I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 38: on the road (2)

When the apocalypse came, the heavy snow brought the whole world into a cold winter. Ling Jiaze originally thought that the post-apocalyptic city of C was already cold enough, until after more than half a month's journey, he crossed the north-south dividing line and saw the north. The biting cold wind made him realize that he had underestimated the cold winter after the end of the world.

After changing seats with Ye Xuan, Ling Jiaze sat in the co-pilot, adjusted the seat, pulled the blanket on the back seat, wrapped himself up, and said, "It's too cold today, I feel like I got off the car for a few seconds. The whole person has been blown through. Before the end of the world, it was cold in the north, but I didn't expect this to change after the end of the world."

Ye Xuan spent most of the last ten years in the north in his last life, and he was used to the cold wind in the six months of each year. In addition, his ability Ling Jiaze was one rank higher, so he didn't feel too cold. There are many cars buried in snow on the left and right sections of the road. With these colors to relieve Ye Xuan, he doesn't have to worry about the problem of snow blindness. He took out the prepared hot soup from the space and said, "I'll drive today, you can eat something to warm up first."

Ling Jiaze took the heat preservation bucket and said, "It's easy to get cold hands after driving for a long time. I'll change it with you later."

"Ordinary people are more afraid of the cold than those with abilities, and those with low-level abilities are more afraid of the cold than those with high-level abilities. During this time, I'll drive first, and I'll change it for you when your abilities are upgraded."

"Don't, it's too tiring to drive continuously. I just don't get used to it when I suddenly come here. It'll be fine after a while." He himself is a relatively cold-resistant ability user, and there is an air conditioner in the car, so it's good to adapt to it for a while , Where did you get to such a squeamish level?

Afraid that Ye Xuan would not agree, Ling Jiaze took the initiative to change the subject and said, "I awakened my abilities a while later than you, but not too late. Why haven't I been upgraded for so long?"

"I had a vague feeling in the few days before the upgrade, that I had reached the critical point, and I would break through with the ability again. This feeling is very mysterious, and I can't tell what's going on. You two How do you feel when you practice supernatural powers?"

"I feel that the speed of absorbing crystal cores seems to be slowing down, but I'm not sure if it's because of half-heartedness in the past two days. But I don't have the feeling of hitting a critical point as you said. Still fairly certain.”

"The speed of absorbing the crystal nucleus has slowed down..."

Of the two of them, because only he can purify the crystal core, he keeps the crystal core in his hands. He still knows how many crystal cores Ling Jiaze consumes a day. But because he wanted to focus on driving, he didn't pay too much attention to what Ling Jiaze on the co-pilot was doing, and he didn't know how long it would take him to absorb these crystal cores. Hearing him mention it now, Ye Xuan realized that Ling Jiaze had been holding the crystal nucleus for a long time these days.

After knowing this situation, Ye Xuan knew in his heart, "You should be approaching that critical point. Either you will accumulate for a while, or you will encounter an opportunity to break through. Don't be too impatient."

The upgrade of an ability user is not accomplished simply by training abilities and absorbing crystal cores, but somewhat like the description in the immortal novels, after a lot of accumulation, they can use some methods to break through the critical point before they can upgrade. There are many ways to break through. The more common one is to risk absorbing a high-level crystal core or go through a fight to exhaust all the powers in the body. If the talent and luck are good, they will break through after a good night’s sleep. That kind of card can't break through for a long time, it all depends on the individual situation.

Before this breakthrough point occurs, the growth rate of the ability will slow down, so as to prevent the ability user from accumulating too much energy in his body and endangering himself.

Because this kind of situation mostly occurs in high-rank ability users, Ye Xuan didn't realize Ling Jiaze's situation in advance. Now that he is in this situation, either his aptitude is too good, or as Ye Xuan guessed before, he would have to wait until the heavy snow power user in January to break through again. No matter what kind of situation, there is his wood-type abnormality. There is no need to worry too much about capable people.

"That's good." Ye Xuan has experience in breakthroughs. Hearing him say that, Ling Jiaze is not too worried. He took out a crystal nucleus from his pocket and asked, "Then I will absorb the crystal nucleus?"

"Well, it's better to absorb it as before, and don't worry if the speed is slow."

"Don't worry, I'm not someone who can't bear my temper."

At four or five o'clock, because there was no place to rest within the first tens of kilometers, Ye Xuan adjusted his route. Instead of continuing to take the high speed, he took an exit and chose a country road that could pass through a village in one day, so that Find a place to rest at night.

Xu Shi was lucky today. They didn't encounter any natural disasters on the way, and they successfully saw the village from a distance before night fell.

"There seems to be a lot of people coming and going in this village."

