I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 494: Little fairy, dare to point a gun at .

Li Qinghe's voice shivered, and he regretted why he brought this guy.

I wanted to find a good helper, but it turned out to be a scourge.

This pit force, you contact me at this time, call brother?

Didn't you not shout before?

Jiang Changkong was somewhat lost and lost a superficial brother.

Back at the Nantianmen, Jiang Changkong continued to sit cross-legged, and he wanted to guard this place.

The four heavenly gates of heaven can leave heaven.

However, the Heavenly Court is very large and cannot go around.

The fairy gods near Nantianmen basically went out from Nantianmen.

Want to go out from the rest of Tianmen?

Yes, you have a good relationship with the rest of the gods first.

Between immortals, it is okay to give each other the same order.

If they really have a good relationship and can always leave from other Tianmen, then he will really keep this for half a year.

Otherwise, if you want to go past him, don't take it off, I'm sorry for this armor.

Heavenly soldiers are getting more honest, and they stand extremely standard one by one, for fear of being singled out.

The eight defenders did not come over again. After seeing Hu Jiunian, they did not want to go in yet.


Jiang Changkong suddenly remembered one thing, he didn't seem to hand over the Elixir.

In other words, did you accept the bribe and send the person in?

Well, this is forgotten.

Sitting quietly by the Nantian Gate, this sitting is five days.

A Nantianmen guard, with a hundred soldiers, strode toward Nantianmen.

The defender walked with his head in the forefront, followed by a hundred soldiers.

Seeing that they were going out of Nantianmen, they sang coldly, "Slow down."

"General Jiang, what do you mean? You are going to go on an inspection, and you still need your consent?"

The goalkeeper will look at him coldly.

"You don't need it naturally, but Nantianmen hasn't been calm recently, and it would have to be checked carefully."

Jiang Changkong said lightly.

"Joke, would you be able to check?"

Shou Jiang snorted coldly and waved his big hand: "Let's go, who would dare to stop?"

Jiang Changkong's eyes opened and closed, his chaotic divine power flickered, and he looked at a Tianbing: "When did Tianbing also have Tianxian Xiu order?"

Shou Jiang's eyes glowed fiercely: "This new recruit, you need to ask? Let's go!"

"Take all and break into the prison!"

Jiang Changkong snorted coldly, chaos and mighty power, and suppressed with a palm.

"you dare!"

Shou Jiang angered, immortal power broke out, and the rest of the soldiers quickly started.

The Celestial Heavenly Soldier, his face coagulated, a sword pierced away.


Chaos palm fell, Tianxian Tianbing, Tianxian guard, all spit blood and flew out.

The rest of the soldiers were miserable, their armor shattered, and they were almost exploded.

Jiang Changkong came to Tianbing, the power of chaos poured into his body, and the appearance of Xianbing began to change.

"This little trick, using Xianli to change the appearance, and then borrowing the Tianbing jade card, would you want to hide me?"

"Can you ... haven't it happened? I haven't walked out of Nantianmen yet." Tianbing returned to a young man, his face ugly.

Jiang Changkong said with a blank expression: "What do you say?"

"I'll go by myself, okay?" The young man's face twitched.

"Well, are you going to string together, or will you go by yourself?" Jiang Changkong said coldly.

A group of heaven soldiers and a guard: "..."

You are awesome, we go to the prison to admit the punishment.

After a few minutes, Jiang Changkong saw the two jailers again: "I sent a group this time."

Two jailers: "..."

I think that one day, sooner or later, you might shut down the entire heaven.

You are not afraid of offending people at all!

"Ten soldiers, this son is one hundred, the guard is fifty, and the merits are zero." The two jailers looked complicated.

"No, you missed one. I just didn't catch the sky soldier who gave him the jade card."

The two jailers were silent, and gave them ten more merits.

Why, we have the feeling that you are selling fairy?

Jiang Changkong calculated that if one thousand merit points were exchanged for the second-grade inferior stone or spirit, it would be a hundred spirits.

For a top-notch product in the city, ten pieces of immortal stone are 400 points.

By gathering two million merits by yourself, you can enter the late stage of the human fairy.

The two jailers had no idea what Jiang Changkong was thinking and took the people away.

If he knew that Jiang Changkong was calculating how many people would be sent to the prison, and he could make up two million merits, it is estimated that he would never be ignored.

Jiang Changkong turned and left, wondering how he could send the remaining seven guards into it.

It's a pity that these people took another lesson and stopped moving.

They thought viciously that when they were guarding the city gate, they would not let Jiang Changkong take anyone out.

It's disgusting.

Jiang Changkong was so troubled, they were not good to follow, and the soldiers were about to have opinions.

Continue to sit in front of the Nantianmen, Jiang Changkong tried not to let go, only this place for the time being, can brush merit.

After another two days, a golden glow appeared in front of the Nantian Gate.

The two fairies appeared, frolicking, and approached Nantianmen.

A person wearing a white fairy skirt, cultivated in mid-day, has delicate and fair skin, just like white jade, with a delicate appearance, which is no worse than the queen of flowers.

Another, with a faint floral fragrance on her body, and a purple dress, is also beautiful, second only to the fairy in the white dress, and her cultivation base is also mid-day.

The sky soldiers changed their face slightly and quickly respectfully said: "Welcome to the fairy ..."

"Tian Ling took it out." Jiang Changkong said coldly.

"Tian Ling?" The two fairies froze slightly.

Jiang Changkong raised his eyebrows: "No?"

This should be the fairy who was released in private before, and now I come back to play.

"No, I know General Li Qinghe ..."

"You can't know anyone, there is no order, except for the generals who are on the inspection tour, all are regarded as trespassing on the South Tianmen."

Jiang Changkong said with a blank expression.

"You know I'm standing behind ..."

Jiang Changkong's spear fell on the woman in the purple skirt: "Go to the prison, or will you send you in?"

"Little fairy, dare to point a gun at ..."


The woman's body in a purple dress with a golden spear hole, purple blood spilled.

The woman in the purple skirt looked at him in amazement, then at the spear.

Heavenly soldiers are stunned, this is a madman, so beautiful, you have to fight?

In the late days of Tianxian, the woman in the white dress changed her face and flicked her face to Jiang Changkong.

"Indiscriminate, trespassing Nantianmen, dare to resist!"

Jiang Changkong snorted coldly and raised his palm in response.


The two palms collided, the divine power concussed, and the woman in the white dress slipped out.

The woman in the purple skirt held the spear, ignoring the pain, and pulled her body away from the spear.

"Are you okay?" The fairy in the white dress supported her and took out an elixir for her to take.

"I'm fine." The purple skirt woman healed quickly under the action of the elixir.

"A little strength, no wonder dare to break into Nantianmen."

Jiang Changkong put his spear aside, and was surprised in his heart. In the middle of the day, he was able to catch him.

Although he didn't use all his strength, it also proved that the woman in white skirt was not bad.

"You made me angry."

The woman in the white dress drank angrily, and a golden sword cut through the void.

The woman in the purple skirt also took out a purple long sword and killed Xiang Jiang.

Jiang Changkong's expression is indifferent ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The power of chaos comes out in a magnificent way.

"Unauthorized entry into Nantianmen, no matter who it is, they all go to heaven!"

Chaos fist, suppress!

Fists fell, and Chaos Divine collided with Jianguang.


The violent divine power surged, and the Heavenly Soldiers quickly returned to the Nantian Gate.

After the long sword fell, he could tear Jiang Changkong's skin, which surprised him slightly.

However, he is not so annoying, the power of chaos changes, showing the characteristics of Tai Chi.

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