I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 500: You are out of sight (5/5)

Undersea demon city, the demon alliance is in chaos.

Jiang Changkong looked indifferent and glanced at many demon kings with cold eyes: "This inspector also has an identity, East China Sea, acting as the Dragon King."

The East China Sea, the Dragon King!

Many fairy fairies in the demon league finally came to mind. Before the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, a generation of dragon king did appear.

Sweep the seven Wuxian demon kings, suppress the immortal Jin Chihai, and tie Li Qinghe to a tie.

Not long ago, they also paid attention, knowing that the other party went to heaven.

It's just, I didn't expect that this guy came back, or came back in the name of inspector!

The chaotic demon kings gradually settled down, but there was still deep fear in their eyes.

The corpse of the demon king in the late days of the fairy is not yet cool.

Just now, Jiang Changkong shot and killed the demon king of the late Tianxian!

"On behalf of the Dragon King, the inspector, we have not violated the rules of the sky. Why should you start with us?"

A fairy fairy king, bravely said.

"That is, whether you are the Dragon King or the inspector, we have not violated the rules of the sky, and you can't start against us."

The demon kings coaxed again.

Jiang Changkong looked at them blankly, his eyes bright: "The Dragon King of the East China Sea is the King of the East China Sea chosen by the Emperor of the East Sea, and he is in charge of the East China Sea.

In the East China Sea, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is the first, the real king, if you do not listen to the dispatch, you violate the rules of heaven! "

"The ambassador gave you the last chance to surrender to the Dragon King wholeheartedly in the future, otherwise, die!"

The fairy spear, slightly stroked, and the prestige of the top-level fairy device made many demon kings heavy-hearted.

"Dai Long Wang said well, in the East China Sea, this king is the real king!"

The Little Dragon King took a giant python and came to Jiang Changkong, proudly speaking.

With a trace of pride, Xiao Xiao couldn't beat them on their own, but now, I, Xiaolong Wang, have backers!

"Inspector, we all know the rules of Tianting. Behind us, but Tianjiang Hu Jiunian."

A fairy fairy king whispered: "Everyone is in harmony, not embarrassing each other, hello, me too."


The spear fell, and the fairy fairy king was swept away directly.

Hu Jiunian?

It is still locked in the prison, and I can send you to reunite.

Jiang Changkong did not expect that Hu Jiunian would be behind the fairy demon king.

"Jiang Changkong, don't think that we are afraid of you. Didn't you be deprecated when you inspected the lower boundary?"

A demon king roared loudly, and the blue fairy power bloomed, exposing rancid fangs, and said: "East Sea Demon League, there is more than one Hu Nine years!"

"It seems that you are not willing to surrender."

Jiang Changkong sighed softly and raised his palm, the Chaos Divine Power protected the Xiaolong King: "Then, the East China Sea Monster Alliance was flattened."

"Fight against him, what a **** patrol, but a degraded soldier."

A roar rang out loudly, and a demon came out to kill Jiang Changkong.

"Eating him, son Qin can afford it."

"A heavenly soldier, really when we are so bullied."

With a roar, the demon kings were furious, and the fairy power stirred.

A group of ants, Jiang Changkong's fairy weapon lanced, to deal with them, do not need to exert their full efforts.


The fairy spear swept across, the chaotic power surged out, and all the flying demon kings flew out.

The demon city shook as if it could not withstand the might of Chaos.

Holding a spear, Jiang Changkong stepped up, a flash of light flashed over, covering the entire East Sea Demon City.

"Below the Immortals, submit to the Dragon King of the East Sea, and the Envoy will not kill!"

The sound spreads all over the demon city, the chaos divine power passes, no matter whether it is Wu Xian, human Xian, or even Tian Xian, they are all vulnerable.

One rebelled against the demon king and turned into a corpse.

Jiang Changkong controlled well and did not destroy the city.

Walking in the city step by step, the participating demon kings couldn't stop him.

The gun flashed, the chaotic divine power actually penetrated through the body, killing no harm, only destroying the soul of the god.


