I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 24: people first

Because the end of the world has been here for a while, all the vegetables, fruits and meat in the supermarket have been spoiled, and Ye Xuan also only accepts things like rice noodles and seasonings. In addition, because the independent generator of the supermarket's cold storage was destroyed by zombies, the entire cold storage relies on the original low temperature and the cold outside to preserve food. Ye Xuan was afraid that these things would not wait for the people from the base to come and collect them, so he simply collected all the space. , so as not to be wasted.

After collecting the supplies in the basement, and filling the back seat and trunk of the car with materials for cover up, the two went upstairs along the stairs.

The first floor of this mall is mainly for cosmetics and bags, and the second floor is for clothes. Neither Ye Xuan nor Ling Jiaze have the habit of dressing up, and naturally they don't use cosmetics and skin care products, but Ye Xuan still picked up a few items from the counters, thinking that they can be used in future gifts or transactions. , Anyway, these things don't take up space, and they don't get in the way.

Ling Jiaze usually pays more attention to comfort when buying clothes. Now that the apocalypse is coming, he pays more attention to convenience and warmth when choosing clothes. He chooses either jackets that are easy to move, or down jackets and leather products that are warmer. There are basically no flashy things. clothes.

On the other hand, Ye Xuan, a person who has experienced the end of the world, chose some clothes that fit the body shape of the two people and had a good-looking style, and planned to keep them when the situation stabilized. Anyway, after the power level is high, these element power users are all in long-range combat, and they don't need to kill zombies at close range like now, and they can wear whatever they want without getting in the way.

Besides, in his opinion, a standard hanger like Ling Jiaze is more pleasing to the eyes when dressed better.

It was just autumn before the end of the world, and winter clothes were basically gone. Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze swept away all the clothes they could use in no time.

Because the first to fourth floors of the mall are all pedestrian-style buildings, Ye Xuan can see Hong Bin's family who are collecting supplies upstairs when he looks up on the third floor. They have a clear division of labor. The three young people collect useful things from store to store, and then they are carried down by Hong Bin, a speed person.

Ye Xuan watched for a while, and had to admit that the most convenient way to carry things in the apocalypse was the power, speed, and space powers. The three young people couldn't find things as fast as Hong Bin.

The fourth floor of the entire shopping mall is basically a restaurant. Although many things were broken, they still found a lot of food that was durable or accidentally preserved. I found two cars from the underground parking lot, and it was not enough to fill up four cars.

The five cars left the mall together and drove towards the community. On the way back, Ye Xuan also saw some survivors who drove out to collect supplies, many of them with abilities, and even a few with elemental abilities. Some people have run out of food and have to go out and face the reality. As for those who dare not go out for this reason, they will only be the first batch of survivors who are eliminated in the end of the world.

When they returned to the community, the group also encountered several security guards who were out, but judging from the direction they were walking, their target was the residents in the community, not the zombies outside the community.

Ye Xuan is relatively familiar with the community, and can guess their travel route just by looking at it, but Ling Jiaze has been paying attention to them. After returning home, he observed their whereabouts from the balcony until the security guards smashed one of them. The gate of the villa, only to realize what they are going to do.

He asked incredulously, "Are they going to grab other people's supplies directly?"

Even if Hong Bin mentioned that security guards robbed other residents when he came yesterday, it was not as shocking as what he saw with his own eyes.

Now the world is in chaos, and it's true that the laws and morals have become less binding. However, things like stealing other people's things and breaking their way of life are not within the scope of Ling Jiaze's acceptance, whether it is before or after the apocalypse.

What's more, these people are not without a way to go. They can drive out to find supplies, but they have to rob those who have few things left.

This is too much.

Ye Xuan followed his line of sight and looked away after seeing the gate of the villa that had been kicked open, and said, "It should be."

"Then we..."

Ling Jiaze was halfway through but could not speak.

Did you kill those people? These security guards are not the first to do this after the end of the world, nor will they be the last to do so. What's the use of killing them?

