I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 672: 3 countries


In the case of sufficient energy crystal stones, the speed of large energy vehicles is not as fast as that of small energy vehicles, but it also reaches the speed of sound. Regardless of the energy crystal stones, the "Asan" from Britain to Asia China will not spend much time. M

For the impression of the three kingdoms, the most pictures in the minds of the small army are dense population, backwardness and poverty ...

Before the end of the world, Xiaojun also learned from some network news, pictures and other channels. What impressed Xiaojun most is undoubtedly the two things of the Ganges' sky bath and train, but in the final analysis, even these two things He knows most people ...

A denser population than Huaxia ...

Compared with Huaxia, the local area is more than doubled, and the population is different, it is conceivable.

There is a large population, which often represents backwardness and poverty.

The three countries are undoubtedly more behind than China.

Of course, when the small army thinks of the three countries, there is also a lot of anger. The border issues before the end of the world are also constant. Although it is not as shameless as the island countries, it is not much different ...

But thinking that it was the last days, Xiao Jun sighed, and his anger subsided a lot.

Xiaojun knew in his heart that the A-Three Kingdoms now fear that things are wrong.

For example, Huaxia lost so many people after the end of the world, not to mention the fact that the three countries, the ordinary army, cannot necessarily be completely armed, and the density is so much higher than that of Huaxia.

I am afraid that the entire country is now a world of zombies.

And the situation in the three countries is not ideal, after all, even if there are survivors. The food crisis caused by the huge food demand is also a disaster ...

It can be said that both sides are dead, but what does it really look like? Before arriving, Xiaojun couldn't imagine too much.

The speed of the car in the air remains.

When it came to the sky above the three kingdoms, the time was close to noon. From where it started, they were stumped by the army.

"It's their capital ..." After thinking about it for a while, Xiaojun said. In Xiaojun's opinion, like Huaxia, Kyoto base city is definitely the fastest base city to be established after the end of the last days. Xiaojun is convinced of this.

"Okay ..." Xiao Jun's voice fell, and the communication system on the large energy vehicle indicated that the instructions were issued successfully, and some people also answered.

The small army then began to control the speed of the slow-down part of the large energy vehicle, and also began to control the flying height of the large energy vehicle.

The purpose of Xiaojun is simple. He wants to see if the situation is the same as what he had imagined before.


The speed of the large energy car quickly stopped, and after the height dropped, the small army sitting in the cab could already clearly see the approximate appearance of the city below and the current situation.

Asankook, which had no prosperous buildings in the past, is now even more horrible after nearly two years in the last days. The rubble everywhere looked very tangled. And Xiaojun, he can clearly see through the telescope, in these ruined cities. The dense crowd is moving, no, it can no longer be said to be a human, it is a zombie ...

A staggering number of zombies, but these zombies do not seem to have evolved the same. Among the amazing number of zombies, it is really difficult to find the existence of high-level Zak people without looking closely at this group. He was equally surprised. .

why? Xiaojun can't find the answer ...

"Maybe there is no food ..." Xiao Jun thought it was the only possibility he thought.

Zombies want evolution. In addition to time, they also need some conditions, such as blood, whether they are humans, mutants, or Zak.

Or just like in Huaxia, the threat from life is also a reason for evolution ...

However, Xiaojun didn't bother to solve this problem. After seeing this situation for a period of time. He controlled the ascent of the large energy vehicle. Went towards the destination ...

Madrid is the largest city in the three countries and is also the capital. Before the end of the last century, the number of inhabitants in this city exceeded 10 million, but it has been more than two years since the end of the last century. Is Madrid the same as it was?

Xiaojun didn't know. After seeing those cities just now, he had no hope in his heart. It is not surprising that zombies are the worst in a country such as Azerbaijan.

But to be honest, Xiaojun still hopes from the heart, hoping that this country can have survivors. After all, as a human being, he still hopes that some kind of fire will survive ...

I don't know if I have the same idea as Xiaojun. After all the low-flyers saw the situation just now, dozens of comrades on large energy vehicles kept silent, even if they were a lot of Xiaoqi in normal words Quiet ...

The atmosphere seemed a little weird ...

Although Xiaojun found this out, he still had no intention to speak. The world full of zombies is indeed their demon-like past. Many people will think of the great escape and friends after seeing the zombies. The death of a loved one in front of you turns into a zombie ...

These memories are painful, and they are unwilling to remember.

Xiaojun shook his head slightly, and threw this slightly sad mood out.


The speed of the large energy car still maintains its usual speed. After spending more than an hour, the intelligent system on the car has opened up to remind them that they have reached Madrid over their target.

"Here, whether to go down ..." Xiao Qi came back to her, she just felt a lot just now, it was a kind of miss for home.

Although she is young, she has struggled to survive in the last days for more than two years. She has grown up very fast, she knows a lot, and she has learned how to control her feelings.

If it wasn't for the small army to be able to believe and be considered a close person, she would n’t have been walking for so long. In the last days, a walking **** would mean the end of life ...

So after the intelligent system prompts the sound on the car, her whole body is tense instantly, and she has entered the fighting state in less than a second ...

"Landing ..." Xiaojun nodded as he looked at Xiaoqi's side full of earnest expression.

Back in the early days. The small army has already seen the situation of the city of Madrid, and they are more assured that they have not seen the dense crowd of zombies in the city. It is enough to explain that Madrid is similar to their guess. It should be Human base ...

After Xiao Qi got what he wanted from Xiao Jun's mouth, he picked up the walkie-talkie directly and expressed Fang Chong's meaning through radio.

Soon, as the large-energy vehicles controlled by the small army suddenly taxied down to Madrid, the speed was fast, and it is not difficult to see the performance of these large-energy vehicles at such a speed, which is far from comparable to that of fighter aircraft.

Originally, the A3 people did not find the sky abnormal. After a large energy vehicle pierced the ground, some survivors finally found it ...

With some people in the Three Kingdoms ashamed and with an incredible expression on their faces, Xiaojun ’s hand pressed the controls of the large energy vehicle, and after a jingle sounded, he drove this aircraft. The large energy vehicle landed steadily in an empty place without any tall buildings in the survivor base city of Madrid ...

"Who are you ...?" Fang Chong felt a little surprised that as their party got out of the large energy vehicle, a military squad hurried over from a distance.

After seeing the small army and their dozens of people in the vicinity of the vehicle, the military squad came to their vicinity and spoke English, very standard English ...

"So is the soldier in this base city?" The small army did not show much unexpected expression, it is normal to understand English, not to mention that the three countries were once a colonial country.

"Yes ..." It may be the powerful breath and calm expression on the people of the small army that they spoke. Although the soldier who spoke was holding the gun, he responded.

He had an illusion. It seemed that a small army could accidentally kill them ...

"We are from Huaxia, and we want to find the supreme power in Madrid's base city ..." Xiao Jun stated.

"What is your purpose ..." The expressions of the soldiers became tense as soon as they heard such words from the army.

They know that the small army is powerful ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ If these people really see their power in charge, they are afraid that no one can stop them.

Although there are strong men in Madrid, but when the zombies have been attacking the city, the strong men are basically at the forefront, and it is impossible to rush back all ...

"We are not malicious. If it is malicious, you will not be able to stand now ..." Xiao Jun said calmly.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After Xiao Jun's words were spoken, and the scene was full of minutes, the soldier finally nodded and turned around ...

Although they didn't speak, they knew that they had chosen to believe. After all, the powerful combat power that emanated from the army at that moment was beyond their imagination.

They don't think they can compete ...

And if these people really want to do something, there are so many people, even if all the strong players in the front line are transferred back, it will not be possible to stop ...