I Don’t Dislike Him For Being Ugly and Poor

Chapter 53: Peak turn

Zhao Jin walked in the street where people came and went. He was obviously a tall and handsome guy, but he didn't attract anyone's attention. Perhaps this was the function of passerby's identity.

"Are we going to a magic show today?" His voice and eyes are very similar to Zhao Jin. Zhao Jin frowned and mocked himself. When he asked someone to be the male lead for him, he didn't actually play. .

Then I immediately reflected on one thing, even thinking about it. The reason why he was asked to replace him was not only because of his problems, but also because of the fact that they brought money into the team.

"Of course I want to go today." Jin Shushu said, "After the magic show today, I will take you to eat barbecue."

Jin Shushu still smiled very happily, she even stepped her feet to touch her apprentice's head.

The fake Zhao Jin lowered her head like a kind, and let her touch it, like a big wolf dog, very well-behaved.

Jin Shushu smiled and touched twice, but did not really touch the hair.

This action that was only done to him, at this moment, riding on the cool morning breeze, turned into a sharp blade, and pierced Zhao Jin's heart.

Zhao Jin still followed, he needs to know how the other party did it.

Because all the time, the Kewei people should have not discovered his true identity, caught him over and over again, and then he escaped.

But now he has made a human who is exactly like him, not only that, but also the behavior pattern is consistent with him.

If you think about it a little bit more, you know that they definitely want to disadvantage Jin Shushu.

Zhao Jin began to regret that he wanted to find a better way to tell Jin Shushu everything, but it was delayed until now.

At that time, he was worried that Jin Shushu's subconscious defensive ability would directly damage the world, so he had been thinking that it would be better to have a buffer process and the risk would be relatively small.

At this moment, Jin Shushu is taking the fake Zhao Jin, choosing what to eat in the supermarket.

Zhao Jin followed, watching them happily choosing snacks.

Jin Shushu even took money to the fake apprentice so that he could buy whatever he wanted.

Seeing the two people getting along, Zhao Jin's eyes gradually became angry and aggressive.

Zhao Jin has always known what he wants since he was a child, and it may have been a little hard work since he was a child, but in most cases, it is hard work to accept the original setting.

He is seldom lost and has been walking on his own way.

Later, there were some deviations in his life, and all the goals in the past became nothingness.

He didn't blame Jin Shushu, he just had too high expectations. He always thought that when the whole world couldn't recognize him, Jin Shushu could recognize him.

The gap is too big and expectations are frustrated, and it will inevitably make people feel suffocated.

It's just that he didn't expect his own reaction to be so big.

He withdrew his gaze, he knew that the world was unfair since he was a child, but he didn't expect to get to this point.

"Are you going to buy this? I think you have been standing here for a long time." At this time, a pack of familiar instant noodles appeared in front of him.

The reason why they are familiar is that they have been eating instant noodles two months ago, and Zhao Jin is doing it every time they unpack the bags.

Zhao Jin lowered her head and saw Jin Shushu. She held a pack of instant noodles in her hand, looked at him very kindly, and said kindly, "Well, I see you have seen this pack of instant noodles for a long time."

Zhao Jin was dumbfounded. Then, instead of taking instant noodles, he said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I was not prepared to buy this package of instant noodles. Noodles, as long as you are full."

Jin Shushu said, "...You don’t want it, then I bought it. I don’t like to change, and I am content with the status quo. Besides, for instant noodles, add some ham sausage or leaf vegetables in it. It’s a new flavor, but I prefer to eat instant noodle pancakes and eat them dry."

The fake Zhao Jin has already selected his own snacks at this time, and walked over, "Master, you have bought instant noodles again. Is my meal so unpalatable?"

He glanced at Zhao Jin. The two people looked at each other for a few seconds. Nothing much happened. He just thought that the passerby was quite tall, but he didn't have any other memory points.

Jin Shushu took the instant noodles in his hand and said, "You are just touching porcelain. How dare you compare your cooking with instant noodles."

Zhao Jin watched the two people talking, and then took a pack of instant noodles from the side, which was still the original brand.

Only then did he realize that he hadn't eaten anything from yesterday to today.