Seeing that Ling Jiaze's face was a little ugly, Ye Xuan comforted him and said, "They are all ordinary people. If the residents really want to resist, it's not impossible, it's up to them."

In the words, there is no meaning to care about this matter at all.

If the occupants can't deal with the supernatural beings, Ye Xuan may take action to solve the problem, but now there are only a few stronger ordinary people. Although there are few residents in the villa area, there is really no problem in dealing with them.

Those who have abilities in his family are not afraid of being robbed, but those who do not have abilities have to face the threat of this group of security guards. Ye Xuan just wanted to see whether the others chose to join forces to solve this group, or whether they would choose to sit back and watch, and then cry when they grabbed his head.

What's more, with the passage of time, the materials are getting less and less, and there are more and more such people. It makes sense that a warrior who slays a dragon will eventually become an evil dragon. Ye Xuan has seen many examples of his own house being robbed and then robbing others. After all, for some people, even if the zombies are still weak, it is easier to face the known kind than to let them face the zombies.

As for whether their consciences can liven up, Ye Xuan doesn't know.

Ling Jiaze lowered his eyes, stopped looking in the direction of the villa, and said dully, "I know this kind of thing is not uncommon in the last days, but it's a little uncomfortable to see it with my own eyes."

"I understand."

This kind of thing also happened in the community in the past life. Not long after Ye Xuan followed a few residents to solve the security guards, there were several other cases of burglary and robbery in the community. Or the one who was robbed turned around and robbed others. Fortunately, he is an ability user, and he uses the knife well, so he was not snatched on the head.

He was shocked and unacceptable at first, but after seeing him a lot, he became indifferent, so he could understand Ling Jiaze's mood better.

Seeing that his mood was still quite low, Ye Xuan continued: "If you compare the troubled times, there will be some chaos in the early days of the apocalypse, but after a while, the safety zone will be built and the order will be re-established. Things will be much better. After all, most people only dare to do evil when they are not restrained, don't they?"

And these people who jumped high, there are really not many people who can survive the early days of the apocalypse. Either he hit the iron plate and had an accident, or he didn't keep up with his strength, and was sought revenge. Anyway, Ye Xuan didn't see a few who jumped so hard and lived in the apocalypse for several years.

But Ye Xuan thought about it for a while, but still didn't say the following sentence - a person who has experienced too much cold-heartedness is enough, let Ling Jiaze keep some hope for this world.

Ling Jiaze was silent for a while, and then threw a second question: "I counted on the way back, if the one who wears thin clothes and is easy to move is a power user, most of the power users we encountered along the way. All of them are based on speed or strength, and it seems that few are elemental power users. Is it because elemental powers are weaker now or because there are fewer elemental powers?"

Ye Xuan wants to drive, he only spends a small part of his attention on watching the survivors he encounters, and then analyzes the current situation based on the situation he already knows, but Ling Jiaze carefully observes the current situation all the way, the more he looks at him, the more wrong he feels. , the few elemental power users seem to be a bit powerful.

"There are. The former is part of the reason and the latter is the main factor." Ye Xuan explained: "I don't know if you have noticed this. After awakening the ability, both speed and strength have been greatly improved. , I estimate that when our ability level is higher, there will be further improvements."

"That is to say, the power users of speed will be eliminated by the times sooner or later, right?"

No matter how fast the speed is, how can it be powerful?

In the face of a large number of zombies, they are far less lethal than the high-level elemental power users, and in the base construction, they are not as powerful as the elemental power users' turning their hands into clouds and turning their hands into rain and spiritual powers. influence of the person.

The greater the effect, the more nuclei obtained, and the higher the power level.

Under the situation, the distance between the elemental power user and the body-enhanced power user will only increase. What happens to these psychics when their proud speed and power are also surpassed?

Ling Jiaze knew that this question was too far away, but he couldn't help but think about that vague future.

"I don't know, maybe."

