   Just when Lu Chen was about to agree, the ward nurse suddenly ran into the ward, "Lu Chen, emergency department consultation!"

   Today is Lu Chen's turn for consultation, and his bed just happens to be vacant.

  Lu Chen quickly grabbed the stethoscope and replied to the nurse, "Okay, I'll go now."

  According to the hospital's consultation regulations, the emergency consultation must be arrived within 10 minutes, so Lu Chen didn't dare to delay. After leaving the cardiology department, he walked directly to the emergency department.

   Junior Sister Su Rui followed closely.

   This time, Xiao Shikang did not follow him any more.

  Lu Chen has long been familiar with the hospital's diagnosis and treatment process and can conduct consultations independently.


   Came to the emergency department.

  Lu Chen met an acquaintance again, Fan Jian, the attending doctor of the emergency department.

   "Hey, Lu Chen, you're here." Fan Jian saw Lu Chen with a smile on his face.

   "Well, it's our group's turn for the consultation today." Lu Chen nodded slightly, came to Fan Jian's side, and picked up the patient's medical records.

   "I heard you posted a cruel article recently?" Fan Jian hooked Lu Chen's neck affectionately.

   "Good luck." Lu Chen couldn't stand this kind of intimate contact, so he took a step back.

   Unexpectedly, Fan Jian took another step forward, "Lu Chen, next time there is a topic suitable for me, don't forget me!"

  Lu Chen: "..."

   behind Su Rui quickly turned her face away, this kind of romantic scene is not suitable for her to watch.

  Lu Chen quickly changed the subject, "Brother Fan, what's the condition of the patient being consulted?"

Talking about the patient's condition, Fan Jian became a little more serious, "This is a patient with syncope. After staying in our emergency department for several days, the examinations were basically done, but still no cause was found. come and see."

   The most common cause of syncope is cardiac or cerebral origin.

   "Let's go see the patient first." Lu Chen handed the patient's medical record folder to Su Rui behind him, and followed Fan Jian to the ward.


   On the hospital bed, lay a middle-aged man of about forty years old.

  Fan Jian introduced the patient's condition on the side, "The patient is an electric welder. Three days ago, he was welding on a one-meter-high platform and suddenly fell off."

"At that time, the patient felt that the right hand and foot were twitching so badly that he could not squat steadily, and the whole person fell. The construction site owner sent him to our emergency department. After a preliminary examination, the hand and foot were not injured, but the skin was broken. But to be on the safe side, the site owner still hospitalized the patient and double-checked the cause of the fall."

   As soon as Fan Jian finished speaking, the middle-aged man on the hospital bed grinned and said, "Our boss said that he has covered all the expenses for the hospitalization examination. It's not bad money. Let me go back after the examination is all right."

  Good guy, this construction site owner is really particular about it.

  Fan Jian jokingly said: "This construction site is so good, I can also apply for the job tomorrow."

   Everyone laughed.

  Lu Chen turned his attention back to the patient.

   The patient's health is 68 (--).

  Two minus sign trends, it seems that should be the problem!

   Generally, a person who falls for no reason like this is either a problem with the brain or a problem with the heart, which should not be able to escape.

   "Did your consciousness clear at the time? Do you remember what happened? Did you know you fell?" Lu Chen began to ask three times.

   The patient replied: "I remember, I remember! I just felt my right hand and right foot twitch like an electric shock. I couldn't balance my whole body, and then I fell down."

   "Are you welding at that time?" Lu Chen asked, "Don't worry, it's an electric leakage or an electric shock."

   "No." The patient shook his head, "Every electric welder has a plastic handle, and the place where I stand is a wooden ladder, it is impossible to get an electric shock."

  Lu Chen nodded slightly, yes, if it was an electric shock, it would be impossible for only one hand and foot to twitch.

   "Has this happened before?" Lu Chen asked.

   "No, this is the first time."

  Lu Chen frowned, then this is a bit strange.

   Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen asked a lot of questions and learned that the patient did not have chest tightness, chest pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness, headache and other symptoms when he fell.

   Moreover, the patient is usually healthy and has no underlying diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

   The twitching of the whole hands and feet only lasted for a few seconds, and it quickly subsided.

   After routine physical examination, the patient's limb muscle strength and muscle tension were all normal. Other neurological tests were largely normal as well.

Lu Chen thought for a while, then said to Fan Jian who was beside him: "The problem of the brain should be considered first. I fell for no reason, and one side of the limb twitched. It might be epilepsy, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, or craniocerebral tumor. or other diseases of the nervous system."

  Fan Jian said helplessly: "The examination of the nervous system has been done, and the results are all normal."

  Lu Chen frowned even more. He took the medical record from Su Rui and checked it carefully.

   Sure enough, the patient's brain CT, MRI, and dynamic EEG were all done!

   All were normal, no cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, and no tumor were found.

   "The result of the blood draw, and the electrocardiogram?" Lu Chen asked again.

   For some patients, it may also be caused by heart problems, such as heartbeat too slow or too fast, causing the heart to pump blood poorly, and then cerebral ischemia, which will then cause the above symptoms, so cardiac examinations are normal.

   "Normal!" Fan Jian helplessly spread his hands, "The patient is normal except for a little high uric acid."