When Zhao Jin went out, he was still wearing a coat because of the cold spring. When he went out, he still looked at the two people walking in front from a distance.

One advantage of keeping this distance is that the man in blue will not show up next to him.

The man in blue only asked him to be a perverted serial killer, but he didn't say that the target could not be picked...Jin Shushu.

Start with monitoring and tracking.

At this moment, he randomly inserted his pocket and found a packet of biscuits inside.

Zhao Jin froze for a moment, then took it out, and saw that the words on it were still filled with chocolate milk.

Zhao Jin was indeed a little hungry. He tore open the packaging bag and was about to eat, only to find that there was a note in the packaging bag.

Zhao Jin: "..."

Open the note and see three words written on it, "Silly Apprentice"

For the first time, Zhao Jin experienced the feeling of spring back to the earth and spring flowers blooming.

He seemed to have strength again.

He ate the biscuits. He didn't like to eat this kind of food before, but now it tastes exceptionally delicious. I don't know what makes him particularly forgiving.

Walking all the way, at this time, Zhao Jin realized that his stealth ability could also be used.

So soon he became invisible, followed the two men upstairs, and then slipped back home.

Jin Shushu quickly said to the fake apprentice, "You go to cook, I will go to the prop room to continue the magic."

The fake apprentice naturally nodded and agreed.

Before Jin Shushu entered the props room, he did not forget to catch the invisible person next to him in the room, and then closed the door.

The room was very dark, and Jin Shushu didn't seem to have turned on the light in this room much.

Because I just came in from outside, I couldn't see anything.

Then he heard Jin Shushu's voice, and she asked anxiously, "What the **** is going on with you?"

The breath of her words has already hit her ears, probably because she is afraid of being heard by the next door, so she is so close, the voice is so small, and the air cavity is used.

The hot and humid gas rushed to the roots of Zhao Jin's ears, inexplicably arousing warmth.

Zhao Jin's heart is happy, he asked in a low voice, "How did you recognize it?"

Because when he saw it, the main reason for no doubt at all was because that person was so alike, it could be regarded as a copy.

Immediately afterwards, he felt Jin Shushu touch his head, and his hand was touching his hair.

Zhao Jin remembered that when she was in the supermarket, she hadn't touched the fake apprentice's hair at all. At that time, she hadn't noticed this detail.

"You've been in trouble over and over again, and didn't you tell me that you can't leave you at any time?" At this point, Jin Shushu patted his head and said, "As a result, you don't know where you are going?"

Because of Zhao Jin's illness, coupled with what he has always said, not too far apart, relying on her, her master naturally has to take certain measures.

So he left secretly, and she knew it for the first time, and after following it, she discovered that he had gone to the mental hospital to see his father.

She did not stand up, but looked at him silently.

Then she went to the funeral home again, but when she arrived at the funeral home, she had a physical problem and began to vomit constantly.

After all, it was in this kind of place. She could only return home quickly. When she adjusted her body and came back, she found that her apprentice had disappeared, so she searched the hotel all over, but couldn't find it.

Immediately afterwards, I saw my apprentice coming back, but what was strange was that the other party was just wearing his apprentice's clothes. In her opinion, there were problems everywhere, and there was a feeling of deliberate imitation.

Her apprentice didn't speak in this tone, and when her apprentice spoke to her, she actually rarely brought honorifics.

Her apprentice is an interesting person. He always pretends to be mature. Every time he frightens the other party, the other party will be instigated in seconds, and then call her master, instead of like this...

Jin Shushu felt that something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

So just follow each other's wishes and see what they want to do.

She was just an ordinary downcast magician, and she didn't know where she was worthy of being treated like this.

Zhao Jin listened to these words, and listened to Jin Shushu said in a particularly puzzled manner, "I don't quite understand what they are doing so much."

When Jin Shushu said these words, he put his hand on Zhao Jin's shoulder and approached Zhao Jin's ear to say it.

Zhao Jin has adapted to the light inside, and can clearly see Jin Shushu next to him.

He withdrew his gaze, but he couldn't suppress the joy in his heart.

"What's wrong with you? Are you still angry with me?" Jin Shushu touched his head, softly, and coaxed, "When the master saw you, he found you all right, but he was afraid that they would find you. Ignore you."

