I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 226: Cooperation (7/10)

Some flowers are generally appreciated.

Too beautiful flowers, some people think of it as their own.

If this flower does not have a strong self-protection ability, it may be destroyed by others at will.

The Liangqiu family's power is not weak, but among the big provinces, it is not strong, it can only be regarded as a second-rate force.

Seven or eight high-level warriors, and a star warrior.

"My grandfather is the warrior of the pinnacle of the astral body. In order to see the starry sky, he sought a breakthrough and embarked on an expedition.

Liang Qiu Xuanyi calmly recounted: "For more than a decade, my Liangqiu family, although astral warriors were born, the strongest was only in the middle of the astral."

Jiang Changkong listened quietly, because the old man of the Liangqiu family went to the starry sky, and the family power was weak.

The right to speak in the void world has also weakened, and the resources available have also decreased.

Those who didn't dare to play the idea of ​​Liangqiu's family now started to think.

Some time ago, the organization approached Liang Qiu Xuanyi.

The purpose is her flower, in exchange for Liangqiu's ten years of stability.

Liang Qiu Xuanyi put down the flowers and said plainly: "Without the backing, this flower becomes a plaything."

"Looking like you don't seem to be worried." Jiang Changkong said softly.

Liang Qiu Xuanyi was too calm to see panic at all.

Liang Qiu Xuanyi twitched his mouth: "Be used to it, Grandpa taught me how to hide his emotions."

Jiang Changkong laughed: "Then you did a good job. I don't know as much as you. I only know that it was formed by a group of self-proclaimed geniuses.

I also just killed some people and broke something. If Xuan Yi wanted to find a backer, Nan Tian Fat was the one. "

Nan Tian Fat quickly patted his chest to ensure: "If there is any difficulty, Xuan Yi, despite speaking."

Liang Qiu Xuanyi sighed slightly: "Nan Gongzi can't protect Xuanyi, nor does Xuanyi want to trouble you.

This time, I am looking for the sky, not for the purpose of finding a mountain, but for a partner. "

"Partners?" Jiang Changkong wondered: "How to cooperate?"

Liang Qiu Xuanyi was silent for a moment, took out a piece of paper, and handed it to Jiang Changkong.

Jiang Changkong took the paper and looked at it, his face slightly changed: "How do you know about the crime area channel?"

"The news is absolutely accurate. Xuanyi knows more than you."

Liang Qiu Xuanyi whispered: "That organization, named Xian Gong, has absorbed many unremarkable geniuses and formed it.

They can borrow the power of the major forces to hide themselves, so how can the major forces track down? "

Nantian Fat's face changed: "Xiangong? This force appeared many years ago. Among them, I am afraid that there are top warriors sitting in town?"

"Yes." Liang Qiu Xuanyi's calm face, a little more dignity: "The people cut by the sky are only members of the outer periphery of the Xian Palace, and they are not even the outer periphery. They are only used by the Xian Palace."

Nan Tian was frowning and was about to say something. Liang Qiu Xuanyi continued: "Liu Xuanqing could have joined, so could your fifth uncle, but he died in Anding Province. Only people with good status can be considered as members.

They will fulfill their wishes for members and let those unimportant geniuses work hard for them. "

"Desperately? Those people are willing to be used?" Jiang Changkong frowned.

"No matter how unwilling, most of the people selected by Xiangong have injuries and hidden dangers that are difficult to eradicate.

They have what they need in their hands, unless, they are willing to waste this life. "

Liang Qiuxuanyi's expression returned to dullness again.

"The condition they gave you was that the Liangqiu family was stable for ten years?" Jiang Changkong asked.

"Not only, but also the Liangqiu family will be cultivated, and a star peak will appear. I need to pay myself and always be a slave."

Even when Liang Qiu Xuanyi said that he was a slave and a slave, his look remained unchanged.

"This is not a thing too, Xuanyi your talent, it will not be difficult to become the astral peak in the future."

Nantian was outraged.

