I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 498: This is to let yourself return home? (

Heavenly Article was not created by the Emperor.

Even in this heavenly court, Heavenly Emperor could not fully control it.

The starting point for everything comes from the days that have disappeared.

"This matter is indescribable, and Heaven is not at ease."

Heavenly Emperor said lightly: "Some fairy gods are even more demon races, and there are fairy courts and **** courts lurking."

"Your Majesty, you are willing to clear obstacles for your Majesty."

King Ziwei said respectfully.

"I can't wait, wait for me to spy on some of the secrets of the sky and master the power of the sky.

This heaven is considered to be in your hands, and you can see everything through when it comes. "

Emperor Tian said indifferently: "All hidden ants will also be exposed to me."

"Then, what's your majesty going to do next? What do you want to cooperate with?" Ziwei Tianwang said in awe.

"Some things, I can't come forward, it's up to you."

Emperor Tian said lightly: "When the sky is about to go out, let him go to inspect the lower realm, and invite those fairy goddesses back one by one."

King Ziwei frowned: "Your Majesty, his strength is not enough.

Immortal gods who left the heavenly court and performed blessings outside, including many immortals and even Xingjun. "

"Near the East China Sea, he can solve it. For the rest, I will send another person to go in secret."

Heavenly Emperor waved his hand and said: "Okay, I'm tired."

"Secretary, resign."

King Ziwei is respectfully authentic and ready to leave.

"Wait." Heavenly Emperor stopped him suddenly, hesitating and said, "Yu Xue, Zi Lan, if you want to leave the Heavenly Court and play in the lower realm, remember to send someone to guard."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

King Ziwei looked happy and left quickly.

Returning to Ziwei's palace, Zilan Fairy quickly greeted him: "Father King, did Heaven Emperor punish that day?"

"Zi Lan, what is that sky called?" Zi Wei Tian Wang asked.

He didn't even ask before, knowing that a heavenly general, put Zilan into the Heavenly Prison, and he went to Heaven Emperor angrily.

"Father, the day of death will be called Jiang Changkong, which is abominable." Zilan said fiercely.

"Before, who said that his Grand Duke was selfless, fearless of power, and different from the rest of the fairies?"

Ziwei Heavenly King smiled and said: "Yes, the Heavenly Emperor has punished him, and the South Heaven Gate will not let him guard."

"Father is the best." Zilan looked at him with joy, and then remembered something, and said carefully: "Jiang Changkong is not dead? After all, he is loyal to the heavenly court."

"Relax, just changed positions, broke two legs, just two days off." Ziwei Heavenly Road.

"That's good, that's good." Zilan let out a sigh of relief and asked carefully: "Can that daughter play in the lower realm afterwards?"

"If you don't mention this, the father is still not angry. How dare you abduct Yuxue together?

If something goes wrong, how do you let the father tell? "

King Ziwei said angrily.

Zilan coquettishly said: "Father, the lower realm is really fun. Heaven has nothing."

"Okay, okay. In the lower realm, look for the father and the king to take orders from the world.

The next time someone will get into the prison, the father will not help you again. "

King Ziwei is spoiling the tunnel.

"Thank you, Father." Zilan said excitedly, and could not help jumping twice.

"Let's stay with those gangs of fairy children in the future, let the father find that you don't want to go to the lower realm.

King Ziwei snorted coldly, scolding.


Within the Chamber of Secrets, the chaos dissipated, the Dao Yin disappeared, and Jiang Changkong woke up from the retreat.

Cultivating oneself has already reached the peak of human fairy, and the transformation has been completed.

Cultivation is very stable, all restrained.

There is a trace of special fluctuations in the Xianji, which is why the Emperor loosened the restrictions.

"Only one hour passed?"

Jiang Changkong said in amazement that he had only been closed for an hour, and the transformation had been completed.

Just now Dao Yin, this secret room, can accelerate the transformation!

Look at your data:

Jiang Changkong: the peak of human fairy (human god)

Xuan Gong of the Second Round: Consummation: 1/2 million

Acquired Chaos Dao: Consummation: 1/2 million

Jing Qi Shen: 443900

There was a lot of chaos in the body, and there was more blue light.

Now, with his full fighting power, those peaks of the Celestial Cultivation who practiced the third-grade first-class celestial scriptures can also kill themselves.

But the two fairies, Zilan and Yuxue, have some amazing strength.

If they arrive in the late days of Celestial Immortality, they have to drive their full strength.

The two female nymphs are afraid that their identities are unusual, and they are definitely practicing top-quality fairy tales.

"The rest of the time, just wait patiently. Going out so early may cause suspicion."

Jiang Chang thought in a hollow, closed his eyes, and practiced the exercises.

Normal fairy, even with the help of Dao Yin, it takes a little time to realize the next level.

There will be a breakthrough afterwards. There is help here. It is about two or three days, but there is absolutely no hour.

This time, Emperor Tian opened the back door, which can be promoted in a fair and upright manner.

Next time, I will find a place to suppress the fairy book and then promote it.

As for the problem after the breakthrough, just get a bunch of resources yourself, and just do it.

Immortals exist and need more resources to improve, and I myself need a huge amount of resources, just to hide the past.

Three days passed quickly.

The door of the room opened automatically, and Liu Zhi still stood outside, very politely saying: "Not yet out."

Jiang Changkong walked out of the room and said lightly: "If there is a laborer, he will be guarding the Nantianmen, and he will leave."

"You don't have to guard the Nantian Gate in the future." Liu Zhi's tone grew colder.

"Why?" Jiang Changkong didn't care about his tone, and asked doubtfully.

"Your new position, Nether Inspector, from now on, you will go to Nether Inspector.

This is your patrol daybook, jade card, with your mission on it, this is your new fairy and fairy armor. "

Liu Zhi directly took out a pile of things and threw his brain to him.

Jiang Changkong was a little stunned, and his Tianjiang jade card was taken by Liu Zhi.

He knows what the lower realm means. The ground of the fairy world, the area ruled by the heaven, is called the lower realm.

Myself, is this depreciated? The door is not allowed to guard?

After handing over the guardian fairy, Jiang Changkong changed his clothes, as if, stronger?

Sanpin top fairy armor, Sanpin top fairy spear?

Jade card, free access to Nantianmen, can be directly connected to Tianlao?

Jiang Changkong was a little confused. Was he considered a promotion, or was he demoted?

He didn't understand something and the equipment was better, but the work place went straight.

In Heavenly Court, of course, working in Heavenly Court is the promotion. Some mountain **** land in the lower realm is all scum.

Opening the patrol daybook, a golden light did not enter the mind, and Jiang Changkong finally understood what position he was.

Isn't it just to make yourself change shifts in advance and go on inspections?

Wrong ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ captured the fairy from the lower realm, who violated the heavenly rule in the lower realm. If you resist, no matter who it is, you can kill it directly?

The first step, starting from the East China Sea, is to inspect the East China Sea public security.

Job rank: none, superior, Ziwei Tianwang, can inspect jade cards, communicate directly?

Jiang Changkong: "..."

This step is a bit big, no grade, does it mean that I only listen to Ziwei Tianwang?

The first step was actually the East China Sea. He also had the power defended by the heavenly soldiers, rebelling against the heavenly rulers and killing them all.

This is to let yourself return home?

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