I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 6: I was a little flustered

Tongue of copper skin and iron bone, just to get started, you need five hundred spirits.

Try not to do anything about stabbing yourself in the future.

Hundreds of knives are required to upgrade. Isn't it necessary to have thousands of knives in the future?

Is still trying to find a way to catch the spirit from other places.

"The next step is Budo School."

Jiang Changkong murmured.

Has now practiced Star Power and can join Budo School.

But now the Budo school does not enroll students. Specifically, ask Zhou Wen and Ji Ziling tomorrow.

Moreover, after entering the school, there are three years of simulation, five years of college entrance examination!

Does not think that entering the school is over.

One year simulation cannot be spent and will be expelled.

Five-year college entrance examination, if you can not complete the number of star demons prescribed by the school, the consequences are unclear.

Only information that must be completed online.

I am just now practicing star power, far worse than Zhou Wen and them.

The most important thing at the moment is to continue to increase the strength, and can not rush into the Budo school as soon as the brain is hot.

After trying to understand, Jiang Changkong calmed down and lay in bed to sleep.

The next day, get up early.

Jiang Changkong went to the clinic and stayed for a while. There were no casualties and Zhou Wen did not come.


Ji Ziling looked up at him, his eyes flashing with surprise.

Jiang Changkong today gave her a very different feeling.

Before Jiang Changkong, it looked only solid outside.

But today, the temple is bulging with a ruddy complexion, giving a warm feeling.

Full of blood!

how can that be?

Even if the iron cloth shirt is perfected, there can be no such change, so full of qi and blood.

"Dr. Ji, what's wrong?"

Jiang Chang's hollow head tightened, was it seen?

"It's nothing." Ji Ziling glanced at him and said lightly: "Far away from me."

Jiang Changkong: "..."

Okay, pretty lesbians.

It seems that after the breakthrough, Ji Ziling is further alienated.

This abundant energy and masculine breath made her very uncomfortable.

While there were few guests in the shop, Ji Ziling did not want to get close to him, so he went to the slaughterhouse.

Jingqi Shen +0.1, +0.2 ......

Just came to the slaughterhouse, his expression stiffened, and he had accepted the shrinkage of his spirit.

But I didn't expect it to shrink so much.

Until the killing of the cow, the spirit is 228

Increased by 2.3, how long will it take to make up five hundred?

Depressedly returned to the clinic, Ji Ziling just cured a wounded person, and said: "Far away from me."

"Cough, Doctor Ji."

Jiang Changkong coughed and said, "I want to ask you some questions."

If she didn't know her secret, Jiang Changkong would probably think he was driving him away.

"Speak." Ji Ziling said lightly.

Jiang Changkong thought for a while and said, "Do you know Budo School, when will you recruit students?"

Ji Ziling: "Two months later."

"If you join a martial arts school, what will be the punishment if you fail to complete the five-year college entrance examination?"

"Unable to complete, continue to sign for five years until completed."

Jiang Changkong asked a few more questions, Ji Ziling was not impatient and answered them one by one.

If the five-year college entrance examination has not been completed, it will not kill the devil for the school until it dies.

If it is completed in advance, the remaining five years, the star demon killed, and the school are divided equally.

"Do you know, what kind of strong people can block the spirit?"

Jiang Changkong finally asked the most important question in his mind.

The spirit has the spirit, it sounds incredible.

It is easier to block the spirit.

If he encounters such a strong man, he can't extract the spirit.

Unless, can break the blockade.

Ji Ziling was surprised, but replied: "Beyond Xinghai."

Was slightly relieved. He is only in the early stage of the star gas, and there is a nebula from the Xinghai.

Don't worry about such a distant thing for now.

As for the Jingqi God has the Lord, this kind of existence, it is estimated that Ji Ziling has not been in contact.

Has already asked a lot, but still not asking.

"This is Zhou Wen's Kewang number, you can contact him if you have any questions in the future."

Ji Ziling wrote a series of numbers and handed them to Jiang Changkong.

Jiang Changkong took it and found that Ji Ziling was in close contact with him without any discomfort.

Before leaving him far away, it should be a simple **** reaction.

"Doctor Ji, otherwise, shall we also add a friend?"

Jiang Changkong took out his phone and added Zhou Wen.

Ke.com, the Internet of this world, each person can only register one number.

Used for online communication, similar to the penguins of the previous life.

Ji Ziling hesitated, nodded, and added him.

Ji Xueling.

Ji Ziling's Kewang name, this snow, should it be Yanxue Xue?

Jiang Changkong's name is called Changkong Wanli.

Zhou Wen's more irritating, called Han Kongdong.

If you don't know Ying Yanxue, don't think there is anything.

Is this cold air moving?

Do you try it?

Not afraid of Ji Ziling killing you!

Ji Ziling added a friend and sat back.

Zhou Wen also agreed with his friend, and sent a message: "Long sky?"

Jiang Changkong suddenly had a spoof of thought: "Brother Wen, have you heard the cold air moving smoke and snow?"

Weekly: "..."

Jiang Changkong: "Dr. Ji did not kill you?"

Zhou Wen sweated: "She remarked my name, I don't know my Kee's net name, I dare to change her comment, you are more angry."

Jiang Changkong: "What's the matter with me?"

Zhou Wen: "The eagle strikes the sky, Ying Ji, admire it."

Jiang Changkong: "..."

I was a little flustered.

Although he didn't mean it, he would inevitably think of it when he heard Zhou Wen say it.

If this is known to Ji Ziling, will he kill him?

However, Zhou Wen couldn't run either.

Thought of this, I feel a lot of heart.

"Brother Wen, I have never seen Ying Yanxue and have no other meaning." It is necessary to explain.

Zhou Wen: "I understand, but you dare to tell my sister Ziling my net name, you're done."

Of course he knew that Jiang Changkong didn't mean that at UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

Even if there is, don't care.

Sister Xue will not like the weak student, Jiang Changkong is too weak.

Jiang Changkong breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Wen, I won't tell Dr. Ji, do me a favor."

Zhou Wen: "Say."

Jiang Changkong: "Should there be fresh star demon corpses at Budo School? Can I see them?"

Star Demon contains a lot of spirit.

Xing Shi didn't want to think about it, he didn't have that face, and let Zhou Wen give away.

The last three, but also received four knives, and helped him before they were exchanged.

The spirit of the vegetable market is almost gone, he just wants to see the fresh star demon.

Even a piece of meat will do.

As long as it's fresh, the spirit hasn't gone away.

Zhou Wen has an uneasy expression: "Just look at it?"

Jiang Changkong: "Really just look, you also see me in the slaughterhouse, I just want to understand, Star Demon, **** Star Demon, to prepare for the future."

Zhou Wen: "That's no problem, Budo School will bring in new star demons every half month to serve as a student meal, kill a lot, and bring you to meet the world."

Kill meat!

Student food!

How many people are in Budo school?

He is not clear, but definitely not less than a thousand people!

Even though most of the students are not in school, they went to the college entrance examination.

But this is also the mass killing of the demon, how magnificent will the loose spirit be?

Twelve days have passed since the last time the demon was killed.

Three days left!

The food in this martial arts school is so good, I must go in!

Brightly looking at the star killer, and even copying the knife, get on yourself!

That's right, there is also a free school sister ...