I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 98: One hundred and one

Chapter 98, Chapter 101: Competitiveness

Mi's Emergency Council

Compared with the Tang family, the rights of the Mi family are more concentrated, so the number of people in the clan association is also particularly small.

The head of the Mi clan of this generation is Mi Jin, who is in charge of the Mi's law firm and money and food internal affairs.

The first Mihai in the martial hall, governs the military power of the Mi clan.

The head of the clan Mihu, the ruler of the clan is divided.

With the addition of twelve elders, these fifteen people constitute the power center of Mi's.

As Tang's old opponent, perhaps Tang Ming felt that his grain harvesting operation was particularly secretive and difficult to be noticed, but in the eyes of Mi's intelligence channels, it was as dazzling as a bright moon in the night.

It's just that at first, Mi's only thought that the grain harvest was just to prepare the Wancheng treasure ship to set sail as soon as possible.

After Tang Ming received a full 100,000 tons of new grain, Mi's finally began to notice something was wrong, first raised the price of the new grain, and then Mi Jin convened this emergency council in order to clarify Tang's purpose.

In addition to these fifteen top leaders of the Mi clan, Mi Hai took the second seat of Wutang and Mi Chu, Mi Hu took Mi Shen, and Mi Jin took Mi Zhu.

So this time the emergency council, 19 people were present.

Mi Chu is the strongest genius of the Mi clan of this generation, and the second son of the first Mi Hai. If nothing else, Mi Chu will be the head of the next martial arts hall.

Mishin is the eldest son of Mihu, the patriarch of the Mi clan, and the next preparatory patriarch appointed by the Clan Association.

The rich and powerful people with hundreds of years of history have their own unique knowledge in selecting talents.

Only the best one is worthy to sit in the highest position. No matter what kind of position, the law of alternation is never hereditary, but ability.

Because the rich know clearly that the strength of the clan is like sailing against the current. Sometimes it's not that you have become weaker, but that you have not become strong enough, being surpassed by the rising clan, and then destroyed.

There are too many examples of this kind.

One generation flourishes, the second generation flourishes, and the third generation falls. I don't know how many clans can't escape such a curse, and the root cause is that they can't hire relatives.

The patriarch's father always wanted to pass the position to his children, regardless of what piece of material he was.

Even if he has gone with great **** luck, his son is not bad. In the grandson's generation, as long as he still holds this kind of thinking, he will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, in the family rules of the Mi clan and the Tang clan, the conditions of competition are clearly written in white and black.

Regardless of the division of the clan and the ancestors, as long as you are capable enough to assume the position, the family will give you the opportunity. As long as you prove yourself, even if it is the position of the patriarch, you can compete.

Because the real enemy of the clan is never inside, but the group of outsiders, big and small, who are staring at it. If they use their power to exclude their own bloodlines and fight for power, then it will not be far from the ruin of a clan.

So even if the patriarch's parent-child ability is good, the candidate for the young patriarch of the Mi clan is still Mishen.

Even in this emergency council, Mi Shen could sit opposite the patriarch and others, and Mi Zhu, the son of the patriarch, could only stand behind Mi Jin as an observer.

This is the quintessence of elite education, and only those who can do it.

"The Tang family has collected a full 100,000 tons of new grain, and it seems that they will continue to collect it. What do you think?" Mi Jin sat in the middle and asked the people who were seated.

I said it was a question, but in fact, the only person I faced was Mishen. Because it was related to the internal affairs of the money and food, Mihai didn't know anything about it. Although Mihu had a little bit of business, he only had a little knowledge.

Therefore, when encountering such a thing, it is usually a dialogue between Mijin and Mishin, and Mitake records it.

Mishen said with a confident expression: "Don't worry about the patriarch, the Tang family did not do this to prepare for battle."

This sentence set the tone for the Tang family's behavior of collecting grain, and it also meant that the three of Wutang could begin to close their eyes and rest in this emergency meeting.

"Why do you say this?" Mi Jin asked knowingly, because this is the most important part of patriarch training.

