I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 255: Terminator Reappearance

Charge chapter (8 o'clock)

Chapter 255 The Terminator Reappears


"What? Don't believe me?"

I felt the kind of strong surprise and surprise in Huang Qianchuan's tone. The pastoral song was a little angry. Her previous impression of Huang Qianchuan was very good, but she did not expect that later Huang Qianchuan would be so overbearing when she had a powerful strength. It was arrogant. It wasn't until the last time that Fang Chong had a bad relationship with him that caused the pastoral affection to his brother.

However, from the day-to-day together, Muge was surprised to find that Huang Qianchuan seems to be slowly changing, and he is more and more like the person he is familiar with. Such changes, Muge is very happy.

Although she is a little angry about Huang Qianchuan's suspicion, this kind of anger is not real anger, but a kind of affection similar to coquettish, sister to big brother ...

"Little song I ..." Huang Qianchuan heard the tone of Muge's interrogation, and his body froze all of a sudden. This feeling seems to be back many years ago. After a while, Huang Qianchuan returned to God, and could not help but call the name of the muge. "Of course I don't believe you, but can 'Kyoto Base City' really make such a powerful sword?".

"Brother Qianchuan, these were not made by 'Kyoto Base City', but were synthesized by Fang Chong's" Blood Kill Hunt Group "..." Seeing Huang Qianchuan's awkward smile, Muge held Fang Chong in one hand While introducing the origin of 'Crescent Moon' in her hand ...

Muge enjoyed how Huang Qianchuan looked at her now.

It is no longer the enthusiasm between men and women, but the deep love between brothers and sisters.

"Don't doubt, Muge is all true. The sword is from our own hands. The sharpness is verified ..." Of course, Fang Chong felt the change in the feeling between Huang Qianchuan and Muge.

This change gives Fang Chong the biggest feeling is Huang Qianchuan.

It can be said that at this moment, Huang Qianchuan's original hostility to him had completely disappeared.

I don't know if it is an illusion, Fang Chong seems to feel that Huang Qianchuan has become cheerful.

"I believe Xiaoge said, but this 'Crescent Moon' was still returned to Xiaoge. She is weak. She can protect herself with this sword ..." After watching the sword passed by Muge again, Huang Qianchuan took over , Insert the knife into the scabbard and return it to the pastor.

"This 'Crescent Moon' wasn't suitable for you at all. I prepared your sword ..." Huang Qianchuan handed it back to the animal husbandry, and Fang Chong signaled that the animal husbandry was closed. While speaking, Fang Chongshun took his own back Take off the 'red sword' from the top.

The sword on Fang Chong's back is much larger than that of Muge's Crescent. It is about the same length as the alloy sword used by Huang Qianchuan, but the blade is wider and the weight of the knife is heavier.

With a sword of only one and a half meters, the weight is more than five hundred pounds, which is five times that of the alloy knife ...


"Isn't this your own knife?" After receiving Fang Chong's knife, Huang Qianchuan was attracted by its weight for the first time. The weight of the "blood red sword" was completely unexpected, and he never imagined such a heavy knife.

With the strength of his arms exceeding 10,000 jin now, a sword of more than 100 jin is not enough to exert his full strength, but the blood-red sword in his hand is different now. Although Huang Qianchuan did not get a try from the zombies, but the strong That intuition told him that a knife of this weight was the most suitable for him.

In addition, the blood-red on the sword is looming murderous, Huang Qianchuan can be said to be absolutely in love.

"As long as it is a" gene warrior "or an" evolver ", you are now a member of our team, and it is of course yours ..." Fang Chong knew what Huang Qianchuan was going to say, but he was speaking in Huang Qianchuan Blocked him before he finished talking.

Although the sword is very precious, compared to the strength of Huang Qianchuan, ten are worth it.

And we'll have to face the "Terminator" ...

Huang Qianchuan's fighting power is so fierce if it is wasted. It's so shameful ...

"You ..." Huang Qianchuan heard Fang Chong say this, he subconsciously went to see the companion standing next to him.

Like Fang Chong said, the sword is really a human hand. Although it is not as attractive as this one, it is definitely better than his own alloy knife ...

"Trust me?" Understand Huang Qianchuan's doubts, and everyone raised his sword.

Muge looked at Huang Qianchuan and nodded seriously ...

Tell him that no one lied to him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Fang Chong was careful, and the Terminator was found a thousand meters away ..." While he was about to say something about Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong's shoulder intercom sounded a little nervous voice on the seventh floor.

Although I have seen Terminator long ago, the terrification of Terminator is still deeply imprinted in Xiao Lan's mind.

Now seeing the huge figure of the Terminator through the telescope, her performance is quite calm now ...

"Did it finally appear?". When Fang Chong heard Xiao Lan's voice, it was not surprising that his emotions had not changed significantly.

The appearance of the Terminator was as early as they expected, after all, they massacred the Hulk on such a large scale.

For Terminators who already have human intelligence, Fang Chong and others are a provocation to their dominance. If they do not kill Fang Chong, they will not be able to establish their majesty ...

While everyone was back to their positions to prepare, Fang Chong picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Xiao Lan, you continue to observe the surrounding situation to see if you can count the number of terminator ..." Fang Chong said.

"胒 f8 靼 祝  心 诘 neon  thirsty overseas Chinese.?" May be the calmness revealed by Fang Chong's voice, Xiao Lan's tone relaxed a lot inadvertently ...

When everyone was watching us nervously ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Fang Chong took out a sword from the space while everyone was not paying attention ...

Feeling the coldness coming from the sword, Fang Chong closed his eyes gently, trying to adjust his breathing to the best state.

Artillery, energy cannons still bombarding the front.

But now, the number of zombies has been declining rapidly, and the Hulk has almost disappeared.

But the atmosphere in the building seemed even heavier at the moment.

The number of Terminators has increased from three at the beginning of Xiao Lan Bao to five at present.

And less than two minutes passed.

And from Xiao Lan's description, the Terminator would not be in a hurry to attack, as if he was waiting for something ...

Chapter 255 The Terminator Reappears

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