What Ye Xuan said is the truth. Before his rebirth, the status in the safe zone was probably that those with spiritual or elemental abilities were greater than those with power and speed abilities than ordinary people, but at that time the end of the world was far from over, and he did not know what would happen in the future. Sample.

Ling Jiaze said inexplicably: "I know it's not good to think like this, but this is the first time I am so glad that I have awakened a power, and it is an elemental power."

"Me too." Whether it's in the past or this life, one of the things that Ye Xuan is very fortunate about is that he has the wood-type ability, which is the capital of his life. After all, everything is empty in this world, and only his own strength is the greatest. rely.

"Then what do you think will happen to ordinary people in the future?"

"I don't know, but I think whether it is an ability person or an ordinary person, whether they can survive depends on their fortune, such as the awakened ability, and on the other hand, it depends on their own behavior and behavior. Can you find your own position? If you can find your position, both ordinary people and superhumans can live a good life. If you can't find it, no matter how good a person's talent is, they will not be able to survive this apocalypse. of."

Ye Xuan has seen supernatural beings who were extremely talented but were plotted to die because of their inability to be human, and he had also seen ordinary people who lived well by their own efforts. It is true that the power user has a better starting point, but how far he can go in the future depends on the individual.

"So, senior, are you still optimistic about the future?"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I rarely think about such long-term issues. Optimism is a day, pessimism is a day, and life will always pass."

In the first few years of his last life, he had been struggling to survive, and he rarely had the time to think about the future of mankind. Later, when he stabilized, he was also tired, and he was even more reluctant to think about these negative things.

To be honest, this may be the first time in his two lifetimes that he has thought about such a big issue in the future of mankind, and the conclusion he came to is also the same as the mentality of the previous life-live every day counts.

Ling Jiaze closed the window and drew the curtains, turned and left the balcony, saying as he walked, "Yes, life must go on."

The end of the world, which only exists in novels, has happened. Who knows what the world will be like in the future? What else can they do except take a step by step?

Because the Hong family just got back a batch of supplies, they were afraid that someone would break into the empty door when they left, so they didn't go out with Ye Xuan and the others the next day. Ye Xuan still chose those places with a lot of zombies and a lot of materials to sweep, and while training his abilities with Ling Jiaze, he collected materials to prepare for the future.

They encountered a lot of zombies that day. Although they didn't encounter B-rank zombies again, they also encountered a few late-rank first-order zombies, which confirmed Ye Xuan's conjecture when the B-rank zombies first appeared.

When he returned to the community, Ye Xuan saw a group of people at the gate of the community discussing something. He drove over and took a look, only to find that the bodies of the security guards were surrounded by them.

The discomfort of smelling the pungent **** smell at close range made Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze look a little ugly, Ye Xuan blocked Ling Jiaze's line of sight, frowned and asked the group of people watching the fun, "What's wrong? "

"Damn it! They went to rob last night and injured the woman in that house. As a result, the woman in that house turned into a zombie today, and her husband killed these security guards again. Look, the corpses were all killed by He threw it out."

"Speaking of which, they deserve it. They robbed everywhere with their own strength, and they deserved their retribution!"

"That's right. When they robbed my house, they didn't think about how my family would live."

Ye Xuan looked at the wounds on the corpses and asked, "He beat him alone?"

Even if Ye Xuan has not learned this knowledge, he can see that the wounds on these corpses are not caused by the same thing. The fatal thing should be the knife. Besides, there are many fists and sticks. Injury, who went to kill and changed weapons several times?

Besides, if he could injure and kill so many adults by himself, how could his wife have an accident last night? Even if it is stimulated to awaken the ability, this awakening time is not enough.

A group of people looked at each other in dismay, Ye Xuan followed their line of sight and found that they were basically looking at the families that were robbed before. It seems that there are a few other families with a similar family structure. They can be counted as this group of security guards. Target.