With a roar, five powerful breaths came out, and the entire East China Sea demon city was shrouded in Xianwei.

Celestial Peak!


With a cold drink, a burly man rushed over the demon city.

Then, four figures rushed to block the Quartet and surrounded Jiang Changkong and King Xiaolong.

Jiang Changkong felt a little pressure: "Five Celestial Peaks, who is the son of Qin behind you?"

"Jiang Changkong, son Qin is the son of a fairy. This king advises you to stop here so as not to cause trouble to the upper body."

A fairy fairy, swallowing the snake letter, said coldly.

"Son of fairy? Then call it."

Jiang Changkong said lightly, not seriously.

The son of a fairy, after all, is not a fairy. Even if a fairy comes, he is doing things according to the rules of heaven.

If you dare to go directly to the killer, take out the jade card yourself, and contact Ziwei Tianwang, it is estimated to scare the urine fairy.


A flash of anger flashed on the face of the burly giant. Was Jiang Changkong a fool, dare to fight against the fairy son?

Jiang Changkong said lightly: "Several, how about going up? This inspector doesn't want to break this place."

The five heavenly fairy demon kings looked at each other and sneered: "Please."

Was it frightened by the identity of the fairy son?

Now I can't erase my face, want to go up and admit it in private?

It depends on our mood!

Far away from the East Sea Demon City, there is Chaos Divine Power, Jiang Changkong is not worried about the safety of King Xiaolong.

Came to a dark water, where there are few fish and shrimp, almost invisible.

"Jian Xuncha, want us to make some good words for you in front of Master Qin, it depends on whether you know it or not."

The fairy fairy, staring at Jiang Changkong with a vicious look.

The other four demon kings also looked at him with disdain: "In the future, you can let the Dragon King listen to us and work for Qin Gongzi.

Jiang Changkong was slightly stunned, always feeling that these five demon kings had pits in their brains.

Forget it, still not talking to them.

Sanpin's top fairy, blooming divine power, chaotic guns swept out.



The chaotic guns enveloped the five heavenly fairy demon kings, killing no harm!

The blood was scattered, and the blood of various colors rendered the sea water. The five demon kings were out of touch and seriously injured.

"You, do you dare to fight against Qin Gongzi?" The five demon kings were angry and unexpectedly moved out of Qin Gongzi. This inspection was not taken seriously.

He really didn't want to destroy the demon city, not to admit it!

"If you don't want to ruin your demon blood, you think, just a move, can you still stand?"

Jiang Changkong strode toward the five demon kings: "Give you one last chance and call the son Qin!"

"Okay, you are so brave."

The fairy fairy sneered, and a jade pendant appeared in his hand, directly crushed: "After a quarter of an hour, son Qin will come over to see you ..."

"You are out of sight!"


The sea is turbulent, the Chaos divine power is filled, Baiyun Avenue, suppress!

Sanpin's top fairy, at this moment, inspired all the mighty powers, inspected the heavenly book to shine, and recorded this scene.

The power of chaos, turned into a lance, swept out and enveloped the five gods.

At this moment, Jiang Changkong used ten percent of his strength, only the chaotic golden body and the remaining six characteristics.

Since Qin Gongzi was called over, there was no need for them to keep the five demon fairy.


Five demon fairy roars, all the fairy power surges out, against the chaos gun ~ lightnovelpub.net ~

The chaotic guns passed by, and everything was annihilated. The five demon fairy bodies trembled and their vitality dissipated.

Jiang Changkong's expression was indifferent. The five demon kings, the cultivating fairy scriptures, were only of medium quality.

Take the five bodies and return the inspection book to him.

Jiang Changkong returned to the East Sea Demon City, waiting for Qin Gongzi to arrive.

The sea monsters in the demon city fled as early as before, and now it is just an empty city, and the little dragon king has not stopped.

No need to block, wait for Jiang Changkong to clear these demon kings, these little demon, will naturally surrender.

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