I Create Urban Legends In Tokyo

Chapter 78: If you have a loan, you must pay it back

   After filling out the form, he handed it to Hong Yin.

   Hongyin took it with great interest, and the monitor had many weird codes.

   He wanted to know what code name Shinji Kamahara would use.

   As a result, his cheeks twitched and he didn't know how to vomit.

   The ghost of the Ghost Society?

   This code name is really... mediocre.

   Then he checked it with the computer of the special class, and found that no one used this ordinary code name.

   can just think about it.

   Ghost, wraith and weird, among the three, ghost is the weakest. It can be superexisting at random, and the meaning of this code is not very good.

   Hongyin silently registered with Shinji Kamahara.

   Then he saw the club address and was taken aback for a moment, "Is your club address at school?"

   "Can't it work?"

"It's not impossible... It's just that I don't recommend that your club address be placed in a crowded place." Hong Yin sorted out his thoughts, "Although the probability of encountering weirdness is very low, the probability of more people is always higher than that of fewer people. "

   "Many people are prone to weirdness?" Shinji Kamahara heard this theory for the first time, and couldn't help asking, "Why?"

   "It is the argument researched by the co-study committee."

   Joint research meeting?

   Isn’t this the third safety point Chiba Mashiro said?

   "The co-research committee is a group of researchers. Of course, there are many supervisors in it. The rules and articles of these supervisors are more suitable for research, so they are all members of the co-research committee."

   "You can use the joint research seminar as a research institute for special courses."

   At this point, Hong Yin scratched his head awkwardly.

   "When the chairman of the Co-Research Institute came to speak, I was playing on my mobile phone underneath, so I didn't listen much, I only heard this clearly."

  "The chairman of the Co-Research Institute said that the appearance of weirdness is actually closely related to human beings."

   "The weirdness that has appeared from the past to the present, and the killing rules that have been investigated are all closely related to human beings."

   "Daily behaviors, emotions, habits, thoughts, cognition, memory, diseases, organs, objects... etc., as long as the behaviors and everything related to human beings, there is a great probability that weird and regular objects will be produced."

   "Walking weirdly, killing people by rules."

   "Some regular items, if they are in the hands of the wicked, are actually no different from weird. It's just that the use of regular items will cost you a huge price."

   Hearing these words, Shinji Kamahara felt suddenly open.

   Although it was the first time he heard this theory, he agreed with it.

   is like ‘your turn’, isn’t it just relying on the Internet and software invented by humans to drive rules and kill people?

   And Mr. Matsuuchi, who lives next door to him, apparently killed people under the rule of ‘neighbor status’.

   The **** girl he created is to send people to **** by resentment.

  Small eyes, it relies on domestic violence to trigger the homicide rule.

   Everything is closely related to human beings.

just like…

   These weird births are dedicated to destroying humans.

   The moment this thought arose, Shinji Kamahara's heart jumped.

   But the deeper he thought about it, the more solemn his expression became.

   Hongyin saw this and thought Shinji Kamahara was afraid, after all, he was a seventeen-year-old boy.

   He smiled.

   "Don't worry, it's so easy to encounter weirdness."

   "However, I suggest you change the address of the club. Let's put it in your home, how about it? Yours is a high-end apartment complex with fewer people living in it, so it's relatively safe."

   Shinji Shinhara glanced at Hong Yin. If the other party knew that there was a strange neighbor living next door, I wonder if they would say that.

   "Let’s put it in the ghost club of the school."

   Shinji Kamahara did not change his mind.

  This decision is naturally because Chiba Mashiro said that the ghost shrine is the safest place in Tokyo.

   "Okay." Hong Yin didn't try to persuade him much, he registered on the computer and said, "Okay, it's okay."

   After registration, Shinji Kamahara can leave.

  He didn't stay much, but it was a suburb and he didn't have a car. So Hong Yin called a beautiful young lady to drive him home.

  When he arrived at the gate of Minghu Apartment District, the young lady gave him a business card and looked at him with a straight look. The meaning was obvious.


   Shinji Kamahara took it without expression.

   After getting out of the car, after the little sister drove away, she threw it directly into the trash can and didn't even look at it.

   His mind is not at all about men and women.