Mi Shen was prepared for a long time, so he talked eloquently: "There are three reasons. First, if it is for war, the Tang family should harvest spiritual food instead of new food. The large harvest of new food is only for the expedition, but the Tang family and my Mi family will draw the river. But the governance team is similar in strength. If the Tang family is preparing for an expedition, wouldn't it be feared that my Mi family will take advantage of it?"

"Secondly, the collection of grain was presided over by Fenzong Tang Ming. This person thought he was secretive but was full of flaws. If it is the important task of military grain, the Tang Clan will definitely hand it over to Shan Chang Tang Kuan, and only he can do it in the dark and drizzle. Silent effect."

"Thirdly, observing the Tang's grain harvest this time, in the past month, they have collected all the new rice on the market in Xiling, and they have also sent three caravans and 100 cargo ships. It can be seen that the Tang's grain harvest is so large. It's incalculable."

Grain harvesting is so fanciful and the quantity is so large, it is not like a military ration reserve at all.

Following Mishen's analysis, the clansmen on the table nodded one after another, and even a dozen clansmen were very satisfied. The vision displayed by Mishen, who is only twenty-five years old, is not weaker than that of a major treasurer who has been immersed in business for decades.

"What's the purpose?" Mi Jin asked lightly.

"I'll judge." Mischen paused, and said loudly: "The Tang family wants to monopolize the Xiling liquor industry."

"Tang Mi's two clans are similar in strength, and no one dares to start the war lightly. Under such circumstances, winning through business has become the best means of accumulating advantages."

"And the business way that needs so much food must be the wine industry. The Tang family has a caravan that went to the wine country. He just returned to the city in April. I am afraid that he has brought back some incredible formula, so the Tang family has So confident that you want to dominate the Xiling wine industry."

Mi Jin nodded and agreed, because Mi Shen basically agreed with his judgment.

"Can Down's succeed?"

Mi Shen's expression changed, and solemnly said: "It must be possible."

"Xiling's grain is monopolized by the Tang and Mi's families, and the Tang family's farmland requires 50,000 mu of my Mi's farmland. Now, the Tang family no longer releases new grains, and most of the new grain harvested in the spring of our clan After being acquired by the Tang family, hundreds of restaurants in Xiling will have no new grains to make wine before the summer harvest. If they cannot receive new grains for the autumn harvest this year, these restaurants will have to sell aged wines in order to maintain their business."

Grain is new and good, wine is aging. Most of these stored wines are old bottoms saved by restaurants over the years. If they are unsealed ten or twenty years later, the price will be better than gold, but if they start now, they will undoubtedly sell at a low price.

"I judge Tang's grain harvesting behavior, I am afraid it will last a whole year."

"And next year, Tang's new wine will start shipping. Although I don't know what secret recipe they got, I will never lose to those old wines from Xiling."

The recorder Mizhu asked puzzledly: "Isn't that still a tie? How can the Tang family monopolize the wine industry?"

"Because of the wine industry in Xiling, the level will be reduced in a cliff-like manner in the coming year." Mishen Chao explained: "By next year, the Tang family will stop collecting grain, and the wine industry in Xiling will have new grains for winemaking. They How can they continue to sell the old wine."

"And after a year of aging wines, the wines will only feel bland and tasteless after drinking these new wines. At this time, Tang's new wines will appear, rich in flavor and low price. What do you think these winers would choose?"

Mi Zhu suddenly realized: "Then they will definitely buy Tang's wine."

Mi Zhu nodded and continued: "The Tang family's harvest of grain for one year will definitely increase the price of new grain. The restaurant in Xiling has not received the lesson of grain this year, so they will definitely spend a lot of money to save grain in the coming year. When the new wine is launched in Kaifeng but there are no drinkers. What do you think the wine industry in Xiling will do."

Under Mishen's analysis, the integration of Tang's wine industry is like a picture scrolling on the case, so magnificent and breathtaking!

(End of this chapter)