I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 503: Unexpected explosion


After leaving the R & D base, everyone's mood was obviously a lot of excitement. After seeing the unique characteristics of the warships, they were undoubtedly more confident. Fight? Who's afraid of who!

Like Huang Qianchuan, a few of them will really hope that the fleet of the rice country will come soon. After all, only the real war can check whether the power of these warships is the same as he sees now ...

Fang Chong, however, was a little speechless about their response. In Fang Chong's view, there is death when there is war. Mutual killing between human beings is undoubtedly irrational, especially when zombies have not been completely cleaned out and mutant organisms are raging. Under the circumstances that the Zak tribe looked at ...

However, Fang Chong does not hope that it does not mean that other humans think the same way. m (come to reading novels)

As for the challenge, Fang Chong will not shrink back. impossible…..

"How to fight the first battle?" After returning to the municipal building in the city center, Huang Qianchuan spoke after everyone sat down ...

"When you go to sea, your personal strength can't play a big role. Except for those of us who don't have an evolutionary or genetic warrior with a particularly strong underwater ability, in the face of a war fortress like an aircraft carrier, even your strength Over 400 levels, it is still difficult to sink an aircraft carrier.

After all, no matter how great the power of the fist is, at most, a hole, and whether the aircraft carrier can be solved by a ship is still a question mark. Once a dry duck similar to ours falls into the water, it will be a trouble .... " Also stood up and added ...

"Ling Ya is right. We need to plan carefully. Don't argue, focus on the right ..." After listening to Ling Ya, Fang Chong fully agreed with such a statement, especially when he saw Xiao Army, Song Ming, including Huang Qianchuan, after his own impetuous performance, he had to speak to stop.

War is not a game, and the cost of failure is not what they can afford now, and Fang Chong will not allow defeat to occur in the case of general strength, so the first battle must be played beautifully.

"Okay. Just research. I have no opinion ...." Huang Qianchuan heard Fang Chong's expression, and although his expression was a little depressed, Fang Chong spoke. He has no objection, Fang Chong's intentions he understands ...

Huang Qianchuan did not argue, others did not say anything after hearing this, after all, they do n’t know if they are the most suitable one now ....


"Everyone said just now that personal combat power cannot play an important role in war at sea, and the biggest reason for this situation is because of the ability, whether it is speed, strength, or other, it can not be great at sea. Qin Lan stood up at this time. The smile on her face was very bright, and this smile made everyone feel depressed. They do n’t know why Qin Lan laughed so happily ...

"You said that we all know, but what about it?" Murong Xue said, she was the one who wanted to go to the sea very much, but from this situation, she and Li Yunyu were obviously inappropriate.

"Hey, do you all forget my ability?" Qin Lan gave everyone a "you know" smiley face.

"Ability?" Everyone's expressions were silent. (Read novels.)

"Are you afraid of not being able to approach the aircraft carrier or other warships with flying capabilities? Think about it, if I landed on Mo's warship suddenly, would you say the scene would be very shocking?" Qin Lan smiled very much Happy ...

"Um ....." After listening to Qin Lan's words, the expressions of the others were dull. They knew why Qin Lan laughed so brightly. They ignored Qin Lan's skill. The ability to fly has always been against the sky. Even today, it is unsolvable ...

"Well, everyone should be acquiescent, right?" Qin Lan supported the table with both hands. Looking around, she knew that no one might fight her again.

"Okay. This battle is to let Qin Lan dominate, and I assist ..." Fang Chong shook his head gently.-People who were afraid of war originally thought there were many, but in fact, people who like violence should be better than people who don't A little more.

Fang Chong's response to this can only be understood as the result of stress.

In an environment like the last days, it is a very lucky thing for people not to be crazy. It is undoubtedly normal to want to vent somewhere, and killing is undoubtedly the fastest and fastest way to resolve this pressure. The most suitable method ...

So Fang Chong understands very well, and understands why everyone is scrambling to fight overseas ...

But as Ling Ya said before, when the sea can't fully exert its capabilities, other people appear to be in danger.

This unknown possibility, Fang Chong said with a serious expression.

As for why Qin Lan and himself were selected, in addition to the reasons Qin Lan said, Fang Chong also has more flying ability in things, and even if Fang Chong cannot fly, in the case of a giant lizard, Fang Chongzai No trouble at sea ...

Fang Chong also dared to say this with a giant lizard. Otherwise, he knew very well that Huang Qianchuan would surely spray him to death.