Ye Xuan probably knew that this was a combination of two mentalities: retaliation and planning ahead.

A man in the crowd stood up and said: "They are so lawless, we joined forces this morning to teach them a lesson."

After he opened the door, others also responded.

"Yeah, if you don't teach them a lesson today, who knows who's going to rob them?"

"Hey, it's not too late to make amends."

"We are not you. You have supernatural abilities and no one dares to provoke your family. We are afraid!"

"Yeah, Ye Xuan, why didn't you get rid of this group of scum when you said you had supernatural abilities?"

"Yes, yes, how easy it is for you to deal with them if you have supernatural powers, if you kill them in advance, how can my family be robbed!"

"It's all your fault 1"

Seeing that this topic was deviated to the point that Ye Xuan did not kill these talents in advance, causing them to suffer. Ye Xuan, who was scolded in person, was not in a hurry, but Ling Jiaze, the co-pilot, was in a hurry.

Although he was blocked by Ye Xuan, he could understand what happened from their conversation.

Of course he sympathized with the family's experience yesterday, but if someone blamed Ye Xuan for this, Ling Jiaze would never accept it.

Ye Xuan felt that the temperature around him had dropped, and when he looked back, he saw that several ice blades had condensed between Ling Jiaze's fingers.

Ye Xuan took his hand and signaled him not to do it. He glanced at the clamoring people indifferently, and asked with a smile, "Are you going to say next, because my fault caused your loss, so I should Compensate you?"

A few people who had this intention were told by him, but they didn't know how to say it.

nod? They intuitively nod that something will happen.

Shake your head? Then don't they just have a fuss?

Ye Xuan looked at the suddenly silent crowd, and said in a cold voice, "Don't even think about it. To put it mildly, people can't expect others to save themselves. I killed a group of troublemakers to maintain the peace of the community. Who knows if I will not. There will be a second group of rioters. Do I have to run around like a firefighter? To put it a bit harsher, the security guards didn't rob me, and they didn't even beat me. They didn't even have the guts to provoke me. , why should I rush to take care of them? Even if you are robbed and take care of your food, I am not your mother, what do I take care of you? "

Ye Xuan usually gives the impression to the people in the community as a person who doesn't talk much, is not friendly, but is not particularly aggressive. Now when he said these words, several people who were making a lot of trouble were all shocked, and their faces were ugly.

Why is this person silent and silent on weekdays, and it is so unpleasant to speak in a conflict?

Ye Xuan was too lazy to entangle with them. He pointed to the corpse on the ground and said, "I don't care if that man's wife is dead and his mind is not clear. You people who are clear-headed will throw this pile of corpses here?"

"Don't you want to collect their bodies and bury them?"

Ye Xuan asked: "You don't know the smell of zombies to people, especially the smell of corpses that have just died. Are you particularly sensitive to the smell?

Those who died in the community were either buried by their own family members, or were eaten clean by wandering zombies. Everyone knows that, and they have also seen the scene of zombies eating corpses. Following Ye Xuan's words, they thought of the scene where a bunch of zombies gathered at the gate of the community, and their faces were as white as paper, and a few of them even shivered.

After eating the corpses at the door, aren't the zombies just going to come in and eat them alive?

"Then, what about this?"

"It's useless to bury so much blood, let's burn it."

After speaking, Ye Xuan didn't care about their reactions, he simply drove away from the gate and drove straight to his home.

After entering the house, Ye Xuan did not rush out of the car, but patiently waited for Ling Jiaze to speak first.

Ling Jiaze closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair. He was silent for a while and said, "I just heard today that the security guards robbed people and caused people to die. Blame it on you, and I think we're right to let it go. Seriously, I don't know what to do now."

"You know why I don't want to deal with this?"


"Because that group of security guards is not an enemy they can't deal with, they can easily beat those security guards into serious injuries today, but they didn't dare to resist before. I don't want to put limited sympathy on them. If the bullied is the elderly Or children, I may come forward to help them, but a group of adults..." Ye Xuan shook his head and said, "Everyone is bullying and afraid of hardship, and the supernatural person said otherwise, a group of ordinary adults with normal development of strength and intelligence, can you? It's up to them to stand up."

