I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 52: Breakout (top)

Ye Xuan didn't know how Shen Ping negotiated with the others, not only the soldiers on the fourth floor who were planning to attack outside decided to join them, but even the few superpowers on the fifth floor who were living and waiting to die decided to join them .

In the evening, after discussing for a long time, they finally settled on a final plan - Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze were responsible for solving the zombies in the warehouse, leaving two people on each of the third, fourth and fifth floors to help them defend against possible existences. After a wave of support, the remaining people are responsible for attracting the attention of the zombies, and then come back to block the remaining zombies. After Ye Xuan and the others have killed the zombies, they will decide whether to leave immediately or enter the warehouse to get the supplies.

After talking about the plan, Shen Ping added: "The request to take the materials in the warehouse was put forward by Wei Hongxin. He said that he was worried that the people who stayed would not steal the materials and insisted on staying in the building to guard. This boy He is spoiled and has no points in his heart, if he disagrees with you tomorrow, you don't need to worry about him."


Ye Xuan knew that Shen Ping said this, just to let them not have to worry about Wei Hongxin's death.

As for who left and who stayed, Ye Xuan didn't really care. He believed that Shen Ping could arrange it properly so that the people who stayed would be the first line of defense, and those who left would not choose to leave directly.

If something really happened, and he and Ling Jiaze were left behind, Ye Xuan would be sure to find a safe place to stay with Ling Jiaze for a few months until they were able to fight out.

After sending Shen Ping away, Ye Xuan drew a few strokes on the map and warehouse floor plan sent by Shen Ping, and asked, "Do you remember how we dealt with that mental zombie last time?"

"Did you mean to solve it with vines from a distance?"

"Although the mental zombies can't kill me with one hit, but when I fight with other zombies, I will be attacked by it. If I am stunned for a few seconds, I will be easily injured, so I plan to rely on long-range attacks to solve the problem. It." After marking a stroke on the map, Ye Xuan said, "I've probably calculated it. This distance is enough for me to control the vine without being too affected by it. We will do it here when the time comes."

Ling Jiaze looked at the place surrounded by Ye Xuan. It was on the street with a shop behind him that could be used as a retreat, rather than in a building that was easier to defend. It was obviously not a safe place.

As if seeing his doubts, Ye Xuan pointed to the first floor plan of the warehouse, and said helplessly: "Not like the open-air environment last time, this time the warehouse only has an entrance like the gate, and there are several rooms inside. It’s easier for me to check the situation inside on the street, if I enter the building, it’s easy to encounter blind spots, and then I can’t rely on the vines to explore, right?”

Ling Jiaze said firmly: "Go and deal with the one in the spiritual department, and I will help you stop the remaining four zombies."

"Well, my life is in your hands."

The next morning, the sky that had been clear for several days was once again covered with cloudy clouds, and the low air pressure made everyone who was preparing for the action feel a little uncomfortable. More than 40 people still acted according to the agreement.

After Shen Ping took the people away, Ye Xuan said to Wang Xin, who stayed behind: "You drive all the cars on the street to the intersection, and try to find heavy objects to form a defense line. After we start, it is estimated that there will be zombies coming soon. ."

Wei Hongxin objected: "Wait a minute, don't we lock ourselves up with the zombies in the warehouse?"

"With all due respect, you are now locked up with the zombies on this street, and it was the zombies who came to be locked up." Ye Xuan stabbed him and turned to Wang Xin and said, "Is it alright?"

"No problem, the boss said, we will follow your orders before he comes back."

"Okay, then you all get ready, I'm going to do something to the zombies in the warehouse."

After blocking the road as Ye Xuan said, Wang Xin took out his gun from the space to prepare for battle, then turned to look at Ye Xuan who was standing on the street, and signaled to him that his side was ready.

Then he saw an unforgettable scene...

Ye Xuan held a purified crystal nucleus in his right hand, and raised his left hand to his chest to release the vines, and then the ability frantically poured into the vines in his left hand without consuming energy. It took only a few breaths. The gray and white eyes were replaced by the vibrant green, as if to bring people from this depressing and dilapidated street to the lush virgin forest at this moment.

The six people headed by Wang Xin stared blankly at the green color that originated from Ye Xuan's palm and was still spreading. Even Wei Hongxin, who didn't deal with Ye Xuan very much, was a little stunned to think that since the end of the world, he has Haven't seen such vibrant colors in a long time...