Although they regard him as a head, in this kind of thing, each of them is the same, the same habit of forgetting his identity, seems to be the same appointment ...

Although Fang Chong protested more than once, it never ended without results ...

"Qin Lan won't say it, why can you do it?" Yes, it's Xiaojun, who has spent several months in leisure. Although the strength of Xiaojun has grown rapidly, it is close to three hundred, but he hasn't fought. Itch ...

According to Qin Lan's character, he will often be brought to him. When Qin Lan just said her unique ability, he was secretly proud of himself, thinking that his opportunity had come, but he did not expect that Fang Chong came. trick…..

Are the cooked ducks flying? The little army is gone ...

Once Fang Chong settled down. His thoughts were lost ...

"Yeah! Why ..." Xiaojun said. Others also agreed. The look on Fang Chong was full of anger, which gave Fang Chong the feeling. ‘You do n’t think you are our leader and you can do whatever you want, everyone must follow the rules ...’


"Why is it?" Fang Chong watched everyone's fierce reactions, his mouth slightly raised, and their reactions were all his expectations, but he was not afraid of these ...

"Yes, why? Brother Fang Chong, you can't press me as you are the leader ..." Xiao Jun looked at Fang Chong's smile, and he felt inexplicably flustered, but for his own welfare. [] He continued bracingly ...

"Have you forgotten that I have this guy?" Fang Chong's expression was still smiling, but this time he talked with his own eyes on his shoulders, and pointed at his shoulders in everyone's surprised eyes. Giant lizard. That bright smile!

"Giant lizard?" After seeing Fang Chong's basis is the giant lizard, Song Ming, Xiao Lan, Li Yunyu, and Murong Xue all closed their mouths obviously.

Although the battle between Fang Chong and the giant lizard has been going on for two days, those shocking scenes are still vividly remembered. They are no stranger to the power of giant lizards.

Especially in the water, the giant lizard is more powerful, and as a surrender, it is very compatible with Fang Chong's order ...

Fang Chong owns giant lizards. No matter how bad his ability to fly is, he won't drown.

"I'm out of opinion ...." Although Xiaojun didn't see it with his own eyes, but later he heard that others passed on his god, and he understood it.

In this case, Xiaojun, he knew he was not an opponent and gave up ...

"What about you?" Fang Chong set his sight on the others.

Fang Chong's eyes were calm, but everyone who just wanted to refute Fang Chong was watched by Fang Chong's eyes, knowing that such a person is an insurmountable opponent, and he couldn't compare.

In the end, everyone else assumed that Fang Chong and Qin Lan were the commanders of the first war ...

Fang Chong was very happy about this position that had been thought of for a long time, and Qin Lan was the same, especially the result that Fang Chong was able to accompany her.

Qin Lan's face blossomed ...


the next day. It is not difficult to see from the satellite images that after being attacked by another round, the country's fleet paid the price of sinking two warships again.

Fang Chong expressed their sympathy for this encounter with the battleship Mi.

Judging from the current scene, the mutants in the sea seem to be more powerful than the mutants on the shore. Although I haven't experienced it myself, we can see from the encounter of the battleship Mi ...

After Fang Chong watched these. The expression is very calm, but other people, such as Muge and Ling Ya, are full of deep concerns. They are afraid that Fang Chong's warships will suffer the same attack. The strength of the mutants on the sea floor is not what they can imagine. Exactly how much. No one knows for fear.

Unlike their worries, Fang Chong disagreed. Although their warships were also afraid of the attack of mutant creatures in the sea, he had something that the Rice Fleet did not have ...

The early warning system of the Maya system, they can detect and lock the mutant creatures in the water before they attack, and then attack.

Although I don't know if the locked attack can work, the injury will definitely happen.

With this kind of energy, it can basically serve as a warning to the mutated creatures in the sea. With the cleverness of the mutated creatures, they cannot be foolish to commit a second time.

"Rest assured, we are not afraid of this kind of attack. If the mutant creatures in the sea are so disrecognizable, I must flatten them ..." Muge Lingya's worry Fang Chong can certainly feel that although this atmosphere is heavy, but the The emotion of Ya Er Nu is fully expressed, and it feels very rare ...

"Okay, I believe you, you must come back. Otherwise, we won't let you go ..." Although they know Fang Chong's words to comfort him, they really don't know what to say. It's sad ...

"Okay ..." Fang Chong was also infected by this atmosphere.


