I Create Urban Legends In Tokyo

Chapter 126: Keigo Hinata

In the evening, inside the restaurant.

Looking at the night outside, Shinji Kamahara wiped his mouth with a napkin. I have to say that the meal that Hyuga Okawa invited him to eat made him very satisfied.

But he didn't linger before the delicious food, he looked at the opposite Hyuga River.

At this time, the housekeeper Wen Wu took a copy of the document and placed it in front of him.

Shinji Kamahara picked up the document, glanced around, and looked at the name of the second son of Oga Hyuga.

Hyuga Keigo.

He looked at Hyuga Okawa with a weird face, "Is this the name of your second son?"

There was no embarrassment on Hyuga Okawa's face, and he nodded slightly.

The name Keigo Hyuga was known by Shinji Kamahara from the people of Masami Hyuga.

This is the younger brother who killed him in the real population of Hyuga.

Originally Shinji Kamahara thought that Hyuga Okawa's second son was one of them, and it was the other younger brother who paid Asada to kill Majin Hinata.

After all, in his impression, the patriarch's sons and daughters in the big family are crawling all over.

Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence, it turned out to be Keigo Hyuga.

Although it was strange, Shinji Kamahara didn't ask much, he glanced roughly, and his heart was slightly condensed.

In the column of death characteristics, it is very clear.

Keigo Hyuga also fell to the ground suddenly at home and died directly, and through retrieval, the soul also disappeared directly.

Seeing Shinji Kamahara raised his head and looked at him.

Hyuga Ogawa said in his thoughts, "The first person to die was a real person, and he died suddenly."

"At first, the Hyuga family wanted to ask the special class monitors to help investigate, but most of the special class monitors went to Nishihongan Temple to help."

"The others who are still in Tokyo have just finished their missions and don't want to wade in the muddy water."

"So this matter is gone."

Dahe Hyuga looked helpless, of course he had asked someone to check it. But Hinata’s death was directly killed by Asada Kazumasa using his paintbrush.

This kind of remote killing without clues is simply incomprehensible.


Many people thought that it was Makoto Hyuga who fell into weird killing rules, so the monitors were reluctant to come.

This made the think tank people very anxious, and something went wrong with the Hyuga family. If Hyuga Oga is implicated, none of the think tanks can escape.

It is a pity that for various reasons, coupled with the fact that most of the monitors are indeed helping out at Nishi Honganji, this makes Hyuga Taiga unable to wait for the incident to develop on its own.

To put it simply, wait for the real weirdness to appear.

For Hyuga Oga, this is no less than waiting to die.

Although Majin Hyuga became a drawing, his soul was imprisoned in the drawing paper. But the return in the middle of the night is good news for Hyuga Oga.

This means that Madam Hyuga was not killed by weirdness. It's a murder in which an ordinary person gets a regular item.

This made the Hyuga family and think tank people relieved.

However, when Keigo Hyuga's portrait was presented in front of him, seeing the ordinary manuscript, Hyuga Okawa's heart came up again.

Keigo died a few days after the death of the real man.

His death was exactly the same as his brother Hyuga, who fell to the ground abruptly and his soul disappeared instantly.

This caused the Hyuga family to panic again.

I thought that Keigo was killed by Asada Kazumasa just like the real person, but now there is an accident again.

This is why Hyuga Okawa will invite Shinji Kamahara.

He did not avenge his two sons, but for himself.

This is also the idea of ​​the think tank. The people in the think tank naturally have information about Shinji Kamahara, knowing that the other party is the supervisor of their own organization.

He is still a high school student and lacks money at home.

Maybe with money, you can ask for help.

Of course, the people in the think tank also know that the supervisor cannot be regarded as a fool, even high school students are no exception.

Money is the cheapest thing for monitors.


Hyuga Oga quickly pushed a delicate box on the table to Shinji Kamahara.

Under Shinji Kamahara's suspicious gaze, he explained carefully, "There are a hundred soul beads in the box, which is a deposit. No matter whether you can investigate anything, Lord Ghost, as long as you work hard, the villa and the soul beads are yours. of."

Everything in the villa is imaginary, only the soul orb is real.

Unfortunately, Hyuga Okawa didn't know that the soul orb had no effect on Shinji Kamahara.

However, Shinji Kamahara did not refuse, but he also had his own confusion, "Do you not have your own monitor for the Hyuga family?"

This question made Hyuga Okawa smile bitterly, "Everyone in the think tank can hold authority and add wealth. But it is not allowed to control regular items."

I see.

Shinji Kamahara was stunned.

For special classes, what is needed is a pure think tank.

As for the power and money of politicians, it is the special class that cares the least. Special classes are independent of the government, and perhaps the government can exert pressure.

But it's just pressure, what to do, you still have to make a decision by yourself in a special class.

If the people in the think tank can control the rules and educate their own monitors, they will have more thoughts.

This is not conducive to special classes, so naturally it should be checked.

I'm afraid, there should be more than one think tank for special classes.

But this is nothing to do with Shinji Kamahara. He pushed the box to the opponent, sinking in Hyuga Okawa's heart, thinking that Shinji Kamahara would refuse~lightnovelpub.net~ put it in a bag, the box is not easy to handle. "

These words made Hyuga Okawa a sigh of relief. He stood up and bowed slightly, "Thank you Lord Ghost for your help."

"You paid." Shinji Kamahara smiled faintly. "And I said the ugly thing ahead. I am only responsible for investigating whether Keigo Hyuga was killed by a regular item or by a weird. If it was killed by a weird, I will Withdraw in time."

"This is natural." Dahe Hyuga nodded with a smile, "If it's weird, Master Ghost, please tell me, the special class will take the initiative to intervene."

He knew that Shinji Kamahara, as the president of the ghost shrine, had solved the weird code-named evil neighbor.

Then this year's task has been completed ahead of schedule.

The reason for agreeing now is probably because of the charm of the soul orb and the villa.

Although the monitors no longer look down on money, it didn't take long for the young man in front of him to become a monitor.

Unlike other monitors, they have long been worn out.

Of course, this is probably also related to Shinji Kamahara's ability to replace death.

After all, supervisors with the ability to replace death are different from ordinary supervisors in terms of thinking.

But even so, maybe in a few years, I would like to ask Shinji Kamahara for help, it's absolutely useless, but it's okay now.

After that, Shinji Kamahara didn't stay much.

He carried a bag of soul orbs, looked around, and found that all impurities were removed, but it was a pity that soul orbs were of no use to him.

But thinking that Qianyu Zhenbai was still in the first stage, it happened to be used by this soul orb.

Naturally, he didn't show kindness, but wanted to quickly bring Qianyu Zhenbai to the third stage.

In this way, Qianyu Zhenbai could feel the weirdness and murder.

At that time, there will be an extra weird detector.