I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 74: Fusion Warframe Set


But Qin Lan is different from them. Instead of risking a 10% chance of failure now, it is better to wait until the forty-nineth grade and take down the ‘gene medicament’. Maybe they can break through the fiftyth grade smoothly.

Things that are not worth the risk, Fang Chong is not a silly hat, so he will not do it.

And during this time, Fang Chong can also take a good look at it, look at Qin Lan, Xiao Lan, Liu Yu, these people, in the end can develop towards that ‘gene warrior’.

Song Ming early in the day, Fang Chong gave him the choice of ‘power type’, and Chen Dong did the same, while Xiao Jun ’s ‘speed type’ ...

有了 With candidates in these two areas, Fang Chong knew that the rest could not be repeated.

Maybe Ling Ya, a 'speed type' 'evolver', still has a great chance to absorb their group.

If this is the case, then there will be two speed types, so you must be careful in choosing ...

"Does the host redeem reward points?" Maya saw that Fang Chong had opened all the packages, and the rest was the ‘reward points’ thing.

"Let me see?" Fang Chong didn't intend to ‘redeem reward points’ right away, but Maya asked if there were any good things?

As for weapons, defensive equipment, and genetic medicine, these aspects are temporarily unnecessary.

Even if he wants to act tomorrow, his "broken edge" can be said to be the most "sharp" existence on earth for the time being, and he dare not say in the future.

'Mayan civilization' spaceship can be more than one 'fall' to the earth.

Maybe one day, human beings will discover that as soon as it is opened, there will be many things beyond the existence of 'Earth civilization' ....

In addition to the "broken blade", with the "armored vehicle", tomorrow's "energy cannon" can be used. With something like "energy cannon", even a hundred-level 'mutated creature' is bombed, I am afraid To have no bones ...

"Hmm ..." Maya nodded, she wouldn't show any dissatisfaction with Chong's request, and her existence is to serve Fang Chong.

After receiving Fang Chong's instructions, the text on the screen changed again. From the previous taskbar, it became a redemption page.

"What can I exchange for one thousand six hundred?" Fang Chong was dizzy when he saw the dense screen. There was no way but to let ‘Maya’ help him pick it.

"There are more than forty?" Maya quickly sorted it out, and forty items were completely displayed on the screen.

"Energy machine gun, more than 1,400, user level forty ..."

"Energy Knife, more than 1,700, using level 70, power warrior ..."

"Small energy car, speed and sound speed, 199, no class restrictions, two seats ..."

"…………………… .."

Ji Fangchong read them one by one. These things are all good. Each one is quite exciting, but for the time being, they are not incapable, they are not enough ...

I can't help but secretly remember these things, and I will have enough reward points to redeem them later.

Especially the 'energy machine gun', an energy pistol can shoot through, killing more than forty levels of mutant creatures, let alone the 'energy machine gun'. If it is not high on the body level, Fang Chong would have chosen It's over.

If in tomorrow ’s operation, such an 'energy machine gun' is hung on his 'armored vehicle', it can be said that he is invincible ...

The premise is not to encounter ‘more than a hundred mutant creatures’.


"Forget it,‘ redeem points ’temporarily help me store them ...” Fang Chong temporarily resisted the desire to buy and asked Maya to help store them up.

He doesn't have regrets in his heart. Things will stay there, and they will not disappear. The more reward points, the more good things.

After saying this with Maya, Fang Chong also left the interior of the Maya system.

After the consciousness returned to reality, Fang Chong's hand was on the side of the ‘Battle Armor Set’ and on the side was a small box containing many bottles and jars, which was also called 'gene medicine.

Then, after Fang Chong took out a bottle in the box of ‘gene medicament’, everything else was put into storage space.

"Take" evolutionary genetic medicine "first, and then incorporate the" Battle Armor Set "into the body ..." After looking at these two things for a while, Fang Chong laid the groundwork.

'Evolutionary gene medicine' has no physical grade requirements. Fang Chong opened the bottle and poured it into his mouth without any hesitation.

The ‘gene medicament’ that melted at the entrance instantly turned into a faint warm current, strung in his body, and mixed with an unusually comfortable feeling.

With this obvious feeling, Fang Chong even thought that ‘gene medicine’ was changing the cells in his body….

After experiencing this wonderful feeling for a while, Fang Chong set aside this issue temporarily because the next thing is far more important than the previous one.

"Battle Armor Suit?" Fang Chong held the black "Battle Armor Suit" in his hands, and he was very frightened.

Although Maya had already told Fang Chongting about wearing a ‘armor suit’ long ago, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com, but it is still difficult to really do it.

"Should Maya not be deceived?" Fang Chong Yi gritted his teeth. Fang Chong was still very attractive.

After all, the ‘Battle Armor Set’ is lighter, more convenient, and more defensive.

Thought again and again, Fang Chong took out a small dagger from his body. Such a small military dagger was handed over in exchange for weapons before.

Thinking of the dressing method just seen in the internal space of the Maya system, Fang Chong's little dagger crossed his arms without any hesitation ...

The sharpness of the dagger used by the army was unquestionable. The blade of the dagger was crossed, and a bright red blood was left out, but the position of the wrist was a place with many tendons and veins, and Fang Chong did not dare to be too strong.

After seeing the blood flowing out, Fang Chong quickly pressed the "black armor set" up.

If the movement is not fast, Yi Fang Chong takes the effect of repairing the gene medicine. Such a small wound will be recovered immediately.

一 As soon as the ‘Battle Armor’ came into contact with Fang Chong ’s blood, the same thing happened on the screen before, the ‘Black War Armor’ slowly melted and quickly melted into the blood ...

This kind of thing lasted for a while, and soon the whole dress disappeared ...

The wounds, under the effect of repairing genetic agents, also restore smooth skin ...

I lay a large suit of war armor, and it just disappeared. Although Fang Chong had been mentally prepared, he was really surprised to see it ...............


Thanks to the brothers ‘Hua Xia Wu’ for their rewards, continue to seek collections and recommend tickets ...