I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 237: Just in the crime area (five / ten)

A powerful warrior straddling the Taiyin Sun witnessed these scrolls.

But what he saw was fake, Phoenix, Jinwu were fake, and Jade Toad was fake.

As for the man who felled the laurel, it is also fake, all these things are just statues.

Later, when the warrior was about to leave, the two stars sank strangely, not into other places, but into the boundless starry sky.

Endless darkness, covering the sun and the moon, the stars are eating the stars.

Among the two stars, the sky burst into stars and moons.

Countless stars swayed, but the sun and moon could not stop falling,

Among the sun and the moon, three palaces appeared, one lunar, one sun, and one pure blood.

The Palace of Blood Gas appears between the sun and the moon, balancing the power of the sun and the moon, against the devouring from the starry sky.

However, the three palaces, together with the starry sky, also failed.

In the resistance, the three palaces were damaged, and the statue of the laurel felled.

The powerful warrior was also shrouded by this power and could not escape. He could only join three palaces to resist this engulfing power.

But he, with the addition of three palaces, could not resist this force. He could only find a stone tablet at the last moment and engrave this information.

He sealed all his memories in beads.

And this bead was formed when the sun and the moon were sinking and the three palaces were ruined.

After that, the warrior sealed the beads inside the stone tablet, and the picture ended.

Jiang Changkong was a little dumbfounded. As he said, all of them were devoured. How could this stone tablet appear here?

The sun and the moon are still hanging in the sky. Is it possible that the new sun and moon?

"No, how did this stone tablet come from?"

Jiang Changkong frowned, holding beads, and a broken stone tablet, and went to find seven people.


The bead trembles suddenly, releasing a hot and cold breath, which also has a blood power.

"How come this bead trembles? It's impossible, is there something nearby?"

The beads were formed by the light of the three palaces. So, does it mean that the things related to the three palaces are nearby?

Inheritance of immortal gods, martial arts with powerful strength, will it be impossible, then the martial arts are immortal gods?

It can cross the Taiyin Sun. This strength can be achieved by high-level warriors, but in memory, the warrior seems to have stepped to another star in one step.

This is by no means an advanced warrior!

Even if it is not a fairy, it should be the top warrior.

Was it his inheritance, or the three palaces that contained the inheritance of immortals?

Putting the beads away, Jiang Changkong had come to them: "Excuse me, where did the stone tablet come from?"

"The sea rushed up." Xu Hengzhi said: "There is a barrier to isolate here, and some things that do not have star power can come in."

Jiang Changkong pondered. He wasn't sure if he sensed something with the beads, whether it was on an isolated island or in the sea.

If it is in the sea, it is necessary to leave the sin domain to detect it.

"You go further, I want to see the situation below." Jiang Changkong said.

"Okay." Seven people walked away with the instrument.

When they left, Jiang Changkong's right palm appeared a blazing sun and poured into the ground.


The beach vibrated, the ground cracked, and a crack that was hundreds of meters deep appeared.

Jiang Changkong leapt into the crack, took out the beads, the gold and silver blood, and the three lights bloomed.


The bead trembles violently, and as it gets deeper, the tremor gets worse.

Jiang Changkong infused star power again and slammed into the ground.

Continuing to go deeper, the bead suddenly stopped trembling, the three lights converged, dimmed, and turned into a three-color stone bead.

"Why didn't you respond?"

Jiang Chang was puzzled in the hollow and could not succeed. He was too deep and walked by?

Shi Yu still did not respond to the sky.

Back at the beach, the beads did not respond.

"It seems that 80% is in the sea, and the seawater is surging, washing away the things that are in contact with the stone beads."

Jiang Changkong sighed and could only temporarily give up the investigation.

Back to the seven people, Jiang Changkong rested aside.

Early the next morning, Jiang Changkong threw a space equipment for seven people, and left again to look for criminals in the crime area.

He has a lot of space equipment, all of which are stolen from others, but they can't be used.

However, what disappointed him was that this group of people in the crime area did not know where to hide, and there was no trace at all.

Passing the Sin City, a group of warriors are inside, all are geniuses who come in to harvest.

"Shou Shou!"

Above Sin City, Lao Xueyue shouted loudly.

Jiang Changkong went down and said: "What should I do?"

"Did you find a criminal in the crime area?" Asked Xueyue Lao.

"No, except for tying an overlord at first, I never found it again." Jiang Changkong shook his head.

Lao Moxuan will not say that, it is also Lao's family.

"This group of people is really a mouse. We caught a few of them yesterday, and it was impossible to hide them all underground?"

Liu Xueyue frowned.

"It's possible, I went to see it, half of the star array, and people left."

Jiang Changkong thought: "Now only the ground can hide. The strange thing is that everyone has instruments in their bodies, and they can't handle them all."

With the instrument, the federation can monitor. In such a short time, it is impossible to deal with all monitoring.

All hiding in the underground space, the underground space access is exposed.

"What should I do now?" Liu Xueyue asked.

Jiang Changkong rolled his eyes: "What else can I do? Punch the hole, you group is idle and idle, just turn the island over."

Xiao Xueyue frowned slightly, her voice lowered: "My sister asked me to explain to you. Be careful. You have destroyed an overlord, and everyone has nothing to gain."

"I want to start with me? I didn't start with them ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I already gave them the face of the forces behind them.

If they don't want this face, just come. "Jiang Changkong snorted coldly, and a cold color appeared on his face."

Lao Xueyue whispered: "Otherwise, you stay, we will join forces and **** the rest."

Jiang Changkong's face changed slightly: "I still have something to say, leave."

After talking, waiting for Grandma Xueyue to respond, Yukong left.

"This treasure servant, doesn't even have the guts?" Lao Xueyue pouted.

Jiang Changkong did not leave far, landing down, three-colored stone beads appeared in his hand, the three rays of light were dim.

"The Hidden Star Ring can't isolate the induction, but why did it suddenly disappear?"

Jiang Changkong murmured in doubt, just now that this stone bead had a sense, and he left.

Those are the three palaces in the starry sky, and the powerful warriors mentioned the inheritance of immortals.

If you get it, it must be a huge asset.

As for the teaming up with Lao Xueyue and robbing this group of people, it's okay.

Whether he joins hands or not, as long as he robs him, he is the one who is backing up. Will the rest of the forces find trouble with his family because of this?

Impossible, only he, the weakest, will be able to bear it.

Therefore, he didn't even consider Mr. Xueyue's proposal at all.

"Before the three-color stone beads, it was felt at the seaside. Why is it appearing here now? Is it possible that you have been on an isolated island?"

Jiang Changkong pondered for a moment, and Yukong rose, this time, holding three-color stone beads in his hands.

It didn't take long for the three-color stone beads to shine again and vibrate.

"Sure enough, that thing is on the island of sin domain, but it will move!"

Jiang Changkong's expression was delighted, and the blazing sun stared down to the ground.

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