I Can Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 623: Clues, 3 Gods of Fire (1/5)

In the alchemy furnace, the blue light shone, and Jiang Changkong and Sun Li were on alert at the same time.

When the flaming wolf first came out, it was the blue wolf.


The blue light was rippling, and a blue wolf the size of a slap was formed.

Jiang Changkong was about to attack, but he saw that the blue wolf was distorted behind him, forming a vortex.

The blue wolf got into the whirlpool and turned to look at them again.

The blue wolf disappeared, and the vortex was still there.

"Jiang Shenwang." Sun Li looked at Jiang Changkong and asked his opinion.

Jiang Changkong said lightly: "Is there a choice?"

His chaotic golden body can't break the alchemy furnace in one blow, but it should be okay if it comes a few times.

Now, he wanted to see more, what the **** this blue wolf wanted to do.

Follow the blue wolf and enter the vortex.

Sun Li hurried to keep up, and followed closely beside Jiang Changkong.

His divine power has been exhausted, no supplement, and his body is almost melted by the heat.

Now Sun Li is the **** king in distress, and no more to add divine power, even a martial god.

When the two entered the void, they discovered that it was actually a space channel.

It was dark all around and there was nothing. Under their feet, special lines appeared, exuding a breath of space.

"Space passage, where is this taking us?"

Sun Li looked strange, he could not see through the strength of this blue wolf.

Jiang Changkong did not speak, and followed the blue wolf, walking in the space channel.

After walking for half an hour, the light appeared in front of them, and the two had completely moved away from the alchemy furnace.

The flames lingered, the divine light was shining, and a new world appeared in sight.

A golden light flashed across and flickered away.

"That's it?" Sun Li quickly speeded up, it was a figure.

A fairy!

Where there are fairy gods active, there must be fairy spirits, which can replenish the consumed divine power.

Jiang Changkong stepped out of the passage, and the blue wolf dissipated, but the space passage remained.

The rich fairy gas almost condensed into mist.

Sun Li quickly swallowed the immortal energy and refined it into immortal power.

A body of supernatural power, recovering quickly, almost melted by high temperature, now solidified.

Jiang Changkong looked forward, a huge wolf-shaped building, and the position where they stood was exactly where the wolf mouth was.

The giant wolf opened his mouth with immortal energy, and his body was covered with mysterious fairy patterns.

A ray of divine light flew in the mouth of the huge waves and flew in the air.

Jiang Changkong stepped into the wolf mouth. As for Sun Li, he was brought here to recover his strength, and he didn't need his own help.


Just stepped into the mouth of the wolf, a wolf howl, resounded through the soul.

The fairy spirit inside became more and more intense, and a mysterious pattern appeared in front, blocking the way.

Those fairy gods are traveling through these mysterious lines, being very careful not to touch these lines.


Jiang Changkong's figure flashed through the mysterious lines.

"Someone is coming again." A young immortal looked at Jiang Changkong, his eyes warned.

"Where is this place?" Jiang Changkong asked doubtfully.

"You do not know?"

Another figure came, and a fairy flew over and landed not far from Jiang Changkong: "You don't even know here, how did you get in?"

Jiang Changkong said bluntly: "Here I accidentally opened it and was brought in by a blue wolf."

"Who wasn't brought by the blue wolf, we are asking you, from which star did you come?" The young immortal before him said coldly.

"It's so tiring talking to you." Jiang Changkong sighed softly.

Fairy said with a chuckle: "Where is this, we do not know, just know that it is related to the real Dou rate palace.

We have been here for many years, and have been searching in this large formation, but have not found a clue to the palace. "

"Real pocket rate palace?" Jiang Changkong raised his eyebrows slightly, is it the same direction he came from, or is it another fake pocket rate palace?


Suddenly, a sound of vibration came, and the mysterious lines around shone, gathering fairy power, and turning into a blue light.

Qingguang instantly flooded the entire wolf mouth, flooding Jiang Changkong and these two fairy gods.


Majestic and powerful, the fairy and the fairy were simultaneously hurt.

Jiang Changkong was as immobile as a mountain, letting the blue light fall, it was difficult to hurt.

"Which idiot touched the Divine Array." Fairy said angrily.

The young immortal wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "Who can it be, I am sure the idiot of the court."

"Are you okay?" Fairy surprised.

"It's okay, the God King's early attack is not strong." Jiang Changkong said indifferently.

Two people: "..."

Should n’t the two of us be in front of you?

"God, God King?" The young fairy king is sluggish, and only the **** court will call himself God King.

Both Tianting and Xianting call themselves fairy kings. Just now, they seem to be saying idiots in Shenting?

Will this guy trouble yourself?

"Jiangshen King."

Sun Li's voice came, he had almost recovered, and he couldn't wait to come in.

"Don't touch the fairy array here."

The two early **** kings said quickly.

Jiang Changkong looked at these fairy array lines. He didn't understand these fairy arrays, but he could sense them, which was just the early stage of the fairy king.

"Jiang Shenwang, who are these two?" Sun Li came and restrained his breath.

"The people who explore here are unfamiliar."

Jiang Changkong said indifferently: "They said that there is real news of the palace in this place."

Sun Li looked deep: "Jiang Shenwang, I want to go in and see, maybe, my friend is still alive."

"Explore each." Jiang Changkong turned into a chaotic light, shuttled among these fairy array lines.

The fairy array is intertwined, be careful every time you shuttle, once touched, an attack will erupt.

The deeper, the more people were inside. Jiang Changkong even saw the four summit gods and a bunch of gods.

These people are basically the people of the four major forces, and their strength is not weak.

Some merits are greater than excesses, some inefficiencies, and some deaths and major crimes.

These people are all spying on the lines of the fairy array, trying to find out the secrets.

It's just that I haven't found a clue here for so long.


Suddenly, there was another bang, and the blue light attacked again.

Jiang Changkong turned his hands to suppress the blue light, and looking at it, it was Sun Li and others.

Shaking his head, too lazy to pay attention, Sun Li's guilt is not serious, it is almost time to enter the prison for a while.


The attack came again, and the whole fairy array was violently shaking.

"You guys are crazy, fight here?"

"To fight out."

The roar came, and the sound of anger echoed throughout the wolf-shaped building.

Jiang Changkong frowned, and was about to send them out, and a scream sounded: "Don't fight, Ben Wang has found a clue."

"A clue?"

A cry of exclamation sounded, and the screams stopped.

Sun Li also stopped attacking and took a young man back to the side.

A pinnacle **** king floated in the fairy array: "Just now, this king found a little difference, there is a sacred fire."

"Sanmei Shenhuo? Really?"

Excited voices came out ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Samadhi Fire, Laojun Alchemy Fire.

Jiang Changkong thought of the alchemy furnace, the three colors of flame.

It just looks like there is nothing unusual here.

"You are ready, this king attacked here, try again."

Pinnacle God King came to the place where Sun Li stood before and slapped it.


The whole fairy array was turbulent again, but there was only endless blue light and no sacred fire.

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