  Lu Chen turned to ECG and Holter, as well as cardiac ultrasound.

   is indeed the same as what Fan Jian said, it is normal.

  Lu Chen frowned, this is strange, any inspections are normal at present!

"Could it be epilepsy?" Lu Chen pondered for a while, then slowly said to Fan Jian beside him, "The patient first twitched for no reason, and then fell from a height. At that time, he was clearly conscious and able to clearly remember what happened. The whole process was After a few seconds, I stopped smoking. Afterwards, my hands and feet moved normally, and there was no incontinence, and there was no abnormality in the physical examination of the nervous system. It seems that there is a high possibility of epilepsy!"

   There are many types of epilepsy, and the classification is very complex.

   Some are very serious, with a full-blown grand mal, the whole person is convulsing violently, and the consciousness is not light.

   But there are also mild ones, such as simple partial seizures, which are relatively short, a few seconds, and more than ten seconds.

   Fan Jian wondered: "Lu Chen, if it is an epileptic seizure, why is the patient's EEG normal?"

   EEG is the most important auxiliary examination for the diagnosis of epilepsy.

   Because the so-called epilepsy is actually caused by abnormal discharge and random discharge of a certain part of the brain.

   "It is possible for EEG to record this epileptic discharge process," Lu Chen explained, "but not 100%, just like Holter."

   In fact, for one reason or another, abnormal EEG results are recorded in only 50% of epilepsy patients, and the other 50% are missed.

   "In this case, the possibility of epilepsy is relatively high." Fan Jian muttered to himself.

   At this time, the patient on the hospital bed suddenly asked in a low voice, "Doctor, is my illness related to work? Could it be caused by work?"

   "It's hard to say." Lu Chen said, "The cause of epilepsy is unknown."

   When it comes to work-related injuries, be cautious.

   "Brother Fan, let's ask a neurologist for consultation." Lu Chen said.

   After all, he is not a neurology major, and he can only say that he has only a limited understanding of the knowledge of the nervous system.

   "Already invited, it should be on the way." Fan Jiandao.

As soon as the    voice fell, the consulting doctor from the neurology department came to the emergency department.

  Lu Chen didn't know him, the hospital was too big, and he had been here for too short a time, so he was not familiar with many people.

   However, Lu Chen stayed in the emergency department and wanted to hear the opinion of the neurology department.

After reading the medical records, the neurologist said to Fan Jian and Lu Chen: "At present, epilepsy is indeed not ruled out in patients. But diagnosing epilepsy is not a trivial matter. Many people call epilepsy epilepsy, which shows how discriminatory this is. sick."

   "We neurologists generally have to be confident enough to make this diagnosis. In addition, if the diagnosis is epilepsy, it means that long-term oral antiepileptic drugs may be required in the future."

   "This is not a joke. I suggest you stay in the hospital and continue the investigation. Try to check it out as much as possible."

  The psychiatrist is still a professional, and he named the key to the problem at once.

   Diagnosis of epilepsy is easy, but after diagnosis, this series of problems is more troublesome.

   The middle-aged man in the hospital bed panicked when he heard what the neurologist said, "Doctor, if it really is epilepsy, can this disease be cured?"

   The neurologist shook his head, "Current medical surgery, epilepsy cannot be cured, only long-term oral antiepileptic drugs, such as sodium valproate sustained-release tablets."

   This sentence made the patient a little bit broken, "I'm a skilled worker, if the boss knew that I had epilepsy, no one would dare to invite me..."

   A trace of bitterness appeared on the patient's face, "Doctor, do you have to take medicine for a long time?"

   The neurologist said: "How to say... About 30% of epilepsy patients may have spontaneous remission if they do not take medicine. In other words, 30% of epilepsy patients do not take medicine and may gradually reduce or even stop having seizures."

   "That is to say, it is not necessary to take medicine for a long time?" The patient said again.

The psychiatrist shook his head slightly, "But we can't judge for the time being which type of person belongs to the 30%. If you are the remaining 70% and don't take medicine, you may become more and more powerful, and you may not be so lucky next time. You could be swimming, you could be driving, you could be crossing the street."

   "Once it occurs in such a dangerous environment, even if the symptoms only last for a few seconds, it will be fatal!"

   Fan Jian whispered from the side: "In the past two days in the emergency department, the patient had two more attacks, but they were both in the hospital bed, so there was no danger."

  The neurologist heard the words and said, "Three attacks in a short period of time means that you still need to take medicine."

   Hearing this, the patient was a little silent.

  Fan Jian saw that the communication was almost the same, so he took Lu Chen and the neurology department back to the office, "If there is a bed in the neurology department, I'll just take it in?"

   "No problem." The neurologist nodded, "I'll contact you when the bed is available."

   "Thank you for the consultation." Fan Jian breathed a sigh of relief and finally sent the patient away. Facing such a patient whose condition is unknown, it was really a time bomb.

  Lu Chen saw this and was ready to leave.

  But just as Lu Chen stepped out of the door of the emergency department ward with his right foot, he heard the cry of a nurse from the ward: "Rescue! Rescue!"

  Lu Chen stopped and looked back into the ward.

   Junior Sister Su Rui also stretched her neck, looked inside, and said in surprise, "Senior brother, it seems that the patient we just consulted was rescued!"

   Try to post as many chapters as possible.



   (end of this chapter)