I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 11: supermarket

Ye Xuan stayed at home for a whole day, and after making sure that he was now used to the battle mode of using the Tang Dao as the main battle and assisted by abilities, he went out the door the next morning after the end of the world.

After yesterday's chaos, the situation in the community has stabilized.

They killed their relatives who had turned into zombies, or those families whose families had no one turned into zombies kept their doors tightly closed. There are many rich people living in the villa area, and the safety performance of the house is good. These sluggish zombies can smell the people inside, but it is still difficult to break in. Although there were occasional noises of zombies crashing and roaring from the doors and windows, it was barely a safe place to live.

As for those who didn't give up, or didn't react... Ye Xuan glanced at the glass windows where zombies were infested, either died or turned into zombies, right?

His car is off-road. When he bought it, he chose a good selection of various configurations. After Ye Xuan was reborn, he didn't make any more modifications. He drove the car all the way out of the villa area and went straight to the nearest supermarket.

His original plan was to go to the nearest commercial street first. After all, it was eight o'clock in the morning when the end of the world broke out. There were very few people in the commercial street, at most some bosses and employees who came to prepare for the opening, and the relative zombies would also a lot less.

But when he killed the zombies who were trying to enter his own yard in the morning, he suddenly realized that the current A-rank zombies were not enough to pose too much threat to him.

There are many supplies and zombies in the supermarket, and few people will break in like him. And if these materials are not collected as soon as possible, many of them will expire after a while. It is even more unfortunate that a guarded high-level zombie has evolved, and the more durable things can only be forced to give up.

Ye Xuan is not particularly lacking in that thing, but he doesn't really want to put everything to waste. After all, resources are in short supply in the apocalypse, and many things are no longer produced. It is always good to reserve a little more.

What's more, if he wants to maintain such a strength that is far superior to others, he has to kill zombies and take crystal cores, right?

It's good that there are few cars near Ye Xuan's house. He can drive around a bit more, but when he gets closer to the supermarket, the car can't drive in. He could only drive the car to a place with few people, put it in the space, and then walk to the supermarket with the Tang knife.

Now is the second day of the end of the world. Most people do not go out because of unknown circumstances and there is still surplus food at home. The zombies wandering outside have eaten up all the humans who have not had time to escape. It is when they are hungry that they smell such a tempting strangeness of Ye Xuan. The able, immediately surrounded him with stiff movements.

The newly born A-rank zombies moved slowly like old people. Some of them fell to the ground because they were touched by the zombies behind. They could only use their hands and feet to crawl in the direction of Ye Xuan, and they were trampled by other zombies. no pain.

Ye Xuan looked at this familiar and unfamiliar scene, holding a knife in his right hand and wrapping a vine in his left, squinting his eyes, then met the zombie walking in front, and cut off its head with a knife.

Ye Xuan's strength is great, but he is not clumsy when using the knife. On the contrary, his movements are very smooth. After cutting off a zombie's head, he can swing the second knife almost without pause. The head of the next monster.

Soon, Ye Xuan broke through the blockade of the zombies on this road and successfully got outside the staff passage of the supermarket.

He didn't enter the door in a hurry, but picked up a coat next to him and wiped the blood on the knife, and then instructed the vine: "Go, absorb all the crystal cores in the zombie's brain and put it in the space."

The vine that had easily strangled the neck of the zombie just now was attached to Ye Xuan's arm like an ordinary plant, and the ferocity just now could not be seen at all.

Ye Xuan frowned displeasedly and said, "What are you pretending to be weak, pitiful and innocent? Go and absorb the two of us into the supermarket. If you delay, there will be zombies gathering here."

For many people, collecting crystal cores from zombie brains is a disgusting but still something to do. It is easier to find a large crystal nucleus in the brain of a high-level zombie. It is really a disgusting thing to think about looking for a crystal nucleus the size of a fingernail in the brain of a low-level zombie.

However, no matter how disgusting it is, it is useless. After the end of the world, the hard currency is the crystal nucleus. Even the contribution point of the base is not as good as that of the crystal nucleus.

Ye Xuan used to hate the matter of finding crystal cores, but after his ability level is high, he can drive mutant plants to collect crystal cores. Later, it is more convenient to have vines. The vines only need to use branches to pass through the brains of zombies. , the nuclei can be automatically collected into the space.

It’s convenient, fast, and safe. The only downside is that although the vine will not leave traces on its body when it touches anything, it quite dislikes the matter of entering the zombie’s mind, and is a little reluctant every time it works. It's just that at that time it had other mutant plants as competitors. In order to completely suppress those 'little three', although reluctantly, it would still collect crystal nuclei.

As a result, now that it realizes that the mistress does not exist, it starts to be lazy.

Ye Xuan watched the vines work as if they had been subjected to a slow-motion technique, gritted his teeth, and pretended to say casually: "I remember that there is a pot of spider plants in my house that I have raised for several years. Yes, will it wake up early?"

vine:? ! Why isn't that little three dead yet!

Ye Xuan looked at the vines that stretched out countless branches in an instant, and accurately penetrated the heads of those zombies and said helplessly: "Wouldn't it be better if you did this earlier? It's your branch that does the work, not the trunk. If you run out, throw it away and return it to you. Don't get angry."