There is not much difference between Ye Xuan's wood-type abilities during this period of his previous life, and he is the only one in his family. No one dares to provoke him because he can use knives and chop zombies, and he has deterrence. power?

"And this kind of thing is not uncommon before the end of the world, but at that time it was about money and status, now it is about personal hard power, and now that there are fewer restrictions, these things will appear more real and explicit, and when the order is rebuilt It will get better later.”

"Ye Xuan..."

"you say?"

"I think your acceptance speed and acceptance of the end times are much better than mine. If you didn't bring it with me, I would definitely suffer a lot."

Ye Xuan thought to himself, not only is it a loss, but there is a high possibility that you have not even survived the level of awakening the ability, and left this world without knowing it.

"After all, I am so many years older than you."

In the past and present life, Ye Xuan is thirteen years older than Ling Jiaze. If he is not as sensible as him, then he will really be living in vain.

Ling Jiaze retorted: "It's only three years old, and there aren't many."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "The three-year generation gap is not too small."

Ling Jiaze asked hesitantly in a low voice, "Are you very concerned about age when choosing a mate?"

"What? I didn't catch it."

"No, it's fine, I'll go first, you can put the things in the car into the space!" After speaking, Ling Jiaze quickly opened the car door and ran away like a rabbit.

Ye Xuan looked at the direction he left, shook his head helplessly, opened the door and got out of the car.

The ability user's hearing is good, not to mention that the two of them are still talking at close range in a quiet environment. How could he not hear what Ling Jiaze said?

He was just subconsciously avoiding emotional problems once again.

As for when to have positive emotional issues, we'll talk about it later.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, Ling Jiaze watched from the balcony for a while, then came down and said to Ye Xuan, "I saw that several homes that had run out of food opened fire again."

Ye Xuan brought the dishes from the kitchen and said casually, "Do you have such good eyesight?"

Ling Jiaze took the plate from him and said, "No, they were setting fire outside, and I happened to see it. Did they take it from the villa where the security guard lived?"

"It should be, it can be regarded as returning to the original owner."

As for whether they were taken away in the same amount as they were brought back, and whether it happened to be the people who were robbed, Ye Xuan was too lazy to think about it, and was unwilling to continue talking to Ling Jiaze.

After a few days like this, the people in the community are gradually divided into three categories. Some people continue to hide at home and say nothing, some people dare to drive out to collect supplies, and some people go to the group. The old way of security - start looting around the community.

Since a person around Ye Xuan's yard was hanged by him for a whole day and almost froze to death, no one dared to come over and make trouble. The Hong family's large and powerful families are relatively peaceful. Everyone understands.

Ling Jiaze had seen several robberies, but he hesitated for a while but didn't care.

Ye Xuan completely ignored this matter, and continued to live the days of collecting supplies and crystal cores step by step, waiting for news from the safe area, and then heading north with Ling Jiaze.

In this way, a wonderful small circle has formed in the community. Dare to go out of the community to kill zombies and become an independent group. Those who dare not go out are bullied by those robbers, and then either endure, join them, or resist, it becomes a vicious circle. .

After a week of such delicate days, Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze finally got some good news when they were out collecting supplies—they met the soldiers who came to inform the base and learned that there would be troops coming in three days. The city took the survivors to the safe area, where the construction was finally completed and a passable road was cleared.

Ye Xuan and the others don't need to rely on the support of the safe zone to live, but when the country starts to act, they will always feel happy when the most chaotic period of the apocalypse is about to pass, not to mention that the news that the road has started to be cleared can be regarded as giving Ling Jiaze hope to find his family. .

The two of them rarely ended the collection of materials early, chose to return to the community to convey the news, and began to pack up the things to take away at home.

