I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 573: Moon God


The sword fell, and the two figures fought again.

Jiang Changkong's eyes lingered, paying attention to the two fierce beasts. Although their strength was good, they could not be delayed for long.

They are only creations, not true ancient species.

Compared with the real murderous thing, it is a grade worse!

"The strength of the space beast is far from my opponent, don't need to hide it."

After seeing the strength of the two beasts, Jiang Changkong felt relieved.

Now that it is out, you don't have to worry about being picked up cheaply.

Now that I have the Lunar Immortal Array, unlimited supply of divine power, coupled with the Elder King ’s Elixir, there should not be too much problem.

The glaucoma in the body is integrated into the law of chaos.

Jiang Changkong's swords changed at the same time, turning into chaotic swords.

The innumerable chaos tears and the mysterious light of the sky reappears.

Open day!

Tianshui Xianjun's complexion changed, as if he saw a big horror.

The person in front of him turned into an immense giant, an unshakable divine power, and an incomprehensible light.

The ancient breath reveals, the ancient breath is recovering.

Behind Jiang Changkong, there was an infinite amount of chaos, a mysterious phantom, slowly condensing.

There are seven hands behind the snake tail, and two hands in front, holding two snakes!

With the movement of Jiang Changkong, the mysterious phantom hits the divine light and chaotic tears.

Opening up!

Opening the sky, Tianshui Xianjun, feels like a ant, his strange emotions make him bow his head and dare not look up.

However, under the threat of death, under the threat of death, you can only desperately mobilize the fairy power in your body.


The chaotic sword fell, and the sky fell one by one.

The blood spattered and flew out, and the golden light left by the fairy king bloomed again.

But Xianguang also dimmed when he stopped the next move.

Golden blood flowed above the hilt.

Tianshui Xianjun stood up and looked frightened.

He didn't know what secret method Jiang Changkong used just now, but he just felt that he saw great terror.

An existence that cannot be looked up to, beyond any being!

After the sword reappeared, Jiang Changkong's strength in the body quickly recovered, but it was still not enough, and he served another recovery elixir.

After he was promoted, the power of celestial arts also increased, and the consumption was more terrifying.

Just a move, you can almost kill Tianshui Xianjun, but the other party has the life-saving means left by the fairy king.

Open day, almost exhausted his power, and Immortal Array could not recover instantly.

Fortunately, Laojun Elixir is strong enough, and the two cooperate and recover quickly.

The move to open the sky is back, and the ghost image is back!

"Go away!"

Tianshui Xianjun roared, this time, he directly exploded his full strength, taking advantage of Kaitian's failure!

He was worried that again, as before, he could only passively resist.



The move to open the sky fell again, and a clear sound came, and the fairy light bloomed, but it burst.

Fairy King's move, gone!

"Do not……"

A horrified cry came, and the sword cut through the Tianshui Xianjun, and the vitality quickly dissipated.

In the face of the open mind, even if he used his full strength in advance, he could still not resist it.

The power of heaven is distributed, fifty thousand!

Jiang Changkong breathed a sigh of relief, the power of the heavens arrived, and that day the Narcissus was really dead.

Looking at the remaining three fairy monarchs, they are pressing two fierce beasts.

The two fierce beasts were all bruised, their breath was weak, and they roared repeatedly, but dragged them to death.

Jiang Changkong recovered his strength within his body, and the sword fell, while at the same time enveloped the three late immortals.

It's still open magic!


When the sky fell, the three fairy kings flew out, and the fairy light on them shattered.


At this time, the three late Xianjun discovered that Tianshui Xianjun had already died.


The two fierce beasts screamed and retreated to the side, suddenly a strange language came out of their mouths.

A cold breath swept through.

Boom ...

In the void, dull sounds sounded like drums and heartbeats.

If there is nothing like a murmur, it sounds in the ear.

The faces of all the people on the scene changed at the same time, and even the three people guarded by the incomplete Emperor Treasures heard this voice.

Like a woman, whispering in her ear.

Jiang Changkong was shocked and looked at his feet inexplicably.

In addition to the Lunar Immortal Array, there is a vast force.

With the voice of murmur, that vast force began to recover.

The voice of whispering continued, beside Jiang Changkong's ears, he heard intermittent cold words: "Mingyue cited ... Gui Luhan ... the souls depend on each other, who understands Guanghan ..."

As the words sounded, the cold breath became stronger and stronger, and the vast power underneath became more and more obvious.


A high above, like the king's breath rising from heaven and earth, a huge phantom rising from the body of the three immortals.

The dead Tianshui Xianjun, also shining a trace of strength, gathered in the phantom.

The phantom blooms hundreds of millions of immortals, and the rules of the law are connoted and manifested out of thin air.


The golden fairy light turned into a river, holding the phantom of the king.

"Tianhe Fairy King?"

Jiang Changkong suddenly looked up, looking at the King's phantom in shock.

The noble king breathed, and the chaos wailed for it.

The heavy pressure made everyone present feel tight.

The phantom face was blurred, and the true face was not seen.

Tianhe Fairy King has arrived!

Although it is only a phantom, it is not something the fairy king can resist.

"It's an honor, Tianhe Immortal King, personally shot." Jiang Changkong said coldly.

This heavenly court is really cruel enough to let a fairy king come to kill himself.

Tianhe Immortal King should have wanted his immortal king to kill him, so he could not blame him.

However, his own Xianjun was damaged, and a Marshal of the Summit Xianjun died in his hands.

At this time, Tianhe Immortal King had to shoot himself to kill him.

The imaginary power of the king is still increasing, and the three immortal monarchs are constantly infused, making the phantom stronger.

Underground, the mysterious and vast power has completely recovered.

The cold breath is getting stronger and stronger.

"Justice God, be careful!" Liu Xuanfeng suddenly shouted.

Jiang Chang's hollow head sighed, and the force under the ground disappeared.

Behind himself, I don't know when, there was a cold breath.

The phantom of the king in the sky shook violently, the Tianhe was turbulent, and the law of unrest was rioted.

The ghost image of the unformed king retreated quickly, as if he had encountered a great horror.

Jiang Changkong was stiff, and he did not dare to move.

The ghost of Tianhe Fairy King was scared to pee?

A cool shoulder, like a jade hand, rested on the right shoulder.

Jiang Changkong felt that his chaotic stars were shaking, and a chaotic divine power was differentiated.

Chaos Divine Power flew out of the body, changed again, transformed into Taiyin Divine Power, a woman in a white dress with a light veil on her face mask, but she didn't see the true face.

Jiang Changkong's pupils shrank, which he had cultivated himself, and after fusion, they disappeared.

But now ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ has been used to make great magic, and it has been completely differentiated.

Who is this hand on his shoulder?


Tianhe Immortal King's virtual shadow, the blurred body shakes violently, with a trace of fright: "Moon, Moon God ..."


Ancient Moon God, the one in Moon Palace!

It's no wonder that the Tianhe Immortal King was terrified of peeing. Although the Moon God was in ancient times, it didn't show the mountains and the water.

But she is definitely a master!

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