Ye Xuan also thought that the vine was the main body and entered the zombie's brain. Seeing it reluctantly every time, he thought about replacing it with other non-intelligent mutant plants to do this. As a result, he later learned that all the work was done on the branches of the vine, and it only needed to be controlled. As for its body, he had never touched a zombie, and only went into battle when he was eating and absorbing energy every day.

Vine: Then I also want to control the branch to enter the zombie's brain, the degree of disgust is second only to direct contact, thank you!

After solving this little episode, Ye Xuan found out the situation behind the door, determined that the number of zombies behind the door was very small, and then opened the door, and then locked the door, so as not to be attacked by the zombies that were attracted again.

Due to the small number of people in the employee channel, the energy obtained by the zombies is not as good as that of the zombies wandering outside, the movements are more rigid, and the reaction speed is slower. Ye Xuan killed these zombies without any pressure, and then entered the monitoring room according to the map on the wall in order to grasp the general situation.

This supermarket is not small and is equipped with a generator, so although the power was cut off last night, the monitoring room, cold storage and emergency lights are still working.

According to what he had learned before, the supermarket is divided into five floors, and the basement is a huge warehouse; the first floor is for things that are not very durable, such as fresh vegetables, and the cashier, as well as a separate office area; The second floor is mainly for snacks, drinks and daily necessities, which can be stored for a period of time; the third floor is for large electrical appliances and bedding, and the fourth floor is a large open-air parking lot.

As far as Ye Xuan observed in the surveillance camera, there are basically no zombies on the first and fourth floors. If there are any, there should only be one or two in the car, which is basically ignored; the third floor also has few zombies, only a dozen or so. , most of them are uniformed employees, the door to the safe passage is open, and it seems that some survivors have escaped; there are a little more zombies on the second floor, but they are still within Ye Xuan's acceptance range; as for the first floor...

Rao is that Ye Xuan is mentally prepared, and he has seen many big scenes, but when he sees the dense zombies on the first floor, blood everywhere, rotten fruits, vegetables and meat, he can't help but feel sick.

This is the place with the most people when the zombies broke out in the entire supermarket. The survivors were eaten by the zombies without even having a chance to escape. If it weren't for the rigid limbs of the A-order zombies, they couldn't avoid the trolley on the escalator, and there was no way to hit the connecting staff. If the entrance of the passage, and the human upstairs is less attractive to zombies than the first floor, I am afraid that the entire supermarket will become a paradise for zombies.

After adjusting his mentality, Ye Xuan carefully looked at the staff passage and several separate offices, as well as the toilets where he could hide. Unfortunately, he did not find any survivors, not even traces of successful escape. At that time, the lucky quarter of the people who did not become zombies, most of them became the rations of zombies.

According to the supermarket floor plan hanging on the wall and live monitoring, Ye Xuan roughly confirmed the distribution of zombies in the supermarket, and then planned an approximate route—walking from the outside to the parking lot on the fourth floor, and then entering the supermarket from there. Push down again layer by layer. As for which level it can advance to, it can only depend on the situation.

Ye Xuan chose to give up the things in the warehouse. Because the generator that comes with the supermarket and the naturally low temperature of the underground warehouse, as long as no one enters without authorization, the contents in it can be stored for a long time, and there should be no problem for people from the government or the army to come over.

There is no problem with him recklessly collecting those things that will be broken if they are put down again, but Ye Xuan is still a little bit incapable of grabbing all the materials that are likely to be used to maintain the lives of the base people.

In addition, because Ye Xuan was going to use the parking lot on the fourth floor to enter and leave the supermarket next, there was no chance or necessity to come back to the monitoring room, so he was cruel, destroyed the equipment in the monitoring room, and felt uneasy. Simply took away all the equipment in the monitoring room.

Not to mention that he is not ready to let others know that he has space, but to say the size of his space, that is something that must not be exposed. It's okay to take away a shelf of things with a wave of your hand, but it would be too scary to take away an entire layer of things.

After making all preparations, Ye Xuan left the monitoring room and left the supermarket along the way he entered, preparing to walk from the side lane to the parking lot upstairs, and then enter the supermarket.

When he was about to go out, Ye Xuan turned his head and glanced at the empty staff passage. He could hear the roar of zombies vaguely coming from the supermarket on the first floor.

He was a little ecstatic, if his strength was stronger, he should be able to clean up the zombies here, right? Maybe there is also a chance to cross the entire C city to C University? Although Ling Jiaze is a little easy to trust people, but people are not stupid, they should be able to live well?

Realizing that he unconsciously thought of Ling Jiaze, Ye Xuan shook his head and opened the door in a different way with a knife.

It's a pity that it's just an assumption. Now he can't even clear the zombies in this supermarket, so what about crossing the city?

Ye Xuan simply cut off the head of a zombie with a sharp knife, and the vine dutifully followed behind him to collect crystal cores. The two of them kept breaking through the zombie's defense line and walked towards the destination upstairs.

Ye Xuan thought: I hope Ling Jiaze can live to meet the day.


Known information: Ye Xuan knows that Ling Jiaze is alive and thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

2 bottles of chinchilla and tea millet; 1 bottle of issing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!