I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 355: Tomb of Star Saint (4/5)

After Feng Qixing intervened, and ran directly to the depths of the void realm, Liang Qiu Xuanyi also lost direction.

The location of Xiangong cannot be visited for the time being. Those research materials can only be obtained after a period of time.

"People in Xian Palace appeared nearby and drove Huang Quan. The place we are going to should be not far from here."

Jiang Changkong thought for a while and said.

Feng Qixing pouted: "You ask me, I know."

"You know where we are going?" Liang Qiu Xuanyi frowned.

"I'm familiar here, the fairy palace is deep in the void realm, I basically know it." Feng Qixing said.

"You really are a living map."

Liang Qiuxuan snorted softly, his eyes full of coldness.

"Okay, don't talk, just look at it first."

Jiang Changkong waved his hands and brought them into the world.

They have already caught up.

Huang Quan transited, but the ground did not change, but some living things were different.

Some weak star demons were submerged by Huang Quan and turned into corpse water directly.

The stench is smoky, and the Nether Dragon controls Huang Quan.

Even the weeds and trees have also turned into liquid and integrated into Huangquan.

Some star demon corpses also blended into it, leaving no piece of fur left.

The erosive power of Huang Quan's corpse water cannot be resisted without the imprint of the road.

The rich golden light shone, and a golden golden ebony appeared, exuding flames.


The Nether Dragon roared, looked at Jinwu with fear, and ran faster.

"Jin Wu drove the Nether Dragon, although it was not the real Jin Wu, but it was also a tenth-order treasure, enough to make this Nin Dragon panic."

Liang Qiu Xuanyi explained calmly.

Jinwu hovered in the sky, sometimes flying left, sometimes flying forward, driving away the dragon, and letting it change course.

The rich Tao Yun circulates on Jinwu, which is a little stronger than the trace of Jiang Changkong's avenue imprint.

The completed Tier 10 treasure!

This Jinwu is definitely a complete tenth-order treasure. Otherwise, you can't drive this nether dragon, and you won't have such a rich Tao Yun.

"Where are they going to let Huang Quan go?"

Jiang Changkong had a trace of doubts, and the people in Xiangong constantly drove the Nether Dragon to change directions. Obviously, the Nether Dragon had already been arranged.

"Huang Quan used to be still in his old nest, and has not moved for decades. What is Xian Gong doing?" Liang Qiu Xuanyi was also puzzled.

"That direction, did they find there?" Feng Qixing changed his face, startled.

"Where?" Jiang Changkong frowned.

"An underground battlefield, where there is a large tomb, once buried a Star Saint."

Feng Qixing said solemnly: "Although in the past so many years, there is little left on the brand of Xingsheng Avenue, but the power is still terrible."

"Xingsheng treasure, no wonder." Jiang Changkong suddenly said: "This group of people, want to go to steal the tomb."

"Lord Jiang, I think we better stop participating."

Feng Qixing shook his head and said: "There is too much danger, there is no special means, the star will also be planted inside."

"You, or the people behind you, haven't touched the cemetery of Xingsheng?" Jiang Changkong said in disbelief.

"If you haven't touched your heart, how can you know the danger there?" Liang Qiu Xuanyi said calmly: "In my opinion, it was a big loss there."

Feng Qixing looked a little embarrassed: "Indeed, a star road was hit hard inside, so I advise you not to go in."

"All come, come in and see."

Jiang Changkong will not retreat from this point, the Star Paladin, do not know how many treasures there are.

Because Star Road is hit hard, don't you go in?

Then he wouldn't go to the Taiyin Fairy Palace anymore. At first, there was a star trail in it.

Can not persuade him, Feng Qixing can only helpless.

Huang Quan continued to run, and soon came to a hill.

The stench of the river submerged the hill, and the Hades screamed in a low voice.


The hill vibrated and burst, and a large amount of river water poured into it.

Among the hills, it was empty, and inside was the cemetery of the Star Paladin.


Jin Wu tweeted, and the two men came out, stepped on Jin Wu, and swooped down.

Huang Quan has all flowed in, and the Nether Dragon has disappeared. The two men and a golden bird have also entered the hill.

A huge pothole appeared in front of the three people, and Jiang Changkong took them in.

"What are they doing with Huang Quan?" Jiang Changkong asked.

"One, borrow Huang Quan to break through the danger here, and two, find the body."

Liang Qiu Xuanyi analyzed: "Huang Quan and Hades have special induction on the corpse, and they can find the body of the Star Paladin in the first time."

Feng Qixing nodded and said: "The Star Paladin, the strength is monstrous, and the body is guarded by the brand seal of the road. It will not rot until the road brand is not dispersed.

Jiang Changkong nodded, some killing, for so many years. , The brand of the avenue has not gone.

Star Paladin, the road brand is deeper and richer, and it takes longer to disperse.

The idea of ​​using a dragon to control Huang Quan and search for corpses and tombs is really good.

Entering the mountain peak is a vast space.

An ancient and huge city, a hundred-foot-high city wall, and star arrays are everywhere.

In the city, there are also various ancient buildings, and in the center is a huge palace.

"This is the tomb of the city?"

Jiang Changkong was slightly surprised. Under the Yellow Spring Dragon, he had entered the city, and the two of them rushed in with Jinwu.

The city gate opened long ago, and the star array on the city wall had no power.

This Xingsheng cemetery has been visited before.

"There are creatures coming, don't make a noise."

Jiang Changkong sensed that someone was approaching, and gave an explanation to hide them.

The voids fluctuated, and several star demons appeared. Looking at the opened gate, they rushed in without hesitation.

Jiang Changkong also led the two into the city.

The ancient city, even the ground is also a star array, but unfortunately, too long, these star arrays have not much power.

Huang Quan and Jin Wu have entered the city and do not know which direction they are going.

Those star demons are also searched separately.

"Feng Qixing, you know here, you say." Jiang Changkong said lightly.

"I don't know very well, just know that no matter how you go here, there is danger."

Feng Qixing lightly sighed: "Moreover, the palace in the center is the most dangerous. There are some treasures there. My sword was taken from the palace by my elders."

"Isn't the corpse in the palace?" Jiang Changkong asked ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is not there. Until now, no one has found the body of Xingsheng. With your strength, there is no problem with general danger. "

Feng Qixing said with a deep voice: "Also, we can wait patiently and be a carduelis."

"Don't be a cardinal." Jiang Changkong patted his shoulder, ready to choose a direction.

"We follow Huang Quan." A stone appeared in Liang Qiuxuanyi's hand, exuding yellow light.

"Is this the Huangquan stone refined by the Immortal Palace?" Feng Qixing was slightly surprised: "There are so many good things in your hands."

"Not as good as you, I can only get some small objects from the fairy palace."

Liang Qiu Xuanyi finished, holding Huang Quanshi, found the direction, and led them forward.

Huang Quanshi can sense where Huang Quan is and guide them to find Huang Quan.

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