   Entering the apartment complex, Shinji Kamahara is about to go home. But when he passed by the property office, he thought of something, and he paused.

   He entered the property room and saw two young ladies sitting at the front desk.

   Before one of the young ladies could speak, he directly took out the Metropolitan Police Department ID from his pocket, and said lightly, "There is something, please cooperate with the investigation."

   The ID of the Metropolitan Police Department is of course authentic, and it was prepared by the special class.

   As a monitor, even if he is not a person in a special class, he must have privileges.

   Otherwise, when the investigation is weird, it is very annoying to encounter ordinary people's obstruction or harassment.

   Even if time is lost, the situation will become bad.

   Miss Sister looked at the ID, and then looked at Shinji Kamahara in her school uniform, she was a little dazed. But he quickly realized that he asked Shinji Kamahara to wait a while before making a call.

   Soon, the property manager hurried over from outside.

   "Hello, hello..." Kindagi looked at Shinji Kamahara in school uniform, and doubts flashed in his eyes. He wiped his sweat, but didn't dare to neglect, bowed again and again, his mouth was not slow, "Excuse me, are you..."

   "My name is Kamahara." Shinji Kamahara handed over the certificate and said lightly, "I am a resident of Minghu Apartment."

   Hearing that Shinji Kamahara was the resident here, Kondo was a little relieved.

   He took the ID, glanced, and did not take a closer look, with a smile on his face, "Kamihara Police Department, is there anything wrong?"

   "Investigate some things." Shinji Kamahara looked at the property manager with anxiety in his eyes, and he soothed, "Don't worry, it's just a small matter. Now you tell me how many people live in the first apartment."

   "Okay, okay, I'll check it for you right away."

   Soon, Shinji Kamahara got the answer.

   One hundred and seventy-one people.

   Hearing this number, Shinji Kamahara frowned tightly, not one hundred and seventy-six?

   The reason why he came to the property to inquire was naturally because he entered Mr. Matsuuchi's room yesterday and saw one hundred and seventy-six gift boxes.

   At the time, he wondered why this number was.

   So, he wondered if this number would represent human lives.


   came to the property and asked about it, and found that it was not.

   "By the way, Kambara Police Department." Kindamu suddenly remembered something, and said cautiously, "A household in the first building moved out this morning, is there something wrong with them?"

   Moved away?

   Shinji Kamahara suddenly thought of something, "Are there any new tenants moving in."

   "Yes, after the house moved out in the morning. A young couple moved in at noon."

"so fast?"

   "The landlord should have negotiated with them."

   "So... in the past month, have any new residents moved in?"

  Mr. Matsuuchi has been living in this apartment for more than half a month~lightnovelpub.net~ If the gift box is indeed connected to human life, then as long as new residents move in, the gift box should increase.

   But according to this line of thinking, as long as Mr. Matsunai moved in. Residents living in the first building, even if they move, may not escape the fate of death.

   "I'll check it." Kindagi quickly asked people to inquire clearly. Soon, he shook his head at Shinji Kamahara, "Kamihara Police Department, for nearly a month, only today has new residents moved in."

   Hearing this, Shinji Kamahara had a headache. Is the direction of your investigation wrong?

   But he still asked, "There are only two of the couple who moved in today?"

   "Yes." Kindamu said cautiously.

   "I see, thanks for your hard work."

   "It's not hard." Kindagi respectfully handed over his business card, "If you have any questions about the Kambara Police Department, you can contact me at any time."

   "Okay." Taking the business card, Shinji Kamahara bid farewell to Kondogi.

   After Shinji Kamahara went out, Kinda Ki picked up his mobile phone and called the Metropolitan Police Department. After verifying the identity of Shinji Kamahara, he was relieved fortunately.

   Just now, he had always thought that the other party was pretending to be a member of the Metropolitan Police Department.

  At this time, Shinji Kamahara had taken the elevator upstairs and returned to his home.

"I am back."

   came to the living room, Shinji Kamahara looked at the coffee table.

   His eyes narrowed slightly.

   Except for the small bell that was still there, the gift box he borrowed from Mr. Matsune yesterday has disappeared.

   Then, the borrowed gift box killed himself.


   If you have a loan, you must pay it back. If you don’t pay it, you must die?