I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 30: Thirty-two

Chapter 30, Chapter Thirty-two: Go Home The Second Time

Tang's Restaurant

"Mama, do you know that there are many gold bars in the room as high as the mountains." Xiao Zhengtai put the chopsticks in the bowl, waving his arms and describing something to Xu Shuhui.

With your expressive ability, four years old can't be more. Tang Luo looked at the nonsense Xiaozheng and took the rice into his mouth speechlessly.

"Really, brother is awesome, eat some meat."

Xu Shuhui was full of joy, as if she was surprised when she heard the news for the first time.

She smiled and put a chopstick of food into Tang Luo's bowl as a sign of encouragement.

"Thank you mother." Tang Luo thanked him embarrassingly.

Maybe outsiders really believe that the Tang family really has a relative named Gao Jin, but as the mistress of the Tang family's three rooms, she has a powerful intelligence system. It is not difficult to guess that the boy who can go out of the martial arts hall thirty times a month is her son.

His parents should have known about Tang Luo being Gaojin a long time ago, but at this time he still looked like he had heard of it for the first time, and this could only deceive Xiaozheng Tai Tang Xing.

The dining room has always been a place for family exchanges, but Xu Shuhui is responsible for the communication part, and Tang Sen, as the owner of the family, has been immersed in the meal from beginning to end, but he said yes, yes.

I don't know why, his appetite is extremely huge, even as a warrior, this appetite is also very extraordinary.

Tang Luo can eat four or five catties of meat at one meal, which already makes him feel like a big stomach king.

But compared with his father, like the difference between the light of the firefly and the moon, there are only five members in the family, and there is also a five-year-old Xiao Nuannuan, but there will be a table full of meals.

Each dish is served on a large plate, but for every meal, Townsend can eat them all.

Even if Townsend eats fast, he takes a long time to eat. Usually the two brothers have finished eating. His mother Xu Shuhui is still holding Xiao Nuannuan with him.

But now the five-year-old Xiao Nuan Nuan is very active. She has no patience to wait for her father to finish the meal in her mother's arms, so now Tang Sen and Xu Shuhui are always left in the dining hall of the Tang family.

"I've finished eating~" Tang Xing was the first to put down the tableware today, ready to leave and return to the house to practice.

And the chubby Xiao Nuannuan was closely followed.

"Ma Ma, I'm going to see the beasts in the garden~" Xiao Nuannuan wanted to drag Xu Shuhui to the garden to see the beasts raised after eating.

"Little Nuan Nuan, let your brother take you first, and mother will come in a while."

But Xu Shuhui had been accustomed to eating with Tang Sen for more than ten years, so she asked Tang Xing to take Xiao Nuannuan to the garden before practicing.

Xiao Zhengtai also obediently led her sister out of the dining room.

Even if there are people standing on the side, Xu Shuhui still wants more emotional exchanges between brothers and sisters.

Tang Luo is still eating slowly, because today he has something to call Tang Sen.

Before he could speak, the careful Xu Shuhui saw his abnormal eating speed, so she sat next to him and asked, "What happened to Luo Er today?"

"Mother, it's nothing. I just have something to tell my father." Tang Luo put down the dishes and explained to Xu Shuhui.

As soon as Xu Shuhui heard it, she raised her voice to the next person and said, "You should withdraw first."

After a while promised, the people all quit the dining hall, leaving only the three of them.

Tang Luo took a deep breath and said to Tang Sen: "Father, I want to quit the clan martial arts hall."

Although embarrassed, he has made up his mind.

I thought that his father, who was the first seat of the martial arts hall, would scold him, but Tang Sen only said lightly: "Yes."

Because he felt that Tang Luo was doing the right thing. The most important thing for a martial artist was to improve himself. Since there is nothing to teach in the martial arts, why bother staying in the martial arts.

Tongtian Jue Tang Luo was very familiar with it at the age of five, and Tongtianba Juan would not lose to anyone under his own teaching. And the mystery of Wutang is nothing more than forming a team to complete the combined attack, Tang Luo can do it himself.

Tang Sen's request to Tang Luo was not unexpected, because the path of genius is always different from that of ordinary people.

