I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 621: Pocket rate palace?

The Sanxian fairy king killed in town is just a late fairy king.

Except for the extreme fairy king, who is infinitely close to the fairy emperor, he has been much lazy to pay attention.

Because each of the extreme fairy kings and **** kings, the background is pretty good, and it is worth paying attention to.

Like this late fairy king, in addition to its own power of 100,000 days, its own resources are also equivalent to the early days.

Three hundred fifty thousand spirits.

Force one.

Continue to fly upwards, this loosely repaired fairy king, there is a remnant in his memory, which has not yet been discovered.

After seeing Chaos yourself, just go over and see.

Two days later.

Above the endless star dome, the air of chaos is falling more and more, and the speed of Jiang Changkong's progress is also slowed down.

Reaching out to touch a chaotic divine power, the harm to oneself is not as strong as expected.

Realizing it carefully, it will be able to reinstate the chaotic power of the ultimate **** king, and at most he will be slightly injured.

Above the head, there is gray endless power, and a weak barrier to protect the starry sky and block the power of chaos.

This barrier is formed by the convergence of various forces of the Divine Star, and in some places, it has been eroded by chaos.

The chaotic airflow poured into the gap.

Jiang Changkong touched the weak divine barrier, and was immediately withdrawn from the shock.

Although this barrier is fragile, it is also relative to chaos.

He is just a **** king, and it is impossible to shake the barrier, even if this barrier has already been riddled with holes.

"Go and see the ruins."

Jiang Changkong turned and left. He just came to see Chaos. He acquired the Chaos Dao body. Is there anything special about it?

After all, I am considered a small pangu.

Now it seems that there is no special preferential treatment except injury prevention.

Wait for yourself to improve, you should be able to ignore the general chaos.

Endless stars, Jiang Changkong quickly shuttle.

Recognizing some routes, Jiang Changkong saw a green star appearing in sight.

This is the remains of the fairy king's memory, unexploited.

Within the stars, there are towering green trees and a **** tree, which leads directly to the sky and is rooted in the center of the stars.

Jiang Changkong's figure changed, and within a few steps, he had come to the God Tree.

The **** tree is in the sky and contains horror power.

The fairy king before, sensing this divine power, tried to open it. There was a palace in it, but he was not strong enough to open it.

Chaos divine power, pressing on the divine tree, divine power fluctuations appear.

A palace is looming.


A terrifying divine power, shocked out, is enough to shock the general peak god.

"Which ancient ruins of ancient immortal gods were they so strong to?"

Jiang Changkong's divine power surged and opened the **** tree.


The divine tree oscillated, the divine light oscillated, and the green light shook the entire star.

A palace, looming inside the **** tree.

The anti-shock force is extremely strong, comparable to the limit **** king.

Jiang Changkong's divine power raised another point, surpassing the limit of the **** king, stepping on the divine light, and entering the **** tree.

After entering, Jiang Changkong discovered that this **** tree was actually composed of endless divine power.

Almost all this **** tree is chaotic divine power!

Amidst Wang Yang's boundless divine power, a palace became clearer and clearer.

Jiang Changkong separated his divine power and stepped towards the temple.

Divine power, the palace was completely exposed, three large characters on the plaque forehead, Jiang Jiangkong stared at him.

Pocket rate palace!

Here, is Laojun's site?

Although it is said that some stars are not the same as the immortal duties of ancient immortals.

However, this star does not seem to have anything to do with Laojun.

Although he was puzzled, he came to the palace.


Sensing his approach, boundless divine power rioted.

A roar came from the palace.

The endless divine power manifested, linked to a mysterious mysterious array, majestic and mighty, oppressed.

A figure of a yellow robe stood on the fairy array, unable to see his face clearly, and pressed a palm towards the sky.

The divine power is vast, and with the blessing of the fairy array constructed by endless divine power, the yellow robe figure has reached the limit of the **** king.

Jiang Changkong's right palm raised lightly, and endless chaos converged, facing the yellow robe.


The two palms collided, the violent divine power swept in all directions, the yellow robe phantom was shaking, almost spread out.

The fairy array constructed by endless power also appeared cracked and almost broken.

The figure of Huang Pao started again, and Jiang Changkong regained his strength.

Chaos giant hand, killing divine power, splitting fairy array, yellow robe figure divine power, rushing to chaotic hand.


The figure of Huangpao exploded, the fairy array shattered, and turned into endless power again.

Jiang Changkong came to the door of Dou rate palace, the door closed tightly.

A light pile, no response.

The divine power is running in the palms, pushed by the ultimate **** king power, and the door is slowly opened.

Entering the pocket rate palace, Jiang Changkong frowned.

The interior is empty, only a few futons, a high platform, an alchemy furnace.

Futons were placed around the alchemy furnace, and under the furnace, there was a fire burning.

"This pocket of palace is so simple."

Jiang Changkong murmured and walked towards the alchemy furnace: "For so many years, this magic fire has not been extinguished. What is this alchemy furnace, refined?"

Coming to the alchemy furnace, I felt a scorching breath, the flame glowed with three kinds of light.

The power of Shenhuo was somewhat beyond his expectation, even the extreme God of Kings did not dare to take this kind of Shenhuo.

"After practicing for so many years, should Immortal Emperor Elixir become a masterpiece?"

With a trace of expectation, Jiang Changkong held down the furnace lid and opened it violently.


A weird scent came out, Jiang Chang's hollow head was not good, but the consciousness was faint.

There was a huge force behind him, which pushed him directly into the alchemy furnace.

The alchemy furnace contains Qiankun, and Jiang Changkong's figure shrinks and is easily installed.

The furnace lid was re-covered, and the mighty power of the gods skyrocketed, burning the alchemy furnace.

On the alchemy furnace, the fairy array activates, forcing Jiang Changkong in the refining furnace.

Once inside, the heat wave inside turned into a three-color flame world.

The terrible heat, even he felt uncomfortable, the body has an unbearable feeling.

A sense of terror came, and Jiang Changkong was sober and slapped his back towards the back.

With a bang, a blue wolf rolled out and Jiang Changkong stepped back a few steps.

"This alchemy furnace."

Jiang Changkong was magnificent, drowning the surrounding fire, but it seemed to be endless here, unable to extinguish all flames.


The blue wolf growled, countless flames gathered, and turned into a tricolor flame **** wolf.


Flame God Wolf directly pounced on Jiang Changkong.

Chaos swelled, divine power turned into a sword, and chopped down.


The tri-color flame **** wolf burst and collapsed, but the endless flame was raging, and healed again in a flash.

Jiang Changkong's face narrowed and he shot again.

Inside the red furnace ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Jiang Changkong continued to slay the flame **** wolf, outside, the alchemy furnace violently shook.

"This time there was really a great guy who came in alone and could shake the alchemy furnace."

Outside, the old voice sounded, infused with divine power, blessing the fire.

"It's nothing more. Are our refining limit kings, fairy kings, still a few?"

Another cold voice sounded, full of disdain.

"The same is said, even the strongest God King, who also wants to escape, can only be reduced to Jin Dan." Cang Lao voice laughed.

"However, with such strength, it is a pity that resources are refined together."

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