I Create Urban Legends In Tokyo

Chapter 73: Turns out, it's really you

   While on the way, Shinji Kamahara had been thinking about talking to Chiba Mashiro.

   sorted out a bit, and found that the other party should not have lied.

   From the conversation between the other party and himself, he can feel that the other party lacks a sense of security. That kind of panic that is always showing, you can easily see it.

   However, this is a matter of course.

   Although he didn't know how many years and months Chiba Zhenbai used his abilities, the abilities of the day shouldn't be used less.

   In other words, the other party's memory may be missing a lot.

  Although he looks like sixteen or seventeen years old, his mental age is probably younger.

   Many times, the other person presents a cute person who wants to show his high IQ.

   It is true that the other party has a diary and keeps recording all the time. Even if the memory is missing, you can learn what happened from the diary.

   But the memory in my mind is like a map, one piece missing in the east and one missing in the west, this feeling is absolutely uncomfortable.

   His memory of Kota Nakamura was erased by "It's Your Turn", and the feeling of disobedience the next day made him feel uncomfortable.

   Not to mention, Chiba really white is directly missing. The other party clearly knows that there is a dark place in his mind, which belongs to the memory that has been erased.

   The diary at most helped her know what happened.

  The words and the images in the memory are completely different, and the personal experience is far from what the diary records can empathize with.

   But... Chiba is lucky too.

   Ordinary people have no way to protect themselves in the face of weirdness, they can only rely on luck and IQ.

   While the opponent has a coin of destiny, they may be able to use the ability of the coin to escape when encountering a weird. So compared to life, the lack of memory may not be a big deal.

   Now Shinji Kamahara is really white with Chiba, but he doesn't have any feelings for him, he just treats him as a tool person.

   In other words, there is a villain mentality.

  Slightly buggy regular items like Destiny Coins must be in your own hands and cannot be obtained by others.

   Although he has no enemies now, he is uncertain in the future.

   If the enemy is in his hands, find some desperadoes at that time, it is okay to give yourself a "year" ability, and let yourself go to the fate of death.

   can completely pile himself to death with the lives of ordinary people.

The same goes for    death files.

  Although the side effects are very serious, the special class can completely kill him with human lives.

   In addition, this world has other weird regular items, which can be completely unpredictable.

  The more I understand the world, even if the notebook has a large lifespan, Shinji Kamahara is now insecure.

   Not to mention...

   Now in Minghu Apartment, there is still a strange weird that is dangerous to him.

   returned to the apartment, because of the gloomy sky, he always felt that the Minghu apartment in front of him was like a behemoth lying on the ground.

"I am back."

   Shinji Kamahara returned home and spoke habitually.

   came to the living room and greeted Xiaoyan. He didn't bother when he saw that the other party was watching a cartoon.

   went to the kitchen to wash rice and cook for myself.

   Ding Dong! ——

   As a result, before cooking, the sound of ringing the doorbell came from the door.

  Mr. Matsuuchi.

   Hearing the door bell, Shinji Kamahara couldn't help but appear in his mind a man wearing a black jacket and bowing slightly, looking very timid and fearful.

   He didn't know anyone at Minghu Apartment, he would come to him, and that was the only one.

   Shinji Kamahara lowered his head, wiped his hands with a towel, and quickly came to the door. He didn't observe through the cat's eyes, but opened the door directly.

   As expected, it is Mr. Matsuuchi.

   "Kamihara-san, I'm very sorry. The rice-washing pot at home is broken, can you borrow me to use it?"

   Mr. Matsuuchi is still the same, with a humble smile on his face that doesn't seem to change.

   He spoke cautiously, looking at Shinji Kamahara, as if he was ashamed.

   Shinji Kamahara didn't respond, he looked at each other up and down.


   No matter how you look or feel, Mr. Matsiuchi in front of you is an ordinary person.

   Or rather, ordinary and strange.

   Even if I feel it with my spiritual power, the information that comes back proves that the other person is just an ordinary person.

   But the red tone also said last time, weirdness is the embodiment of rules, everywhere.

   They can appear all over the world at the same time and kill people at the same time. But when there is no killing in an area, it is in a static state.

   In this state, spiritual power can't feel the existence of weirdness.

   Thinking, Shinji Kamahara looked at each other blankly, "Sorry, I'm also washing rice and cooking, and I can't borrow you."

"it's okay no problem."

   Mr. Matsuuchi was rejected, and nothing changed. With a humble smile on his back and a bow, he soon returned.

   Shinji Kamahara looked at each other suspiciously, frowning slightly.

   He came back from the family restaurant, and along the way, he was thinking about where is the danger in Minghu Apartment.

   Several other buildings cannot be investigated for a short time. Therefore, he first considers his side.

   And as long as he thinks about it, he quickly locks in Mr. Matsuuchi. This guy looks very ordinary at first glance, but as a neighbor of the other party, he thinks this person is very strange.

   You must know Minghu Apartment, but it is an apartment higher than a single-family apartment. Those who can live here are mostly wealthy economically.

   Mr. Kasunai wears a set of clothes all year round. The other party hasn't changed since the move.

   Of course, it is possible that all the clothes of the other party are of the same style~lightnovelpub.net~ But even so, it is very strange.

  Because the other party borrows everyday items every time, wouldn’t the other party make a list and go shopping at Asakawa Mall?

   You can even call the supermarket directly, list the things you need, and the supermarket will deliver it to your door.

   Pay at most one delivery fee.

  So far, the other party has borrowed something from himself three times, this time is the fourth time.

   The first three times, he didn't think too much and agreed.

  Because this guy borrows things infrequently, every few days, so he ignores such trivial things.

   But the last time Chiba's reminder was really white, as well as the conversation this time, made him vigilant.

   So this time, he refused.

   sat on the sofa thinking for about ten minutes, but he didn't get his idea.

   Rejected the opponent this time, and Mr. Matsuchi did not seem to have changed.

   Is it really just an ordinary person?


   Hearing the door bell, Shinji Kamahara asked. He stared at the direction of the hallway, his face became more cautious.

   came to the door, he asked cautiously, "Who?"

   "Kamihara-san, it's me."

  Mr. Matsuuchi?

   Holding the doorknob, Shinji Kamahara hesitated for a few seconds, and finally opened the door.

   "Kamihara-san, thank you for borrowing my pot. Thank you so much."

  Mr. Matsuuchi saw Shinji Kamahara and quickly bowed. With a cautious smile on his face, he quickly handed over the pot of Taomi.

   Shinji Kamahara subconsciously took over the pot of rice. He looked at Mr. Matsuuchi with inexplicable emotions on his face.

   "It turns out, it's really you."