"From the picture of the message they passed from Lingya. The battleship of the rice country should be able to break through the Pacific today. It really entered the territory of Huaxia ..." Fang Chonghe was on a super battleship that was one to four hundred and fifty meters long. Qin Lan stood on the deck.

This time there were seven battleships with the two of them, except for their super battleship, which was over 150 meters long, the other six were basically 50 to 60 meters long, that is, Childhood Jaguar in their mouth ...

Long before they came out, Fang Chong and Qin Lan had a detailed plan on how to eat the dozens of battleships in the rice country ...

"Since it's so fast, let's wait and see ...." Fang Chong looked at the blue sky without any variegated colors, feeling quite calm, even though the battle was over. But the self-confidence and strength he possessed were enough to let him rest assured of the scenery he saw now ...

"Okay ...." Although Qin Lan was the commander of the noodles this time, it is customary for Qin Lan to obey Fang Chongfei's words, not to mention that she and Fang Chong are still separated from each other?

When Fang Chong finished speaking, Qin Lan picked up the radio on the battleship and conveyed the order. Where to ambush, where to wait, where to attack ...

Listening to what Qin Lan said, Fang Chong's original calm expression slowly became surprised. Qin Lan still had such a side? If it were not for Fang Chong to see it with his own eyes, he could not believe that Qin Lan knew more than Fang Chong imagined, especially the knowledge of the ocean and the release between various islands.

As if Qin Lan had detected the route before coming out today ...

The ambush route and the names of some uninhabited islands and reefs that Qin Lan said just now are things Fang Chong has never heard of ...

"My parents, they are all in charge of the Southern Military Region. I know a lot of marine knowledge ..." Qin Lan was surprised when she saw Fang Chong's expression! She explained it.

Born in a military family, she was dazzled from her ears, knowing that this is not a big deal in her own understanding.

This is the kind of experience that will make her such a low-key person take the initiative to attack ...

At sea, she believed that none of them had done her better.

Just a pride, pride from their family ...

Something from the soul ...

"I see ..." Fang Chong was relieved. He ignored Qin Lan's identity and was relieved. Fang Chong had no unnatural premise, in Fang Chong's opinion. The more powerful Qin Lan's energy is, the better he believes ....

"I haven't seen the ocean for more than a year, the blue sky, the blue water ..." Qin Lan leaned her head lightly on Fang Chong's shoulder, and Fang Chong's trust gave her a warm feeling. Don't express this feeling, just feel it with your heart ...

"If there is no rice warship, it can be regarded as a trip ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly, sunshine, beach, sea breeze ...

This feeling is afraid that many people cannot resist ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After Fang Chong's warship was hidden on the side of an unknown small island and reef, that is, the sheltered area, the fleet waited quietly for Qin Lan. I do n’t know how Qin Lan judged that the Fleet ’s fleet would go this route, but Fang Chong No doubt ...

Sure enough, after counting the hours, Fang Chong and them felt an incredible scene appeared. Fang Chong and Qin Lan hiding on the unknown island reef, through the telescope can already see a fleet coming at sea level, according to time Look, it is undoubtedly the Fleet of Mi ...

"Really here?" Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan with an incredible expression. Fang Chong wanted to know how Qin Lan did it and how he could guess so accurately ...

"When they all pass and fight again, we must fight them down ...." Qin Lan did not see Fang Chong's expression surprised, and said to herself, she is very confident in playing this kind of war ...

"It's all up to you. This kind of naval battle still requires your systematic command of talents ..." Fang Chong has no opinion. Qin Lan has shown her ability, and Fang Chong has no need to pretend It ’s easy to be bounced by lightning ...

"Are you bragging about me?" Qin Lan heard Fang Chong's words, she was glad from the heart, and was able to get the praise of the loved one. The sweet feeling in her heart is beyond words ...

"Of course ..." Fang Chong nodded.

However, when they said this, the fleet from the United States was getting closer and closer to them. At this time, the fleet ’s flag and number could be clearly seen without using a telescope ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Fang Chong The two of them were very calm, and they were equally impatient. They continued to wait, waiting to give them a generous return.

It was another ten minutes, and the battleship finally ran on the way when Fang Chong came, but Qin Lan still had the patience to wait.

As for Fang Chong, he did not move. Since he handed it over to Qin Lan, he would not express any opinion.

However, as the fleet of Miguel was getting farther and farther, a fierce cannonball explosion unexpectedly appeared. Although they were not too close, they still heard clearly ...

At the sound of such an explosion, the faces of Fang Chong and Qin Lan suddenly changed.

They looked at each other, wondering what was going on?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ...... To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)