I Create Urban Legends In Tokyo

Chapter 243: Historic moment

Special class, meeting room.

In less than a minute, Kimura Yasuhei answered a call, and he nodded, "I see."

Soon, he turned on the computer and received the video file.

Without any nonsense, Kimura Kanghe directly opened the video file.

At this moment, no one in the think tank spoke, their eyes were on the big screen in front of them.

There, it was playing a scene in which Hyuga Ogawa drove away, and Shinji Kamahara unfolded his spiritual power to attract black and white girls.

Then, the next moment Shinji Kamahara bleeds from the seven orifices.

This scene made everyone breathe.

At this moment before, the drones all lost contact.


Amanozuo stared at the big screen, he saw the ghost of Qiqiao bleeding, his whole body suddenly collapsed.

You can see the conspicuous heart shape on the chest, except that the whole head is slightly collapsed.

"What should be happening in the body of Lord Ghost."

A slight voice sounded, making everyone subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Because Lord Ghost's body has changed too much. Even if they are covered by clothes, they can see the difference completely.

As soon as they finished speaking, everyone saw the black and white girl standing one meter away from Lord Ghost, suddenly died from the weather and disappeared directly from her head.

Some people even rubbed their eyes, some couldn't believe it.


Although they learned about the situation reported by the Ghost Lord over the phone, they also got certain news from the ghost population that the weird incident of the black and white girl has been resolved.

But when this scene happened before their eyes, they still couldn't believe it.

It happened too fast, and they all had a sense of unreality.

When Kanghei Kimura saw this scene, his body swayed slightly, his hands supporting the table and supporting his body.

He took a deep breath, shaking a little for some reason.

At this moment, Kimura Kangping could feel a little excitement in his body. After a long period of depression, a tremor called hope suddenly appeared.

This complicated emotion made him a little dizzy.

But fortunately, he supported it and didn't let everyone see anything strange.

"Why did the drone in the sky suddenly lose contact..."

Seeing the death of the black-and-white **** the screen, one person suppressed excitement and doubts.

It's not that he wants to struggle with this situation, but because the drone was in the process of shooting. The recording is a regular collision, so the situation where the drone loses contact is obviously very weird and important.

However, before this person finished speaking, his voice stopped abruptly.

His eyes widened and he looked at the big screen.

That was the scene where Shinji Kamahara turned his head slightly. As Shinji Kamahara looked at the experimental base, the entire experimental base disappeared, as if it did not exist.

"This this……"

The think tank took a breath.

The always indifferent Sato Hikari couldn't help but widen his eyes. There was a touch of enthusiasm and excitement in the depths of his eyes. He couldn't help muttering, "Fortunately...Fortunately, Lord Ghost did not use the power of this heart in the metropolitan area before... "

Hearing this, everyone woke up.

Suddenly, everyone shed cold sweats, and even more lingering fears.


If Master Ghost attracts black-and-white girls in his own home, he will use the power of the heart for an instant, not to mention the entire Tokyo, but at least an area will become like in the video, and become deserted.

"The drone should be the result of an indiscriminate attack on the heart of Lord Ghost." Amano took out a tissue and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. "It seems that if humans have mastered the rules, the destructive power caused is real. It's too big. In other words, the destructive power of the heart in Lord Phantom's body is too great. From this point of view, Lord Phantom's ability is simply impossible to use in a crowded place."

"According to Hyuga-sama's report before, Ghost-sama seems to be planning to use the power of the heart indoors."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"So it seems that Lord Ghost himself doesn't know the power of the heart."

"Yes, it's not long since Master Ghost got this heart. I'm afraid I'm also studying it."

"From the video, if human beings master the rules, they may have additional abilities. Everyone knows that weirdness does not affect buildings and equipment, but the scene just now is really awesome."

"I think Master Ghost himself has mastered other regular items and cooperated with the heart, so this power is produced."

"Don't forget, at first, Master Ghost bleeds from the seven orifices. Obviously, he will die at any time. But the next second, he suddenly killed the black and white girl. Something must have happened in this second, but we can't observe from the video. "

"Even... It's not ruled out that Lord Ghost has mastered the second rule."

Sato's faint voice spread throughout the meeting room, and everyone was shocked by the words.

Although this is Sato Hikaru's guess, it is quite possible.

Hearing this, Kimura Kanghei suddenly woke up.

He looked at the video on the screen, glanced around the meeting room, and slowly said, "This video is classified as extremely secret. I also hope that everyone is tight-lipped, so when the next meeting is disbanded, everyone will delete the memory."

"It's natural, but..." Sato Mitsuo attracted his attention as soon as he opened his mouth.

"But what?"

"This video~lightnovelpub.net~ I suggest letting Master Jiu Tun Boys take a look."

These words silenced the people in the think tank. They didn't say anything, just looked at Kimura Kanghei.

Yasuhei Kimura knew what Sato Hikari meant.

In addition to the supervisors who voluntarily join the special courses, the special textbook department also trains supervisors.

These monitors are codenamed by some monsters in Japan. It is also a strong competitor for the special class chief.

Like Kimura Kanghei, when he was young, his code name was Great Tengu, and he no longer used the code name until he became the head of the section.

Now that Hikaru Sato said such words, Yasuhei Kimura naturally understood what the other party meant.

As long as this video is watched by Jiu Tun Boys, it means that these people have lost the competition for the section chief.

After a while, Kimura Yasuhiro said, "After the meeting is disbanded, I will make a copy of it myself, and let Jiudun Boy and the others take a look."

Hearing this, the slightly tense atmosphere eased.

Seeing this, Kimura Yasuhiro smiled, "I am the head of the special class, and naturally I hope that the next head of the class is not a mediocre person."

As he said, he skipped the topic and watched the progress bar on the screen finished, and he fixed the scene on Shinji Kamahara, "Where is the ghost now?"

"Still at the experimental base, after Mr. Hyuga answered the phone, he drove to pick it up in person."

"Send some professionals to look at the conditions of the experimental base. Investigate the situation again to see how far the influence of the rules just applied by the specter of the monitor is."


"Chairman... let's play it again, and look at it again."


When Kanghei Kimura circulated the video again, everyone in the special class was staring and holding their breath.

At this moment, they are not watching a video, but a historical moment.