I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 111: Bring me


"That's too dangerous, isn't it worth the risk?" Qin Lan, after understanding Fang Chong, understood, but disagreed.

"I'm sure ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly.

Redeemed the ‘Small Energy Vehicle’ last night. As long as he does n’t encounter the super-evolved ‘flying’ mutant creature, the safety issue is still assured, but he can run ...

"Are you ready to go alone?" Qin Lan stood up at once. Qin Lan thought that there would be no great guarantee for everyone to go together. Now she actually heard Fang Chong say that she would go alone ...

"Go alone, I am more confident ..." Fang Chong also stood up and sat down beside Qin Lan.

"No, absolutely not ..." Qin Lan looked at Fang Chong's extremely firm eyes and shook her head gently. She knew that Fang Chong's decision was difficult to change, and Fang Chong said it was not unreasonable.

Now the combat effectiveness of the ‘Blood Killing Hunting Team’ cannot be said to be weak, but the team is large and the target is large. If you really run into an opponent you ca n’t beat, it will become a burden for Fang Chong when you run away.

"What can I do ..." Fang Chong smiled bitterly. At this time, Qin Lan was talking like a very small child, as if Fang Chong's next sentence, if she did not follow her heart, she would cry ... In order to avoid Qin Lan crying The possibility that Fang Chong can do is only to discuss ...

"At least take me ..." Qin Lan asked.

"No, it's too dangerous ..." Fang Chong didn't expect that Qin Lan's attack was actually the idea, shaking his head like a rattle.

"If it is dangerous, you will not be able to go ..." Qin Lan played a rogue. "Otherwise, we will hold a meeting of the management of the" hunting group "and vote ..."

"Vote?" Fang Chong was speechless, Qin Lan seemed to eat him. "Vote and they must be on your side ..."

"Otherwise, you just have to take me ..." Qin Lan said Fang Chong's only choice.

"Why don't you make sense?" Fang Chong smiled bitterly. For Qin Lan, he couldn't get angry. In addition to knowing Qin Lan's heart, he also had a strange feeling in him.

"Just don't talk ..." Qin Lan, don't overdo it, this is similar to the words of Jiao Jiao, after speaking, she felt hot on her face.

But let Fang Chong take risks, she is worried in the base city, it might as well go with Fang Chong.

Since the end of the last days, she is completely used to seeing Fang Chong every day.

"It's okay to go together, but you have to listen to anything ..." Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan's current situation, and said hardly that he could only surrender ...

And the small energy car has two seats. It is still possible for them to escape together ...

"Yes, but the premise is that you ca n’t take this condition as a reason. When you are in danger, ask me to go first. You can resist it later." You have to call out.

"Aren't you worried that we won't be able to come back when we go out?" Fang Chong can feel every move from Qin Lan, only the warmth that can be felt by loved ones ...

"With you, I don't worry about anything ..." Qin Lan leaned her head on Fang Chong's shoulder, like a lover, and said gently ...

……………………………… ..

"Fang Chong, someone is looking for you outside ..." Chen Dong walked in from the outside and said while walking ...

"Eh ..." After Chen Dong walked in, he saw a scene of Qin Lan leaning on Fang Chong's shoulder. The whole man froze and said quickly. "I didn't see anything, I went to tell that person that you are not free ..."

"Chen Dong came back to me ..." Qin Lan, when he heard Chen Dong's voice, was ready to sit up straight, but did not expect to be seen by Chen Dong. A flush of red on his face ...

"Sister Lan, I didn't really bother you ..." Chen Dong and Qin Lan met earlier than Fang Chong, and Qin Lan was a bit older than Chen Dong.

"Stink boy also said, we have nothing ..." Qin Lan walked over and shook Chen Dong's head.

"Who's here?"

Wu Fangchong asked the business, Chen Dong has been raised and training his head ...

"It was the pastoral song yesterday ..." Chen Dong heard Fang Chong asked, and came over quickly, otherwise, Qin Lan didn't know how long he would train him ..

"What is she doing here?" Qin Lan also knows that Chen Dong's personality is a joke. Although he is not serious in training, he wants to show something called a girl's hold. In fact, she is also strange in heart. Although I know everyone every time It's a joke, but then she and Fang Chong put it together, her heart is still very sweet ...

"I don't know, she didn't say, maybe it was Fang Chong's handsome and handsome ..." Chen Dong saw Qin Lan approaching him again, and quickly flashed behind Fang Chong ...

"I'll know if I just go out and see ..." Fang Chong shook his head and saw Chen Dong now.

"Hmm ..." Qin Lan nodded and followed Fang Chong ...

Alas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Sister Qin Lan ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Fang Chong ..." As soon as Fang Chong walked out of the room and came to the outside hall, a girl in white sportswear appeared in front of them.

"Where did the animal husbandry come ..." Qin Lan saw that the appearance of animal husbandry was very different from yesterday, and her face flashed a little surprise.

Yesterday, the red salamander scale armor was very charming and beautiful, but today I put on white sportswear, it has a feeling of a little girl next door…. Especially with the pure face of Mage's, it is more lethal…

"Won't you really be attracted by Fang Chong's handsomeness?" Qin Lan came up with a bizarre idea ...

"It's so boring in the urban area. I didn't know a few people in other places, so I came here to see you, and I want to see when you will go out again‘ hunting and killing zombies, mutant creatures… ”Muge said.

"Sit down and talk ..." Fang Chong knows most about people like Muge, who can live without food and clothing, but he doesn't enjoy it and likes adventure ...

I can't say anything. Everyone visits, do n’t greet people to sit in, it ’s not good to say anything ...


"Why don't you see Sister Ling Ya?" After sitting down, Muge curiously looked at the four-story small building where Fang Chong lived.

"They're recruiting people ..." Fang Chong poured a glass of water for Muge.

"Recruiting people?" This is not the first time he heard the term, and he understands the meaning ... "Is the hunting team ready to grow?"

"I have this plan ..."


Ps. Thank you five brothers today for their "shadow sniper", "cold crayfish", "pirate flag E", "silver moon" and "sky horse S".

Seek collection, recommend tickets ...