I Create Urban Legends In Tokyo

Chapter 250: Cats can also drive

Minghu Apartment, the first building, on the 20th floor.


   At this time, on the coffee table in Shinji Kamahara's house.


   A sweet-looking British short blue and white, azure blue cat eyes watery, glancing at Shinji Shinji next to him from time to time.


   Shinhara Shinji turned into a puppet cat with a large wedge-shaped head, a flat top, and a V-shaped face.


   He is bigger, with fluffy hair and silky texture.


  The eyes are very different from other puppets. The dark golden pupils are embellished with deep black eyes like black gems, deep and dark.


   makes him look docile and peaceful, with a coldness.


   Every time I spoke, there was a gentle and cold contradictory feeling, which made the snowflakes next to him want to stop.


   She wants to make Shinji Kamahara meow more.


   And next to him is a sleek cat.


   Three cats squatted on the coffee table, shaped like a triangle, meowing sounds endlessly.


  History said, coffee table meeting.


   "...I often go to Duanyaojiu's Quezhuang to play mahjong. That guy has several cats and dogs at home. I also often start playing cats and dogs."


   "Other than that, I can't think of any other cat incidents. I don't own cats myself. I find it very troublesome. I might as well play mahjong if I have this time."


   After finishing talking, Snow Snow saw the two cats looking at her, and she did not hide it.


   After the three cats had just communicated, Snow also knew that he was caught in the weird rules. If death was not avoided, the final result would be death.


   This frightened Snowflake.


   No wonder that when she asked Huayi, Huayi didn't tell the truth to herself, because she was afraid that she was afraid.


   But she also learned from the two people that she had cat bells, so she couldn't die.


   While this relieved her, she was also a bit urgency. After all, Shinji Kamahara had also become a cat.


   But she remembered that after Shinji Kamahara was killed by her parents last time, she didn't seem to die in the end. This should be some special ability.


   She thought a lot before, but she didn't think of a reason.


   Snowflake did not waste time. After she recalled it for a while, she said, "I actually don't like raising cats because I used to be very busy with my daily work. Oh...forgot to mention, I am an idol."




   "Yes, that's the kind of singing. But I am an idol while going to college, so I don't have the desire to raise a cat at all."


   "But, my sister Huayi raised several cats in school."


   "Can school keep cats?" Yuman couldn't help interrupting.


"Others can't naturally, but my sister is the president of the Ochanomizu Women's University student council, so she can naturally raise a cat." She said, Snowflake glanced at her with contempt. He must have a very powerful identity. It should be the same as yours, what kind of supervisor... Supervisor..."


"watch dogs."


   "Yes, the monitor! So why can't the monitor keep a cat in the university."


   Hearing this, Shinji Kamahara was very agreeable, and then he couldn't help but glanced at it for a while, and finally said nothing.


  Yehman was seen without self-confidence.


   How could he not think of such a simple thing.


   "Every time I get tired from work, I go to Ochanomizu University to see my sister to play. I also know and know those kittens. Apart from that, I have hardly come into contact with cats in my daily life."


   After finishing speaking, Snow looked at the puppet cat next to her, and couldn't help but touch Shinji Shinji's soft hair with her paw.


   Shinji Kamahara slapped the opponent's paw helplessly, Snowflake has become a lot bolder since he became a cat, and he will touch himself whenever he finds an opportunity.


   Isn’t this sexual harassment? !


   But boys are being harassed by girls, so he doesn't think he will suffer, so he is too lazy to say anything.


   Thinking, Shinji Kamahara thought for a while, and finally a little helpless, “I don’t seem to have ever touched cats every day. If you go to school and go home, and encounter cats on the road, you will also fall into the rules of killing, that’s impossible.”


   After all, there are many wild cats on the street.


   Really want to be so, isn't it true that people all over the world are shrouded in the old lady Maoyan's murder rules.


   "Let's do it..." As he said, Shinji Kamahara glanced at the two cats next to him, and finally fixed on Snow, "Let's go to your sister and ask if she has found anything."


   It is now certain that the sister Huayi in Xue Xue's mouth must be the monitor.


   Then, as a monitor, his sister must be anxious because she is caught in weird rules.


   After all, the cat bell on the neck of Snowflake is worn by the floral dress.


   As for why Snowflake ran away from home, he didn't ask too much. It was other people's housework.


   Hearing that she was going to look for Huayi, Xue Xue's eyes revealed reluctance, but she could only nod her head when she thought that it was not time for trouble.


   "Where is Ochanomizu Women's University?"


   "Bunkyo District."


   "Then... shall we go over?" Yakuman couldn't help but said, "If you take the tram, you will be there soon. But we are cats, can we take the tram now?"


this is a problem.


   "We can contact..." Shinji Kamahara wanted to say to contact Snowflake's sister, but he thought that his mobile phone was unlocked with fingerprints. Thinking about it, he raised his hand and looked at his paws to unlock the fingerprints.


   "I think I can walk over." Snow looked expectant, so that he could go shopping with Shinji Kamahara.


"Let's drive. I can use Reiatsu now. Although I have become a cat, I can still drive." Shinji Kamahara glanced at Snow. "Now I am caught in the weird rules of killing. I have died for you. The ability is okay. Yiman doesn't have the ability to replace death. If he dies, he won't be able to be resurrected."


   After getting along with Snowflake, he found that the girl was a bit lively and naive.


   It seems that the family is relatively affluent, which gives rise to the character of Snowflake.


   To say that it is unpleasant is to not know how to consider others, and to say that it is good is to have a big nerve.


   But looking at it as a whole, snowflakes are still kind.


   Hearing this, Yaman breathed a sigh of relief. If Shinji Kamahara wants to walk there~lightnovelpub.net~ he can only follow.


  His life is now in the hands of Shinji Kamahara. He also counted on the other party to take him to avoid death.


After    made the decision, the three cats did not delay.


   Shinji Shinhara jumped off the coffee table, then came to the entrance of the entrance, looking at the door handle.


   Before, he could just pull it with his hand, but now it's an unattainable distance.


   "I'll come." Yuman looked at the burden of Shinji Shinji's idol and volunteered.


   The next moment, he heard a click before he moved.


   The door opened.


   Shinji Kamahara walked out calmly and motioned for the two cats to come out quickly.


   After Yaman and Snowflake went out, they saw that the door closed automatically with a slam without anyone controlling them.


   Snowflake was a little dazed and didn't react.


  Yakiman knew that Shinji Kamahara had just used Reiatsu to open and close the door.


   He is very envious.


   The three cats came to the elevator door, and Shinji Kamahara used Reiatsu to open the elevator door again.


   At this time, Snow Snow also reacted, and the cat's face was full of envy.


   "Can I also have this ability?"

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