Liang Qiu Xuanyi is very talented and definitely not weaker than Tianjiao, if he has the resources to train him.

It is not difficult for such talents to become the astral peak in the future, and even there is great hope for attacking the top warriors.

It is entirely a loss-making business. If Liang Qiu Xuanyi has not reached the moment of despair, he will never agree.

Jiang Changkong said lightly: "You cooperate with me, what do you want me to do?"

"Attract their attention, so that they can not deal with me." Liang Qiu Xuan Yi said.

"It sounds like I'm suffering." Jiang Changkong said.

"The Liangqiu family will secretly help you grow, gain a firm foothold in the void world, cooperate with other matters, including the seventh order mech."

Liang Qiu Xuanyi promised: "And, even if you don't cooperate, you have already caught their attention."

"As soon as I enter the void world, the enemies I have to face are high-level and even top-level warriors." Jiang Changkong's face changed slightly.

Nantian Fat waved his hand: "It is impossible for the top warriors. The entire Federation, the top warriors are limited. How can there be time to deal with you."

"That high-level warrior is not something I can deal with." Jiang Changkong shook his head.

"If you can find the Xiangong, Nanjia, Yaoguang Chamber of Commerce, the Lao family will definitely be on your side, as will the Federation."

Nan Tian Fat pondered: "At least, keep your friends safe, just like this crime area channel, act together."

"With my strength alone, I want to attract Xian Gong's attention, I'm afraid it's still a bit difficult."

Jiang Changkong said indifferently, it was not that he underestimated himself and did not reach the higher ranks, even if he reached the star stage, in the eyes of this group of powerful forces, he was just a little ant.

Liang Qiu Xuanyi said indifferently: "The channel of sin territory is the first step. It is the second step until you come out and step into the void world."

Jiang Changkong said with a smile: "Cooperation is possible, but some practical support, such as Xingshi, Xingjing or something."

"Shou Shou."

Nan Tian whispered, just as Yao Meng and Ms. Xueyue said, Jiang Changkong only looked at Xing Shi and now has a star crystal.

Liang Qiuxuan was stunned for a while, and said amusedly: "If you step into the high order and complete the second step, I will send you a small star crystal vein news ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ small ..." Jiang Changkong was a little unhappy.

"Small ones can also dig tens of thousands or even more star crystals." Nantian Fat rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, as long as it is really a matter of the Immortal Palace, it is not fooling me to do anything else. Then the second step, if I have the ability, I will definitely complete."

Jiang Changkong said, anyway, he had already faced with the fairy palace.

Whether it is intentional or not, it has already attracted attention.

Since he was going to die, he would never stop dying, and it would be an unexpected joy to have the harvest of Liang Qiu Xuanyi.

The next step is to discuss specific actions.

Jiang Changkong was originally unclear about the channel of crime, but Liang Qiuxuanyi was not completely clear.

It can only be determined that it was at the bottom of the isolated island and was discovered by the Xiangong accidentally before it could bring people out of it.

Of course, this area is also very difficult. At the very least, the star peak warrior must be shot to suppress the void channel and bring people out.

Jiang Changkong wanted to do it alone, but he couldn't do it at all.

This matter still needs the help of the three major forces. They don't need to send a star to the top. Anyone who surpasses the star can be sent.

Nan Tian Fat has no meaning for this matter, and the Nan family will naturally not make sense. They also want to save people from the sin domain.

After specific understanding, Nan Tian Fat left.

Liang Qiu Xuanyi left Jiang Changkong and whispered: "Mo Yao and Nan Gongzi said everything."

"I understand that the major forces are not safe, but you are not worried, Nan Tianwang said about cooperation?" Jiang Changkong asked.

"He's not stupid. Besides, he doesn't know the second step."

Liang Qiu Xuanyi said calmly: "In the future, we will be regarded as partners of life and death."

"Ha, cooperation is cooperation, life and death will be eliminated."

Jiang Changkong chuckled and got up to leave.

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