I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 1002: alienation

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I eat monsters in the town of monsters Chapter 1002 Divided

"Why are you from the Black Lotus Sect?"

In an illusion formation in the mountains and forests, the monk Ma, who was ambush here, couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the black lotus flower hovering in the night sky, trying to trace their breath.

"Nothing surprising."

Qin Shaoyou, who was also in ambush here, after thinking for a while, wanted to understand the whole story, and whispered: "The demon of the Black Lotus Sect originally followed the path of murder and cultivation, and it is not surprising that he recruited ghosts and rampages. You forgot. The so-called Buddhist kingdoms established by their Buddhas and Bodhisattvas should not have too many ghosts rampant."

Qin Qiao'er nodded in agreement and said, "That's true. I just didn't expect that the people of the Black Lotus Sect would send rampant troops to help the Old Qingtang King search for Haibulu. It seems that the old Qingtang King's investigation against them has not yet aroused their concern. vigilance."

"Maybe they noticed it, but they didn't care." Qin Shaoyou raised his brows thoughtfully.

"Then are we still going?"

Zhu Xiucai, who was also lying in the grass, kept his eyes fixed on the black lotus flower released by the Black Lotus Sect demon, until he was sure that it could not find the hidden breath of these people, he was relieved and turned around and asked.

"Of course we have to do it. The game we set up tonight is not only for the wizards and wild gods in Qingtang, but also for these cult members."

Qin Shaoyou's face became solemn, and he ordered: "Inform everyone, activate the trap, and prepare for battle!"


Zhu Xiucai replied in a low voice, imitating the call of an owl to notify the brothers who were ambushed in several other magic circles.

Monk Ma wanted to start a trap and surprise this group of Black Lotus Sect demons.

But at this moment, Qin Shaoyou's ears moved again, and he hurriedly reached out to stop them.

"Wait, someone else is here."

At the same time, the demons from the Black Lotus Sect gathered beside the incense ash road, failed to trace the breath of Qin Shaoyou and the others through the incense ash and the soul-calling banner. Instead, they sensed the movement of someone coming, and they were also talking in a low voice:

"someone is coming."

"Who is it? Who set up this spirit formation and robbed us of the rampant soldiers?"

"I don't know, but the strength of the incoming person is not weak, we have to deal with it carefully!"

While speaking, several Black Lotus Sect demons took out their weapons and magic weapons, and assumed a fighting stance.

A sudden gust of overcast wind appeared out of thin air in the Wild Burial Valley, and blew over quickly, not only blowing away the incense ash, but also directly raising the soul-calling flag that was inserted on the ground.

Several Hei Lian sect demons found that this yin wind is like a knife, which can hurt people's flesh and destroy people's yang energy, and they all encouraged the evil spirits to resist, and at the same time asked: "Who? Dare to show up to meet us?"

"How dare you not?"

With a sharp and strange laughter, three figures appeared in the woods.

They wore black cloaks and covered their bodies under the cloaks, only showing a head, but their faces were hideous, like ghosts and not people.

"It's the wild **** beside the old Qingtang King."

Qin Shaoyou, who was in ambush, recognized their identities through the breath of these wild gods.

Zhu Xiucai whispered: "The people on both sides came at the same time... Sir, what should we do?"

Qin Qiao'er said: "It's a good thing that they come at the same time, just to provoke them to fight and expand the existing contradiction."

"Sixth sister is right, I think so too." Qin Shaoyou nodded in response, and then explained the plan to everyone.

Qin Shaoyou's judgment was right, these three cloaked guests were the wild gods beside the old Qingtang King.

They were originally under the order of the old Qingtang King, and sent their own ghosts and rampages to assist in the search for Haibulu's whereabouts.

As a result, after the ghosts and rampant soldiers were sent out, no news came back for a long time.

Even if they did the call, they didn't respond.

So they chased out, wanting to see what happened to their ghosts and rampant soldiers. As a result, when I checked the vicinity of the Wild Burial Valley, I found that the aura here was not right, and there were signs of evocation, so I tracked it all the way, and happened to see these demons of the Black Lotus Sect doing it.

The incense Huangquan Road, the spirits and guide flags, plus the people who did it, made the wild gods who came to find their ghosts and rampant soldiers, before they were provoked by Qin Shaoyou and others, they determined that it was this group of black lotus sect demons. Killed his own ghosts, rampant soldiers.

"I thought it was someone who was so bold and dared to break ground on my Tai Sui head. It turned out to be you fake monks."

A wild **** with a full body and skin like bark, said coldly.

On his head, there were four pairs of eyes, and at this moment, he was staring at the group of Black Lotus Sect demons with malicious eyes.