I Don’t Want To Be Reborn

Chapter 74: chocolate

As Ye Xuan said, supernatural powers cannot change a person's nature.

After simply having dinner, after he once again showed his intention to see off guests, Sun Wei made the choice to go home.

Neither Ye Xuan nor Ling Jiaze interfered with his decision. The two of them only found warm clothes for him, and two more reliable soldiers to help send him back, so they didn't care about him. matter.

Fortunately, with such a precedent of being sent home completely, Ye Xuan did not receive any special "gifts" in the following days, and successfully completed the purification of one thousand crystal cores. The transaction has successfully earned a lot of money.

On the eve of his departure, Shen Ping opened a small kitchen for the two non-staff members, Ye Xuanling and Jiaze, after holding a meeting with the person in charge of each car, and carefully drew them a rough roadmap. Ye Xuan noticed that although their destination was called the northwest, it was actually a little further south than the latitude of city b, so in fact the direction along the way was towards the southwest.

He didn't run to the northwest base, and he was not very familiar with the map here, so he listened carefully to Shen Ping's explanation of the arrangement.

Shen Ping took out a more detailed map and said while drawing: "We go out from the south gate of the base, and after driving for 20 kilometers, it will be the A5 National Road before the end of the world. The base of this road has been cleaned up long ago, although I can't run at the speed before the end of the world, but it's still no problem at 50 kilometers per hour."

Before the end of the world, the speed of fifty per hour could not even reach the minimum speed limit of high-speed, but now it has become an unattainable speed, which has to make people feel a little ironic.

"This is our first day's travel route." Shen Ping put down the pencil after drawing a long road and said to the two of them, "It's not the same as driving a big truck in the snow last time, trying to keep the speed very slow. In the same way, we will move very fast this time, and in order to avoid many people attracting zombies, we will not stop and rest easily, you must be mentally prepared."

The smell and sound of humans are attractive to zombies. Hundreds of people in their group gather together, and it is easy to attract nearby zombies. Therefore, there are no special circumstances, and there will be no parking in the middle of the rest time.

Ye Xuan's previous life is also the rule for missions with people in the base. He nodded to show that he understood.

Shen Ping said worriedly: "If you two can't stand it, tell me in advance, I'll find someone to put the car in the space, and then you can stay in the big car or come over to help you drive."

To ask him to say that the best solution to this matter is that the two of them don't drive, and directly ride the big truck with the rest of the army. Although there are a lot more people, it can save a lot of effort.

But the two of them said they wanted to drive with the team by themselves, and felt more comfortable that way. Shen Ping couldn't force anything, he could only follow their wishes.

"Second Uncle Shen, don't worry, if we can't persist, the two of us won't force it."

Ye Xuan knew that Shen Ping was well-intentioned, but he had the secret of space. Although driving alone with Ling Jiaze was a bit tiring, he could take out whatever he wanted to eat, whatever he wanted to use, and if he wanted to say something private, he didn't need to be afraid of anyone. Sounds like a lot more comfortable than being with other people in a big calorie.

"Okay, have a good rest, and gather downstairs at six o'clock tomorrow morning, don't be late."



Xu Shitian is beautiful. Shen Ping, who has been stuck at the first-order peak for a long time, passed the first breakthrough level without hindrance on the eve of his departure, and became a freshly-baked second-order power user. For them this time The long journey adds a strength guarantee.

Because the team was still making the last confirmation before the departure, Ling Jiaze, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked around boredly, just in time to see Ye Xuan in the co-pilot taking out a green wood-based crystal nucleus, and his tone was inexplicable. He said, "Is this the one that Zhang Shaoqi asked Li Rong to bring to you early in the morning?"

At 5:40 this morning, Ye Xuan and Ling Jiaze were about to go downstairs to gather. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Li Rong waiting outside, which shocked them.

After asking, I found out that this kid was urged by his cousin to go out at five o'clock today, just to give Ye Xuan a wood-type crystal core he happened to get yesterday before they set off.

I don't know if it's because the wood-type abilities and zombies are a bit mutually exclusive. In the previous transaction, Ye Xuan got two wood-type crystal nuclei from Zhang Shaoqi, and all other forces gave him ice-type crystal nuclei. . He originally thought that it would take a lot of work to find the wood-type crystal core, but Zhang Shaoqi found another one for him.

Ye Xuan hesitated for a long time, but chose to accept this gift from Zhang Shaoqi.

Now he was playing with this parting gift in his hand.

After Ye Xuan answered the question honestly, Ling Jiaze's expression became even more wrong. His heart was a little blocked, and he said in a muffled voice, "It seems that the two of you have a good relationship? I have given you such an expensive gift."

"He can't use the wood-type crystal core, isn't it good to use it as a favor? I didn't accept his gift in vain, didn't I ask Li Rong to bring him back two purified fire-type crystal cores as a gift in return? ?"