There were many soldiers sent by the base to give notice. When Ye Xuan and the others returned, the news had already spread in the community. Whether it's someone who can't keep going, or someone who is doing well on their own, they are very happy after hearing the news.

After all, it's not long before the end of the world has come. As a group animal, people still prefer to live in groups and live under the leadership of a group of reliable people. Therefore, people in the community can be said to have started to clean up as soon as they heard the news. The family is ready to leave.

When Ling Jiaze came to Ye Xuan's house, he didn't bring much things with him. Now he packs up faster. He quickly packs up the things he wants to bring, and then continues to use the ice in the yard to train his abilities.

He stayed outside for a while, then came in and said to Ye Xuan, "I listened to Ye Xuan for a while and heard someone say that the security base provides food, shelter and protection. I don't think this is realistic."

Ye Xuan, who was making a list to see what to bring, said: "Of course it is unrealistic. Although the army has a quick response and strong response capability, it will take time to build a safe base and clear the road, and the time to collect materials is not necessarily too much. The security base has a lot of people in the past, and the consumption is also large, and it is the limit to be able to maintain a basic life."

Wanting to maintain the lives of a few people and maintaining the lives of tens of thousands of people is not a concept at all. Even if Ye Xuan collects a lot of materials, he is still a wood-type ability user who can continue to produce. He dare not say that he can support a whole person. base people.

Before the end of the world, there was no such thing as not working and only eating. How could such a good thing happen after the end of the world?

Isn't this a joke? No daydream is so beautiful.

"Hey, I'm afraid many people's delusions will come to nothing."

"But for some people who are too hungry to go out, the security base can be regarded as a way of life for them. At least there should be some jobs in the security area that can survive without killing zombies."

Ling Jiaze said in a low voice: "But most of the publicity of the security base is aimed at survivors who went out to collect supplies. Those who are hiding at home may not know the news."

Ye Xuan said helplessly: "No way, now the communication tool is just a decoration, the manpower of the security base is limited, it is the limit to be able to do this. There are survivors who go out to publicize, and those who hide at home should also be able to receive it. With this news, there is really nothing left to do."

And if he is the person in charge of the base, he should also hope to recruit those who dare to face the zombies and go out, rather than those who only ask for help and wait to die.

Of course, he still chose to skip this sensitive issue.

Ling Jiaze changed the subject and said, "How much are you going to take with you?"

"Bring all the materials and furniture you are used to at home, so that it is more convenient to find a place to live temporarily or to settle down in the future, and you don't have to worry about missing things or using things that others have used. Anyway, I still have space, these furniture. You can also let it go." Ye Xuan put away the written list and asked, "By the way, I remember that you also have a residence in City C. Do you need to go there to get anything? After we go to the security base, it is very likely that we will leave directly. here."

Ling Jiaze shook his head and said, "No, because the two of us discussing the end of the world before the end of the world made me a little uneasy, so I took all the more important and meaningful things with me, and they're all here now."

"That's good. In fact, after the survivors leave the city, the zombies will lose their chasing target and will also leave here. Moreover, the zombies will not cause major damage to the building without the attraction of humans. Maybe one day the two of us will When you come back here, you will find that nothing has changed, and the house still stands here."

"I hope so." Ling Jiaze agreed with Ye Xuan's imagination, and after a while of silence, he said a little desolately: "Actually, I don't have much to worry about or do in City C. But not particularly strong."

After getting along during this period of time, combined with what he learned in his previous life, Ye Xuan can be considered to have a basic understanding of Ling Jiaze's family. His mother passed away a long time ago, he was estranged from his father, and he had a good relationship with his grandfather but did not live together. In a sense, both of them were considered lonely.

Afraid that continuing this topic would expose Ling Jiaze's scars, Ye Xuan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, let's go upstairs and see what else we need to bring. It's a peace of mind to pack it early."


