I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 602: Seal a god? (Three / five)

Three days passed quickly.

The idol has been constructed and the temple is almost completed.

The construction speed of the fairy world is far from mortal.

Including the King of Holy Land, a people went to the temple to pay their respects.

All of a sudden, the King of Gods Temple was overcrowded, but no one dared to clamor and squeeze.

Facing a great **** king, no disrespect can exist.

Even if this **** king is very kind.

People from all over the city lined up in the temple and walked to the street outside.

These people looked pious and prayed to the **** king for blessing.

Some true gods are also among them. They pray to the **** king to be able to enlighten them and improve their strength.

"The great God King, your devout and humble believer, prays to you:

May you bless the sacred earth, the weather will be smooth and the weather will be more and more prosperous, so that your servants can serve you forever. "

The king bowed piously and prayed to the **** king.

Jiang Changkong sat high in the hall of the Holy King and watched everything through the formation.

Beside him, there are white elephants and other gods, a total of twenty-four.

The altar manifested beside him, and several faint threads of faith were fluttering.

There are also some lights of faith, floating in the altar.

He had just been in the Kingdom of God for three days, and it would be good to have the power of faith.

It is almost impossible to condense the crystal of faith.

Unless like a white elephant, sitting in the town for thousands of years, the country is accustomed to this god, and the power of faith is strong, in order to form the crystallization of laws.

If the time is too short, you can only take the medicine.


Over the entire holy soil, the storms were turbulent, and the light was golden.

The sky is falling, the lotus is flooding, and a golden rain covers the whole holy earth.

The five surrounding countries are basically the same, and he has passed over.

This little trick is okay to fool mortals.

And Jin Yu, he blended in a five-level restoration medicine left by an old monarch, and when eating it almost didn't greedy the white elephant.

The golden rain fell, and some injured people improved instantly.

Some people with trauma have also recovered.

People who had been paralyzed returned to normal.

Those who are not injured are more healthy.

"Thank you Lord God for your blessing."

The shouts excitedly resounded through the Holy Land.

The faith in the altar has suddenly increased a lot, and the debris of heaven and earth in the body is shaking more and more.

The breath of peace and tranquility diffused out and gradually spread to the entire Holy Land, including the remaining five dependent countries!

Within the altar, there are several threads of faith, which are suddenly bright and a little firm.

These beliefs are similar, but Jiang Changkong will only select three, and the remaining five dependent countries, each with three.


Using three silk threads of faith, an invisible force lifted three people and rose from the city.

"Really mortal."

Jiang Changkong was speechless. The three mortals were his most devout believers.

The king may have seen too many gods and become resistant.

These three mortals, there is an old woman, a young man, and a girl.

Jiang Changkong's voice came out: "You are very honored, this God cares for you."

"Sir King," the three shouted excitedly.

Including the old woman, she burst into tears.

Fancy by the King, in the Holy Land, the supreme King!

"Today, this God personally crowned you to help you reach the altar."

Jiang Changkong's voice resounded through the holy land of the Six Kingdoms, like a vast sky sound, resounding to everyone's ears.


The debris of Heavenly Dao that has been shaking, blooming a ray of golden light, a message, flooded Jiang Changkong's mind.

The peaceful and peaceful forces spread out with Jiang Changkong as the center.

In the Six Kingdoms of the Holy Land, the devout worshippers, their excited hearts calm down and their peace of mind seems to return to the arms of their parents.

The warm and warm power is injected into their bodies and their physiques begin to change.

On the old face, wrinkles began to disappear and the skin regained its elasticity.

Even if you do n’t pay attention to the image, the old gods are now recovering the face of youth under the influence of invisible power.

Everyone looks stunned, isn't it the blessing of the King of God?

What's going on now?

"What I wish, those who live in the Holy Land, are not old, immortal, immortal.

No worries and worries, no killings and deaths, holy earth creatures, always enjoying peace ... "

"What I wish, everyone in the Holy Land can become gods, and everything can become enlightened."

"What I wish, the Holy Land is free of disasters and disasters, free of disease and pain, and immeasurable immeasurable ..."

The sounds of heaven echoed through the Six Kingdoms of the Holy Land, and a huge projection revealed the sky above the Six Kingdoms.

Peaceful, peaceful breath, eternal, immortal magic, emanating from the huge projection.

All creatures, whether they are humans, demon races, or even plants, bamboos and stones, are watching the figure.

Mystery, supremacy, supremacy, like the supreme, the master of all things.


Heavenly Dao has recovered.

Moreover, unlike the rest of the Heavenly Dao Fragment, different from the Heavenly Court and the Divine Court, these are pure Holy Earth Heavenly Dao.

A holy god, a holy earth built, an eternal paradise.

Strange flowers bloom on the ground, fairy medicine thrives, fairy veins glow, and quality is improving.

This is the power of heaven!

The power of the heavens projected, the sky covered by golden clouds, the land covered by golden clouds, above the fairy array, the holy earth was formed.

Fairy medicines and strange flowers, fairy stones like mountains ... Unfortunately, all are fake.

The palace is manifested, the cultivation of the Taoist Hall, the Taoyin Hall, the Taoist Temple, and the Heavenly Taoist Hall.

There are also various fairy tales, but the strongest is only the summit of the fairy king, and the realm of the fairy king has not yet appeared.

The God of Sealing continues, a huge projection, burst into the mouth: "Wu Fenger, etc., the Holy Land leads to the **** position, not old, immortal, immortal, with the Holy Land forever, serving the Holy King.

Three special marks appeared out of thin air and disappeared into the body of three people.

The breath of the three people has changed, and the breath is constantly strengthening. From the previous mortal, it has instantly crossed countless barriers and achieved the God of War.

This is not the end. Immediately afterwards, he became a **** of man and is still breaking through.

White elephants and other gods are a bit stunned. How big should they play?

They thought it would be good to seal a Wushen. Look like this, not at all.

Jiang Changkong's face was calm, but his heart was dumbfounded.

This is not me, this is why Heavenly Dao is lending him God!

They just wanted to upgrade to the Wushen level, even if they wanted to.

However, now that Heavenly Dao dominates Fengshen, he admits that he now seems to be unable to recover the fragments of Heavenly Dao.

However, fortunately, awakening Heavenly Dao, the reward is also huge. His power of heaven is increasing rapidly, and the spirit is soaring.

You can do it if you have the spirit and spirit. In this piece of heaven, you can seal as much as you like, as long as you do n’t surpass yourself.

If you want to surpass yourself, you have to appear in the late period of a fairy king ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ In the middle of yourself, it is not enough to watch.


Finally, the God of Heaven was sealed, and a strong breath filled out from the three people.

"Jingjun? The true God peak?"

White Elephant and other felt a huge blow, this Nima, a god?

The three believers, the young girl, directly became the early king, and the other two also reached the peak of the true god.

Bai Xiang felt unbearable. He didn't know how many years he had practiced.

And his own **** king, he sealed the early stage of a **** ...

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