Ling Jiaze responded calmly, "Oh."

Ye Xuan keenly felt something strange, and said quite eager to survive: "Zhang Shaoqi has ambition and strength, and he will definitely occupy a place in B city in time. I called him when I was doing a deal with him before. Zhe, did him a favor, and he did me a favor by reciprocating, and everyone has a good relationship in the future."

Both he and Zhang Shaoqi are speculators who are more rational than emotional. He helped Zhang Shaoqi not only because the two had friendship in their previous lives, but also because this person could succeed in the future. After all, for such a long life, no one knows whether he will come to B city for some reason in the future. It will always be more convenient to have an old friend who has the final say in B city. And Zhang Shaoqi sent him the crystal nucleus to maintain this interest relationship, and both of them had the same abacus.

When Ye Xuan said this, Ling Jiaze knew that he was thinking wrong. He turned his face in embarrassment and said in a low voice, "I was thinking wrong."

"I didn't make it clear to you before." Ye Xuan took out a box of chocolates from the space, picked one and put it in Ling Jiaze's mouth, "Apologize gift, is it sweet?"

After asking, he took it up and ate one by himself, and asked himself, "It seems to be quite sweet."

This is the handmade chocolate that he put into the space at an unknown time, and the specific brand has been forgotten by him. He only remembers that it seems to be a very high-end chocolate store. Because he went early, the chocolate was not affected by the poor preservation of the post-apocalypse, and he was placed in a static space, which was better preserved, and the taste was not inferior to that before the apocalypse.

At this time, Ling Jiaze didn't feel that the handmade chocolates in his mouth were made of high-end materials and finely crafted. All his attention was drawn to Ye Xuan's behavior of accidentally touching his lips with his fingers when feeding him chocolate.

The chocolate slowly melted in his mouth, and the taste was delicate and sweet. It also had a unique aroma of chocolate. Coupled with the touch and temperature remaining on his lips, he succeeded in making him lose his mind.

As if he was bewitched, he slowly raised his right hand and used his index finger to cover the lips that Ye Xuan had just touched, which just happened to overlap the place he touched. He rubbed it lightly, and before his drowsy brain could respond, Ye Xuan on the right held his wrist with one hand and his neck with the other.

There is a car armrest box between the two people, and if they are not careful, they will be blocked by it, and their movements are very restricted. Even so, the two still threw themselves into the kiss.

A sweet, chocolatey kiss.

"Woo-" After hearing the whistle of a car in the distance, Ling Jiaze's mushy brain finally recovered from his kiss, and struggled from his arms.

Ye Xuan came back to his senses after being pushed by him, let go of his hand and opened the distance between the two a little, then smiled and said, "It's really sweet."

When he saw Ling Jiaze touching his lips just now, he was sure that the warmth he felt when feeding him the chocolate was not an illusion. He touched it twice, and this ignited his sanity, which made his body faster than his spirit to kiss him in semi-public.

Although kissing is not the same as usual, but it seems that this kind of behavior that is completely controlled by the body's instinct is not bad?

"You—" The temperature on Ling Jiaze's face that had just been teased by his words rose again. He glared at Ye Xuan and told him to shut up, but he didn't know that the corners of his eyes were now red and there was a sullen look in them. Layers of Shuiguang's stare not only did not have any deterrent effect, but also made Ye Xuan's heart itch.

Fortunately, Ye Xuan still knew where he was now, so he didn't have another impulse.

He and Ling Jiaze distanced themselves and sat back in the passenger seat, and opened the window a little, letting the cold wind blow away the thought in his mind before he said in a hoarse voice, "I heard the horn blaring, It is estimated that the first car will leave in a few minutes. Don't worry, I won't bother you anymore."

The sound of the car starting came from both sides one after another. Ling Jiaze couldn't take care of distinguishing between Ye Xuan, so he hurriedly hung up and kept up with the car that had just started in front.

Ten minutes later, a convoy consisting of a dozen large trucks and several off-road vehicles slowly drove out of the gate of the city b base, and soon disappeared into the vast snow field.

After the convoy set off smoothly and the speed stabilized, Ling Jiaze changed to a more comfortable sitting position to drive. He operated the steering wheel with one hand, and took a piece of chocolate in the other hand and slowly ate it and said to Ye Xuan, "Senior, if it weren't for your face, just what you said just now, I must think you are Playing hooligans."

Ye Xuan, who was accused of being a hooligan, smiled nonchalantly and said: "You are wrong, you should be, if I am not your boyfriend, I am playing a hooligan. As for your compliment to my face, I deserve it ."

Ling Jiaze: Ianfine.


Eat a chocolate and get locked...

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-06 15:00:37~2019-12-07 14:59:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: AdaC1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!