His father's calm support kept Tang Luo Nuan in his heart, but what he is going to say today is not just to withdraw from the martial arts hall.

"Father, I have to issue an employment mission. I need a Mortal-level clan warrior, a Pavilion-level warrior, and a steward. The long-term contract is limited to five years. The Mortal-level 50,000 gold per year, and ten Pavilion Fifty thousand gold per year. In charge, thirty thousand gold per year."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Shuhui became anxious. He wanted a martial artist, and had to sit in the gym and take care of things.

Combined with her son's precocity, she suddenly panicked and said sharply: "You are only thirteen years old, how can you build a mansion!"

Tang Luo was surprised by the mother's sudden harsh drink. He turned his face and saw Xu Shuhui with a stern face and the weakness in her eyes.

That was the mother's deep reluctance and reassuring to her children. For Xu Shuhui, the three children were her heart, and she did not allow her children to leave herself so early.

Of course Tang Luo understands her emotions, but obviously he has been misunderstood, so he is relieved: "Mother, I am not going to build a government. I just want to buy a property, which requires guards and residences."

In Tang Mansion's request, if Xu Shuhui's support is not available, everything will be useless, so Tang Luo will choose to discuss the matter when both parents are there.

But Xu Shuhui's heart was grabbing, and when he heard that Tang Luo was just going to buy a home, he immediately recovered his peace.

She let out a long sigh of relief and immediately said, "It turns out that this is the case. Mother has misunderstood. You don't need to go outside to look for it in the hall. It's better to transfer the martial artist directly to the palace.

"No need for mother, let's send a mission from the clan." Tang Luo insisted.

Generally speaking, only the martial artist who has cultivated to the pinnacle of the Transcendence Realm for many years and is ready to subtly cultivate and break through can take up the post of sitting hall.

It wasn't that Tang Luo was unwilling to use the martial artist at home, but that there were not many peaks of the Transcendence Realm in Tang Mansion, and they were already serving as seats in important industries. If they were transferred to himself, these industries would be emptied.

If you don’t have money to hire, you can only accept it brazenly. Since you have enough funds, you can hire people from your clan, you won’t bother your family. This is a matter of principle.

"When is it?" Town Sen asked in a low voice, as calm as ever.

"Two months later." Tang Luo replied after estimating the time.


West of Xiling City, Fengqing Hutong

If Xiling City is to be divided into an area for the poor and the rich, the true north where the Tang clan is located and the true south where the Mi clan is located are the earliest towns in Xiling. After years of development and repair, every inch of land is worthy. Those who live are big families with good looks.

Other areas are mostly uneven and mixed with rich and poor. Just like the west of the city, it is undoubtedly a gathering place for small families and the poor, and the most famous one is Fengqing Hutong.

In this wide and narrow alley, crisscrossing a radius of more than a dozen miles, there are all mobs living in three schools. There are gangsters, beggars, land ruffians, prostitutes and some strange craftsmen.

Here, you can see the poorest kindness and the most sinister heart. In this alley named Fengqing, most of the poor and hateful people in Xiling gathered.

When Fang Han was young, he was abducted by land ruffians in Fengqing Hutong. Along with him, there were dozens of four or five year olds.

The ruffians taught them to pickpocket, and some refused to learn, so they were interrupted on the spot.

Even a four- to five-year-old child will have a clear judgment.

The tramp turned into a thief and began to steal in the crowded streets.

Most children dare not vote for well-dressed people, because they think well-dressed people are more fierce, so they always choose those who are well-dressed to steal, and some are caught and killed on the spot. Some were caught, wounded and disabled, and could no longer be a thief, so they could only be controlled as a beggar.

Thieves are actually very difficult to do. Sometimes they squat on the street for a day and no suitable objects appear. Then these children will be hungry that day.

And sometimes even if it is stolen, after most of it is taken away, the money left behind is not enough for the children to eat a full meal.

Fang Han grew up in this environment.

Since childhood, he has never felt goodwill in the world, nor does he believe in goodwill in the world.

The only thing he believes is himself!

(End of this chapter)