Being in such green, it seems that breathing becomes much easier

Ye Xuan, who caused this spectacle, was not distracted to pay attention to the thoughts of the people present. After he covered the warehouse with a large vine, he gestured to Ling Jiaze, and then opened the door with the vine.

Unlike yesterday's inaction of the zombies, because today was the vine he personally controlled, the energy fluctuations of the power user alerted the zombies inside before opening the door. Now, as soon as the door opened, a very compact water polo the size of a basketball flew straight towards him.

Ye Xuan acted decisively and broke the water polo in mid-air with the vines covering the warehouse, and the water droplets that turned into star points splashed out, successfully defuse the first attack of the zombies.

With his right hand, he began to absorb crystal cores to replenish the abilities he had consumed. With his left hand, he controlled a few vines into the warehouse to search, and said to Ling Jiaze, "They are coming."

Ling Jiaze stood diagonally in front of him, blocking Ye Xuan's line of sight as much as possible between him and the warehouse door.

A few seconds later, another highly concentrated water polo flew out from the warehouse door, and a small but extremely lethal ice blade followed behind it. Ye Xuan flew over.

As an ice-type power user, Ling Jiaze not only uses ice blades to attack, but also has a lot of experience in how to flexibly use his powers to defend.

He didn't let the two attacks approach him, but used his supernatural powers to condense an A5 paper-sized ice cube with a thickness of one finger left and right, facing the water polo flying in front of him.

After a "touch" sound, the water polo exploded in mid-air, but it did not disperse completely. Instead, it was condensed on the ice due to the low temperature outside and the cold ice it had come into contact with, becoming a prop for intercepting the ice blade.

After the ice blade made of zombies plunged into the newly formed ice block, it had lost its momentum to move forward, and it fell to the ground together with the ice block, forming a strange ice sculpture with the ice blade inserted in the center of the spray.

Missing two hits, the water zombie walked out of the protective cover of the warehouse as if provoked. Standing in front of the door of the warehouse, he quickly condensed a water ball and threw it towards the two of them.

Ye Xuan had the intention to use the vines to remotely kill the water zombie, but because he had to use the vines to search for the mental zombie in the warehouse with complex spatial structure, he couldn't tell the difference to attack. Defuse the water ball's attack.

One person and one zombie just came and went in a stalemate among the vines in the sky.

Taking advantage of the vision provided by the wide open warehouse door, Ye Xuan ignored the ice-type zombies' constant movement of slashing at the vines with ice blades, and used the vines to open doors in the warehouse...


Obviously no one made a sound, but after Ye Xuan opened a gray door, he heard a harsh scream in his mind, causing him to have a splitting headache, as if someone had stabbed a needle in the back of his mind. Like a needle, he couldn't help exclaiming.

"Ye Xuan!"

"I'm fine!" After recovering the energy, Ye Xuan suppressed the sweetness in his throat, took two steps to the other side, and changed to a better perspective to continue manipulating the vines to search for the mental zombie, while saying : "I found it just now, but I didn't catch it, pay attention, their attack is likely to increase!"

As soon as Ye Zixuan spoke, he noticed that a dark shadow flashed in the shadow of the warehouse. He was busy using vines to wrap around the shadow, but because the other party moved too fast, he had not recovered from the sequelae of the mental attack. , I can only watch the black shadow flash past the vines and appear outside the warehouse in the next second.

A few seconds later, the ice-type zombie who had been fighting against Ye Xuan's vines also appeared outside the warehouse, standing with the water-type zombies that had come out long ago. Three zombies stood together with three pairs of pure black eyes. Looking at Ye Xuan, who was constantly releasing vines from his palm, it was obviously coming towards him.

Because he had to support the consumption of manipulating a large number of vines at the same time, and also prevent the attack of the mental zombie, Ye Xuan couldn't tell the mind to deal with these three zombies, and it was difficult to even avoid their attacks with large movements. I can only remind Ling Jiaze: "The black T-shirt has the speed ability, and the remaining two, one ice and one water, will attack together."

Ling Jiaze held the Tang knife in his right hand, and an ice blade condensed in his left hand, saying, "I won't let them hurt you."

"Ye Xuan, we have zombies here!"

"We're here too!"

Just as Ye Xuan was about to say something to Ling Jiaze, he heard calls from both sides of the street from a distance. At the moment when they met, this spiritual zombie not only attacked him, but also summoned zombies to besiege them. .


At the same time, Ye Xuan saw from a distance that Wang Xin released a flare to signal Shen Ping on the other side to bring someone back. He suddenly realized in his heart that it was time to decide success or failure.