I Don’t Dislike Him For Being Ugly and Poor

Chapter 60: Fear in my heart

To laugh is to laugh, and business is still to be done.

When Jin Shushu was out for breakfast, Zhao Jin took the time to contact the spy.

Zhao Jin and the spy did not share their names. When they contacted the two, they were very cautious. Although they did not say anything clearly, they all revealed that if one of the two is found again, then they will definitely keep the other. .

I only felt the blue light from the ball, and after a while I heard the voice coming from there, "What happened?"

"Yes, when I was in the park early this morning, I saw a little accident." Zhao Jin said.

Zhao Jin didn't directly talk about the people in red. After all, these people in red must have special nouns. If he didn't use special nouns, the other party would doubt his identity if he didn't keep up.

The spy over there said, "It's the cleaning team that is clearing the anomaly. Listening to their cleaning department, it should be our people hiding in again."

"Every time something goes wrong in this world, they are responsible for cleaning it up."

Cleanup team...

Without explaining the literal meaning, Zhao Jin sat on the chair, knocked on the chair, and guessed the rules of the world.

At this time, the spy over there said, "If you want to keep track of that person during this period, you must pay attention to safety. There seems to be a big plan here."

When Zhao Jin saw that the other party hadn't said what the big plan was, he knew that he didn't know.

The people over there quickly cut off contact, there should be something urgent.

At this time, the door opened and Jin Shu, who was wearing gray pajamas, walked in, carrying a big bowl in his hand.

After all, it would be weird to bring two bowls in.

She went to the next desk and sat down, then snapped her fingers, and two spoons appeared.

Jin Shushu turned her head and looked at Zhao Jin. Her brows and eyes were full of happiness, and her tone was even more satisfied, "Come on, eat dumplings."

Zhao Jin looked at her like this, and said with ineffable words, "...Is the food I used to cook so unpalatable?"

Jin Shushu scooped a dumpling and said, "You will understand after you eat it."

Zhao Jin actually smelled the scent, and didn’t know how the other party’s dumplings were made. There was a big scent wafting over, but Zhao Jin still said calmly, “I’m not hungry yet, you eat first.”

The relationship between Jin Shushu and Zhao Jin was obviously not that one person gave up when he said that he didn't eat the other person. She scooped a dumpling with a spoon, walked over and sold Amway forcibly, "Taste a bite! Try a bite! Just a bite..."

These words were a bit like acting like a baby, Zhao Jin was taken aback for a moment, but was fed into his mouth by the other party.

Now it seems to be saying that not eating is too stingy, it is simply pushing the other person out.

Zhao Jin bit down. I don't know how this dumpling is made. The thin-skinned meat is juicy and juicy. When I bite it down, my mouth is full of fragrance.

Zhao Jin was stunned for a moment, and then said sternly, "It's okay."

Jin Shushu wasn't happy anymore. What was called okay, it was obviously very delicious.

To know that this fake apprentice betrayed her behind her back, she was not particularly angry, mainly because he did a good job.

Just thinking about the life that this fake apprentice will live without in the future, I feel very desperate.

Jin Shushu is also very generous, and he did not devour such a big bowl of dumplings by himself because of the duplicity of his apprentice.

After all, she is a good master. She carried the bowl and gave Zhao Jin a spoon. The two shared a bowl of dumplings.

After eating the dumplings, Jin Shushu took out the bowl and spoon, and the fake apprentice had to wash the dishes.

Then it didn't come back after a while.

Of course Zhao Jin could feel the other person chatting with the fake apprentice in the kitchen.

Zhao Jin felt a little irritable, so he simply opened the prop boxes one by one, and then closed them one by one.

There was still not much expression on his face, but his frowned brow betrayed his messy mood.

Jin Shushu’s props are filled with many prop boxes, most of which are empty, and some contain simple props, such as hats, balloons, magic wands...

It is the most common magician mentioned by Jin Shushu before, and he needs to use props and hands to change magic props.

But one of these boxes was the one that Zhao Jin didn't open. At the very beginning, Jin Shushu opened it, and then threw a flower down and asked him to pick it up.

There are three cobras in that box.

Zhao Jin has opened all the other boxes, and now there is only this last box left, and Jin Shushu has not yet returned.

This last box was opened when Jin Shushu decided to accept him as a disciple and let him overcome his fears.

Zhao Jin thought about it for a moment, and then gently opened the last box.

Surprisingly, there is no cobra in front of you...

But Jin Shushu suddenly opened the door and walked in. She was wearing a red dress, her hair curled up, her eyes flowed and she was bright and moving.

The next moment, when she approached, she realized that she was actually wearing a red gauze skirt.

She looked into his eyes and told him, "Apprentice, I may be getting married..."

It's too real. This huge impact, even someone like Zhao Jin who is good at dealing with various emergencies, can't bear it for a while. His temples are throbbing, painful, and his heart seems to burst. .

I suddenly forgot what to think about...

He can only see the bright and beautiful person in front of him, and there is a cloud of mud in his mind.

Jin Shushu continued, "The apprentice will definitely bless us, right?"

Zhao Jin didn't know whether to shake his head or nod, he was stunned, and the other person's eyes were looking at him directly.

As usual between two people looking at each other.