After driving in the snow for so long, Ling Jiaze has fully mastered how to distinguish the situation from the driving situation and the ruts. There was only a thin layer of snow on the main road into the village, and the car basically did not slip when it was pushed up. It is estimated that the new snow fell shortly after the original snow was cleared, and it had not yet formed a layer of snow that blocked the vehicle.

After the end of the world, the temperature is low and snow is not easy to clean. If there are few people in the village, or if they have left long ago, there will not be such a convenient road.

"People in the village have the habit of hoarding food. If the outbreak of zombies in the last days is not serious, they are very likely to choose to stay in the village. Even if there are few people in the village, there is no place to stay for dozens of miles nearby. There are a lot of passing vehicles here, and it is normal to have such a road." Ye Xuan drove along the cleared road for a while, and saw a house with lights on and stopped the car and said, "I'll go in and ask. Message, wait for me in the cab, don't turn off the engine."

Although there is no evidence that this is a black village, it is better to be vigilant.

After Ling Jiaze was in the driver's seat, Ye Xuan knocked on the door of the house and said loudly, "Anyone? We passed this village and wanted to know the situation."

"Come here!" Ye Xuan vaguely heard someone answering inside, and soon a middle-aged man shouted to him through the big iron gate: "This area is populated by our own villagers. If you live for one night, you can live in the empty houses at the head of the village, and if you lack anything in the house, you can exchange it for us with food."

When Ye Xuan came in just now, he noticed that the houses at the front of the village were all empty, but he didn't know if the owner was dead or if he felt that it was unsafe to leave the village entrance, so he didn't go in directly, so as not to violate the taboos of the locals. Oh no. Now I heard from the villagers that there was no objection to letting them live in that area, so I thanked them and went back to the car.

Ling Jiaze also heard the conversation between the two and said, "The people in the village can live here for so long. It is estimated that the zombies in the village have been cleaned up long ago. It is not unsafe for us to live at the entrance of the village."

He also has no dissatisfaction with living in a relatively dangerous village. These outsiders are not qualified to ask too much. Along the way, he and Ye Xuan spent the night directly in the car or at the gas station. Now it is a better situation to have a shelter from the wind and rain.

The two of them picked a small but relatively clean house that was not damaged much by the snow and drove the car into the yard. Then Ye Xuan took out the lock from the space and locked the big iron door. A line of defense.

Most of the furniture in the house was removed, and only some useless and cumbersome electrical appliances were left, and a few heavy wooden furniture was left, which saved the two of them the effort of changing their own things.

The kitchen of this house has not been used for several months. A thick layer of ash has accumulated on the stove. It takes time to clean up. Ye Xuan still chose to take out the induction cooker from the space to make dinner.

When Ye Xuan was cooking, Ling Jiaze first placed the furniture he took out of the space, then went to a few bedrooms for a walk, and when he came back, he said to Ye Xuan secretly happily: "I just took a look, this place The three bedrooms and the master bedroom have no problem with normal occupancy; the window of the guest bedroom is broken, and all the wind and snow blowing in the window must be unusable; the other small bedroom has a good window, but it does not face the sun. The child was also soaked by the snow, and it was damp and cold."

Ye Xuan, who was busy cooking, didn't notice his little mood, and replied casually, "Then we will live in the master bedroom at night. I'll go in and put your bed in a moment."

Ye Xuan put the lid on the pot, turned down the power of the induction cooker, pushed the electric heater that he had taken out before, and followed Ling Jiaze into the master bedroom, and skillfully replaced the dusty wooden bed in the room with the big double in his space The bed, and habitually took out the battery to power the electric heater to ensure that Ling Jiaze would not be too cold when cleaning the bed.

When he returned to the living room and sat in front of the induction cooker, he suddenly realized that something was not right when he looked at the living room with a large area.

Ye Xuan, who has shared the bed with Ling Jiaze many times for more than half a month because of environmental restrictions: The other two bedrooms cannot be occupied, isn't there a living room?

This is not the more sophisticated pre-apocalyptic world. There is no difference between the living room and the bedroom. Now that the living room is warmer because of cooking and eating later, he can take out another bed and sleep here directly. Why should he squeeze a bed with Ling Jiaze in the master bedroom?

One has a good rest in the bedroom, and the other sleeps in the living room for a night while keeping watch, isn't it just right?

After asking himself these three questions in his heart, Ye Xuan was going to go to the master bedroom to tell Ling Jiaze about his new decision, but when he turned his head, he inadvertently saw the small smile on his lips, and sat down unconsciously. go back.

Forget it, there are vines to do the vigil, so he should rest in the master bedroom!

Anyway... this is not the first time sharing a bed...

They don't cover the same quilt, do they?


Before going to bed is one person with a quilt, what about when you wake up? Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: 1 small animal of Fengji;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

2 bottles of Jiacao;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!