According to the latest arrangement, at noon three days later, the army sent by the security base arrived near the community, and a small group of soldiers drove to the gate of the community. Come and pick you up to the base! Please come to the gate of the community in 15 minutes, and those who have a car can drive by themselves. If you don't have a car, you can take a large suitcase onto the military truck, and those who are late will be ignored!"

Most of the residents in the community have cars. Except for a few people who can’t drive, or the family car is really out of gas, they choose to drag a box and line up to get on the car. Most of the others choose to drive by themselves. More than one box.

As soon as fifteen minutes arrived, the convoy started immediately and went to find the main force to meet.

Ten minutes later, the small team successfully reached the temporary assembly point. They arrived late. They were located in the middle and rear of the team. It was not prominent but not particularly dangerous. It was a good position.

After a while, I saw that all the teams sent out had returned, and the officers at the front spoke with a trumpet rather euphemistically and spread an unbelievable news-they were only responsible for leading the way and cleaning up most of the zombies, but the road to the end of the world Difficulties, if you really encounter large-scale zombies, the survivors have to work hard to overcome the difficulties.

To put it more bluntly, they are responsible for leading the way and responsible for part of the protection, but if something really happens, then they have nothing to do.

Ye Xuan had experienced this in his previous life, so he was mentally prepared, and with his strength, even when he first heard the news in his previous life, he was only a little surprised by the difficulties and dangers of the end times, and would not collapse.

But those who felt that they would be completely safe when they were rescued, and those who regarded the army as a life-saving straw, almost immediately exploded in their minds after hearing these words, crying, silent, desperate... The reaction to discovering that the end of the world is coming is nothing but the same.

There are also some who want to take the opportunity to make trouble, or cry out that they want to go back. After the army said that they would not force the residents to leave, but the opportunity was only once, they would go to the safe area or anywhere without following, and the crowd made trouble. also ceased.

After all, these people are just as powerful in their mouths, and there are really few who have the courage to fight against the police with guns.

In this way, several military trucks drove out of the temporary assembly point with a mighty convoy. After meeting with the teams going to other districts on the main road out of the city, the road to the safe area was officially started.

Both Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze can drive, but Ye Xuan is more skilled at driving and is familiar with this car. When the two of them go out together, Ye Xuan drives the car, and this time was no exception.

Ling Jiaze sat in the co-pilot, looked at the endless convoy, and said, "This is probably the survivor of the entire city c, right?"

"There should be some who left early, or who are unwilling to go to the safe area, but most of the people here should be right."

"I remember when I first came to City C, my first impression of the place was that there were too many people and cars, and there would be long traffic jams wherever I went. I didn't expect to see this kind of team again now, but they are already the owners of this city. ."

In addition to the people who became zombies, people who had accidents when the end of the world came, people who fed zombies without reacting, people who died while collecting supplies, people who accidentally broke out of the virus...

In the last days, too many people died due to various reasons, and it was really cruel that the last city with a large number of people could be condensed into a convoy.

Ye Xuan also had mixed feelings when he saw this team. He was silent for a while and said, "The disaster will always pass."

"Well, it will always pass."

Because only a part of the road has been cleared, and the soldiers of the army will stop to collect supplies every time they go to a gas station or an empty shop, even if they leave the city, the speed of the convoy is still very slow.

Several cars without oil tried to refuel, but they were stopped by the army. After the name and car number were recorded, they received a fixed amount of oil. No way, things like diesel and gasoline that can be bought with money before the apocalypse have become non-renewable consumables, and the army naturally cannot let these people waste them recklessly.

Most people know this truth, and it's not that the army doesn't give oil at all, but few people make trouble because of this.

Ye Xuan collected a lot of oil, and did not go to the long queue to join in the fun.

Because there was too much time to gather residents today, the army did not directly take the team back to the safe area, but chose to find a deserted village to rest, so as to avoid the inconvenience of driving in the middle of the night and the inconvenience of registering at the base in the middle of the night.

This village is not small, but there are more survivors, the army