"Not angry," Zhao Jin said, his voice a bit dry.

"I want to tell you one thing, or that sentence. After you listen to it, don't process any information, just accept this information. You know?"

His expression was too serious, Jin Shushu nodded, "You emphasized it to me a long time ago."

"But I can't emphasize it too much, Zhao Jin said cautiously, what I know now is only the tip of the iceberg, so I don't know what your reaction is to our benefit, not to the other party's benefit, so I hope you just know about this and don’t react to it. I originally wanted to let you know about this little by little, but I am very worried. After I die, no one will tell you."

This time, Zhao Jin realized a problem. He had to tell Jin Shushu everything he knew, in case one day he really encountered an accident, he could never tell the spy, "Brother, you Remember to tell me the master after success..."

Jin Shushu nodded, his expression became more cautious.

Zhao Jin said, "I have a terminal illness and will die soon..."

Very well, Jin Shushu's expression has not changed.

"I lied to you just now, I just tried your state."

"You can see that you are very happy."

Jin Shushu's expression remained the same, and nothing strange happened.

Zhao Jin breathed a sigh of relief and said business affairs, "The fake me outside is a person sent from another world. Our whole world provides entertainment and energy for their world. Entertainment is mainly provided by the male protagonist, and energy is provided by you. I don't know exactly how to do it, but I can be sure that you are their target, and there are many secrets in you, and I know very little."

Zhao Jin carefully told Jin Shushu everything he knew.

After Jin Shushu listened carefully, he said, "This way...no wonder I was so uncomfortable when I was near the funeral home."

When Zhao Jin heard this, he immediately remembered himself. When he was in the funeral home, he couldn't move instantaneously.

There should be something in their hands that can restrict Jin Shushu's ability.

But why are they not as good as regular use?

Zhao Jin recalled the few people in blue who were wiped out for energy.

It should be that if Jin Shushu's ability is restricted, there will be no way to get energy.

This makes sense.

At this time, the voice of the fake apprentice came from outside, "Master, I'm ready to cook, let's come out to eat!"

Jin Shushu touched the head of his good apprentice, "I'm going out for dinner, don't make trouble for the time being."

Then he was held his hand. Zhao Jin has experienced from **** to heaven today. He wants to be alone with Jin Shushu.

However, Zhao Jin is still a person with strong self-control ability. He quickly adjusted his mentality, followed Jin Shushu, and walked out.

Then I saw a table full of food.

Zhao Jin: "..." Didn't Jin Shushu really recognize it in this way?

Jin Shushu really didn't recognize it through food, because it was the first meal cooked by a fake apprentice.

Just by looking at this, you know it must be good.

This is also a wonderful misunderstanding, because in the past, there was an assistant who cooked for Jin Shushu, and the other party was very good at cooking and cooking, so it caused bits and pieces. Everyone thought her apprentice was good at cooking and cooking. At that time there was a little deviation.

Zhao Jin is invisible and inconvenient to eat, but Jin Shushu ate it.

Zhao Jin saw that Jin Shushu added a dish, and another dish was added, and it was especially fragrant with rice.

Zhao Jin: "..."

The fake apprentice smiled and asked: "Master, my craftsmanship hasn't regressed, right?"

Jin Shushu said, "The food you cook will always be so delicious."

Zhao Jin: "..." After saying that, I came out to be a plastic master and apprentice with the other party. Why do you praise him so sincerely?

When he returned to the room, Zhao Jin said immediately, "It seems that his cooking is really delicious."

"It's very common, and the taste is very common. Your master, I am not the kind of person who will be bought over by a meal or two. I only like you as an apprentice." After Jin Shushu heard Zhao Jin's words, he was quick. Said.

When Zhao Jin heard the word like, like a stupefied kid, his heart thumped.

He looked at Jin Shu, looked at her eyes, his eyes were fiery, he heard his own dry voice and said, "I believe you."

At this time, the orb he placed on his body emitted a light blue light.

It was the spy who came to him for something.

Zhao Jin said to Jin Shushu, "Remember what we said earlier, don't process information, only accept information."

Jin Shushu nodded, and then Zhao Jin clicked the ball and heard the voice coming from over there, "Where have you been? It seems that you have lost your coordinates here."